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NieceyRosa - all messages by user

5/6/2019 12:33:16 PM
trees spiral up trees spiral up
towards the starry night.

a village sleeps.
5/6/2019 12:41:41 PM
A New Beginning I am an emerging poet. I'm just starting out. Although my poetry was published in The Awakenings Review, I still have a lot to learn. I love short form poetry. I want to learn more about haiku, haibun, tanka, and sonnets. I am approaching poetry as my career path, and would appreciate any advice you can offer. I utilize poetry as a means to cope with my mental illness. Writing has really saved my life (on more than one occasion). I look forward to meeting all of you, and I am happy to join this vibrant community.
5/6/2019 12:55:23 PM
That of Mine Okay, I thought this was an intriguing poem.
I liked how you utilized alliteration in the second line.

The internal rhyme in line seven was a nice touch.

You had vivid visual imagery in this piece.

I especially enjoyed the beginning lines.

However, I was quite confused about the overall theme of the poem.

Is this a love poem? Or is it about writing?

I guess the lack of punctuation made it difficult for me to comprehend your piece.

I mean no disrespect. I actually would like to know more about what inspired you.

It was a very creative piece. Keep writing; you have a lot of potential.
5/6/2019 1:07:21 PM
Poet Lore Literary Journal Thank you Richard for providing this information. I'm a beginning poet, and I had never heard of the Poet Lore Literary Journal. This was a real treat. Again thank you.
5/6/2019 1:10:13 PM
Great publisher. Get your book in print. Thank you! This information is so awesome!
5/6/2019 1:24:42 PM
Gone drowning in a sea of faces

i am disconnected from all i encounter

gone is the illusion of interdependence.

i am a lone creature

roaming a vast abyss.

there's nothing to console me here.

the black hole of loneliness devours my psyche...

i've been told by dear Donne "no man is an island!"

yet i am psychologically stranded

on an archipelago.

reading the horizon like a new york times bestseller

in hopes of finding a rescue vessel.
5/6/2019 1:33:44 PM
New poem This was a good piece. It made me think of times when I left things unsaid to someone I loved, and how I regretted it. You're right silence can be deafening. Keep up the great work.
5/7/2019 8:32:30 AM
Emerging artist Welcome to Poetry Soup, Nocturne. I hope you enjoy it here. I look forward to reading your work. Have a great day.
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