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j l connelly - all messages by user

2/5/2019 8:08:44 AM
Testing the waters... Hello. I have just joined PoetrySoup. I am very interested in any comments about my poems. I always title them "impromptus" because I write them without a lot of editing. Simply on the moment at any given time. I like to see what happens next...
2/6/2019 4:17:51 AM
Seriously... Examine my poems under a microscope.. For some reason when I copy and paste a poem to this section they always appear as one single line often without spaces between. Perhaps it is due to the fact that I rarely use punctuation. I would appreciate if you could go to one of my poems and harshly critique it; or advise me on how to import a poem to this page. Much thanks-j l connelly
2/6/2019 4:20:17 AM
Seriously... Examine my poems under a microscope.. I am not very computer savvy. I'm not sure how to properly post a poem???
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