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3/8/2017 4:28:49 PM

Gayle Rodd
Posts: 26
I think a toothache has to be one of the most painful things imaginable! I'm a mother of four, so, childbirth aside, toothaches take a close second. There have been times when I was in such excruciating pain from a bad tooth I would gladly trade places with a woman in the delivery room at that second. (Of course, when I was having an actual baby, I'd opt for the toothache.)
What do people that live all over the globe in third world countries or in the deepest jungles of the Amazon or on the dry, uninhabitable plains of Africa DO when they get a toothache? Whenever I see a picture of the bushmen, they're usually smiling...of course they usually have no teeth. All the gels, creams, pastes, swabs and pain relievers in the world won't make a dent when that tooth decides to go full force with its nerve shattering pain.
Imagine being stranded on a desert island. Man, I think the scariest part for me wouldn't be whether or not I forgot to pack my makeup case (although that would be pretty scary), but rather, being stuck on an island with a toothache. Yeah the guy that wrote Castaway really knew how to get the audience to relate first hand with Tom Hanks who suffered mercilessly with a toothache, until he decided to smack it out with a rock and the blade of an ice skate. Those in the dental profession really "have us by the teeth" when it comes to this dilemma. If you're not fortunate enough to have great insurance for preventive care and can only rely on your own brushing and flossing techniques, I venture to say you're going to pay out the nose for your teeth!
I never understood why if I had two cavities, they couldn't be filled at the same time. No. I had to pay for another office call just so they could tell me what I already knew. If they couldn't or wouldn't perform an extraction, the procedure suddenly became "oral surgery", which kicked it up into a totally different category (price included.) Of course, the most painful part of the whole process for me is getting the bill. Now THERE'S some pain!
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