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Don't Post Poetry Here!!! Talk about anything or need a shoulder to cry on? Share your thoughts and emotions here:
10/31/2013 4:23:08 PM

Wilson Mapfumo
Posts: 2
Is anybody there,,show some love to a baby trying to reach out and hold a few hearts..please,please,talk to meeeeee...
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11/1/2013 9:39:52 AM

Just That Archaic Poet
Posts: 89
Hi, KK. I know what it's like to feel lonely and alienated. Not sure what you need or what I can do, but if you just want someone to talk to, feel free to Soup Mail me and we can talk. Hope this message finds you well and in better spirits
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4/12/2014 2:00:55 AM

Mark J. Halliday
Posts: 11
I've found that the best way to get out from being alone is to attend your church denomination. I was in the Army for 20 years. Every time I moved stations, I always got more help and attention from my new congregations than I did from from my new Army units' personnel. This is probably generally true and not specific to my denomination (though LDS folks have a reputation for welcoming and helping new members).
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6/4/2015 6:55:30 PM

Savoy Boddie
Posts: 2
no one's listening to me. why do we even have this on the site. i just want to comit suiside
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6/16/2015 4:00:32 PM

Austin Eseke
Posts: 11
hey everyone,i would appreciate feedback on my poems "my love" and "competition" thanks and have a souper day
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