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New to PoetrySoup? Introduce yourself here. Tell us something about yourself.
9/13/2023 6:10:29 PM

Susan Manley
Posts: 3
Howdy all!

I am new here and was recommended to come here by my friend Jeanine DeJesus who writes here often. I have been writing poetry since the mid 80s off and on and so I have compiled a bunch of work over the years.

I originally started writing poetry while corresponding with my friend Richard Terril the the Silicon Valley founder of with whom I became close friends with. Richard is the only person I have ever known that can compose poetry on the fly on any subject and recite it to you. He is clearly a wild mage on the subject. And so I originally started writing to impress him.

Over the years its taken on a much deeper meaning for me and in recent times I have even written song lyrics. I don't pay much attention to the rules, so if you are a stickler for that, apologies... my poems write themselves and their style.

Then again,I did not study poetry and this is the first time I have interacted in a forum about it.

I am enjoying reading what everyone writes and the back history of the various types of poetry.

I had no idea of all of the intricasies.

I look forward to talking about it. - Susan AKA Artimus
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9/14/2023 6:03:06 PM

Kristin Birchfield
Posts: 1
Hi Susan , I am also new here. I totally get when you say your poems write themselves , and you don’t pay much attention to the rules, lol I start seeing can’t do this, do that, gotta be 5 lines,6 syllables ,… and I’m like,,NEXT,LOL ..I just write from the heart.everything else seems tedious,…welcome fellow rule breaker,lol
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