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6/12/2023 9:03:39 AM

Shane Thacker
Posts: 1
Hello, everyone. I'm Shane. I've been a member for a little over a year now but I've ran into a problem that I haven't been able to get a clear resolution on.

When entering a poem into a contest, many contests creators will require you to add the date, possibly the name of the Contest or the name of the creator of the Contest, and sometimes other related information - I understand this. However, you cannot have these things on the poem when you are submitting that poem to the Anthology. I've asked PoetrySoup for help on how to get around this and they informed me that Contest creators are not suppose to require this information on poem submissions, but almost all of the contests require this for submission.

My questions are this - First, if this is true then why are we still required to add this information to our poems for contests entries? Secondly, can you not submit a poem to the anthology that has been entered into contests?

Any help regarding this matter will be appreciated. Thanks.
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