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New to PoetrySoup? Introduce yourself here. Tell us something about yourself.
2/20/2023 7:04:59 AM

Anonomus Scorpio
Posts: 1
My pen name is Anonomus Scorpio. I have thoroughly enjoyed this platform as a place to express my feelings while receiving transparent and honest feedback on my poetry. Like some here I have no formal writing experience, save for 11th grade English . I write mainly to express/ex-spell thoughts from my mind. Some of which are light, some are dark but I have found a way to balance them. I spend most of my life on the positive side of the spectrum.

I have been on this earth since a peanut farmer was in charge in the USA. I began to write when I was in my early teens. When my Grandmother presented me with a large blue hardcover book with gold lettering by some guy named Bill.

As you may have guessed I am a Scorpio Sun Sign... Feel free to soup mail me if you want more info on my chart.

When it comes to my writing I struggle with applying correct forms to my work, so constructive suggestions if I have a piece mislabeled are always welcome. I mainly write in Couplets, and Rhymes any other form that happens to fall out of me I assure you is dumb luck LOL.I will leave you with this.

Write like your life depends on it, Read as though you will never see again, Enjoy ever minute of it, Showing the world from your perspective how to begin. Warmly A.S.
edited by scorpioet on 2/20/2023
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2/20/2023 11:17:39 AM

Di11y Da11y
Posts: 17
Poetry can be a really good cathartic process. I have no experience either and sometimes stop enjoying the whole thing when presented with rules that are too picky although I enjoy the more relaxed ones that encourage trying out new styles. Good luck with your writing
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