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3/31/2016 11:16:33 AM

Jolene Cheyney
Posts: 66
Wish I could, but strengths elude
What I said funny they thought rude

Airs too thin in high altitude

Might come unglued. Might come unglued
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4/1/2016 8:21:30 PM

Jolene Cheyney
Posts: 66
Could lend His wings to shelter me
Just need to breathe, I would be free
Or let death's freedom come, cuz see
She hides in tree, she hides in tree
edited by Jmc86850 on 4/1/2016
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4/4/2016 12:04:45 AM

Jolene Cheyney
Posts: 66
The ones God loves he does protect
His gift today I won't reject
Sadness and fear it will deflect
I interject! I interject!
edited by Jmc86850 on 4/4/2016
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4/4/2016 12:12:44 AM

Jolene Cheyney
Posts: 66
God sent me a gift today. I was leaving my home to return to my parents home. Not wanting to go. Just as I was getting in the pick up, it started to rain, it stopped almost immediately. But still there was a rainbow. Reminded me of God's promise there would never again be complete destruction. Confided to a good friend. They said God has sent you a kiss told you it's all going to be ok. I believe it.
edited by Jmc86850 on 4/4/2016
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4/22/2016 2:41:46 PM

Jolene Cheyney
Posts: 66
I'm getting older and it stinks
No more hockey or roller rinks

Chains only strong as weakest links

40 no winks! 40 no winks!

Never really spent much time in the rinks, just needed a rhyme.
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4/22/2016 11:46:28 PM

Bob Atkinson
Posts: 295
She swirls the stars and spits the breeze
Sound the charge, celestial armies
Raise her banner o'er land and seas
Did she say please? Did she say please? p { margin-bottom: 0.1in; line-height: 120%; }She swirls THESTARS and spits THEbreeze..............two the'sin one sentence?
Sound THE charge,celestial armies..........................more duhz
Raiseher banner o'er land and SEAS........................"SEAS"- theft, been said before
Did she say please? Did she sayplease?

your got it

your turn
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4/23/2016 7:47:15 AM

Jolene Cheyney
Posts: 66
Mom told me once when I was blue

When a gentleman teases you
One of two things is surely true
He's just jealous, but you'll get through
He's sweet on you, he's sweet on you.

So Bob, which of you?
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4/23/2016 8:19:43 AM

Jolene Cheyney
Posts: 66

For each prayer I say thank you
My faith is challenged, this is true
Study scripture might just renew
God can rescue, God can rescue
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4/23/2016 4:54:09 PM

Jolene Cheyney
Posts: 66
Bob, if you happen to be referring to the fact that there are poems copyrighted using the word Seas, copyright law started in 1976. By that time the imagery of the sea in poetry had been well established. Public domain.

Furthermore, copyright law covers books, songs, artwork, etc. Ideas cannot be copyrighted. Only finished product.

And if you intend on bringing a lawsuit, you better go big and include everybody on this site that's ever used the word sea in their poetry. I'm sure I'm not the only one.
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4/24/2016 4:23:30 PM

Bob Atkinson
Posts: 295
Jmc86850 wrote:

"...include everybody on this site that's ever used the word sea in their poetry. I'm sure I'm not the only one..."

Calm down dear,
If something's been said a thousand times how can you call the thousand and first poetry?
There are poets, poemwriters and tripewriters. Which of these are you? Why are you faulting me for trying to help you improve your writing? Already new postings on this site contain less "thuz, izzes, arez, waszes and werez. Do I not get a thank you from you for that?
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4/24/2016 7:51:57 PM

Jolene Cheyney
Posts: 66
Thank you, but...

Of late, my request for help was limited to adding more imagery to my poems. Perhaps you would have been better off to stick with that. and please don't call me dear unless or until it has been asked of you.
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11/30/2022 3:37:54 AM

james skinner
Posts: 2
now watching that last moment sun

turn away and begin to run

leaving it's bright lit light for none

the day is done, the day is done
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