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susanmaree - all messages by user

1/16/2019 3:49:17 PM
The Belly of Being Levi, this sounds like a plan, also a list poem. But I'm not sure. I like the flow and the positive attitude the whole poem exudes.
1/22/2019 4:35:10 PM
Please Critique my poem. Here and Now

In a drop of water

a universe.

In a peony

poetic verse.

In a child’s face

sweet purity.

In just one moment

edited by susanmaree on 1/22/2019
1/23/2019 12:45:05 PM
Instructions Please I am having a hard time trying to post in High Critique and the Poetry Contests. Would someone please give me instructions or tell me where to find them. Thanks so much. Susan
1/27/2019 10:00:56 PM
Contests, and Introduction Hi all. I am rather new and still learning the ropes. Still have not figured out how to post a poem for high critique. Maybe this is the place. Maybe there are instructions somewhere and I just have not found them yet.

While I'm here I will introduce myself. I am almost 70 and disabled. I live with my youngest daughter and her 3 teens by Lake Erie. We just bought t his house in September and I am still getting use to the city. I am a country girl at heart.

My husband and I raised 8 kids together, his 4 and my 4. We were married for 25 years. He passed away 7 years ago from Agent Orange related lung cancer. He served in the Army during the Vietnam War. I miss him every day. Then in 2017, I lost my son (the oldest). He had a massive coronary and was only 49. I have 3 beautiful daughters, 11 grand children, and 5 great grand children. They are my joy.

I look forward to meeting some of you and reading your poetry.

Hugs & Blessings
Susan Maree
edited by susanmaree on 1/27/2019
pages: 1

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