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For poets who want unrestricted constructive criticism. This is NOT a vanity workshop. If you do not want your poem seriously critiqued, do not post here. Constructive criticism only. PLEASE Only Post One Poem a Day!!!
2/20/2022 11:38:45 PM

Daisy Meadows
Posts: 7
Feedback. Hi I am new to Poetry Soup and would appreciate any feedback on my poems,
Walk among nature
Be kind
Along came a flood

With thanks
Jeanette Brewin
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2/22/2022 11:10:24 AM

Edna Kingsley
Posts: 3
Good luck Jeanette. Been here about a month and I have had less than 10 people give feedback.
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2/23/2022 11:49:59 AM

Joseph Ress
Posts: 1
Please let me know what you think of this poem about gambling:

The dice become unfriendly as I watch my slimming pile.
The seven’s coming up again, but doesn’t make me smile.
I’ve put most of my income on the ‘Don’t Pass’ line, you see
But the shooter was a devil and his points were killing me.
He makes his numbers often, and I’m in such a fright
The guy’s so hot that I believe he’ll hold those dice all night
But I am not a pussycat, I know he soon will lose,
And so, I am persisting, and the ‘Don’t Pass’ line I choose.
I’m following the Martingale, a system meant to win
You just keep doubling bet-wise, even if your pile is thin.
Well, my stake is going fast, but I stick to the system
I bet the last chips in my pile, and for good luck, I kissed ‘em.
So punters all, take note of this, and you will be a winner
Never, never double bets, it makes your pile much thinner.
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2/24/2022 11:27:40 AM

Jack Webster
Posts: 255
Hi Jeanette,

It is unusual for people to give feedback/critique as a response to poems listed on an author’s profile, as not all authors may want feedback, etc...

The custom is to post each poem you are seeking feedback for here in the critique forums. If you’re just looking for comments like “this is good” or “i liked ___” the Be Gentle forum is best. If you are looking for feedback that is more rigorous and points out mistakes, ways to improve, suggestions for different directions to go in, the High Critique forum is best. If you are strongly attached to your poem and see it as part of yourself, the Be Gentle forum is best. If you see your poem as something that exists independently from you, is its own creation, and has its own needs, High Critique may have more to offer.

If you would like critique on your poems, I would be happy to have a look.
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3/15/2022 8:50:44 AM

Daisy Meadows
Posts: 7
Hi, yes I would appreciate any feedback and thanks for having a look at my poems.
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3/19/2022 3:26:49 AM

Jack Webster
Posts: 255
You’ll need to post them here in the critique forums. Do a new post for each poem
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6/17/2024 9:54:50 AM

Posts: 1
edited by oxaevxxx on 6/17/2024
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