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Monteith - all messages by user

2/4/2019 7:22:21 PM
Liars Can't Face the Truth She told me of her family
Apparently, her parents were divorced
Her mother had remarried and divorced again
Her father remained alone

She told me her mother had been married once before she met her father
A grand total of three failed marriages
I felt bad for her mother

She then went on to tell me why she hates her mother
She told me every time her mother meets a new man,
She pretends to be happy for a while,
Then it's over

She told me her mother lies to herself and her children suffer because of it
I reminded her that some people just want to be happy,
But don't know what happiness is or how to find it
She told me her mother is a fake
And she hates fake people more than anything in the world

I drove her home
I kissed her
I said goodbye

Three dates later she told me:
"We can't see each other anymore. I'm sorry, I just can't have anyone in my life right now."

I later discovered that she'd found another man

Best of luck to him,
edited by Monteith on 2/4/2019
pages: 1

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