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5/8/2013 6:28:30 AM

Kyle Churchwell
Posts: 4
Hey everyone!
i am new here but thats now why i am posting this its because my mom had died when i was 5 months old and i just turned 14 years old and was adopted the day i was born and i just want to know how to get through this because its like a blanket of depression that never goes away how do i get passed this!!!!
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7/22/2013 7:55:01 PM

Mel Doherty
Posts: 2
It is sad that your birth mother has passed - it is also sad that you continue to struggle with it. Having been adopted out the day you were born would lead me to think your birth mother wanted a life for you she knew she couldn't provide. You weren't really abandoned - you were set free - free of a life she probably knew you would hate.

Think of it this way - she loved you so much she lived with the pain of missing you and all of your firsts (first steps, first words, first day of school, first love, etc.) to make sure you were safe and well cared for and loved by the adoptive parents who chose you as their child to raise and love the best they could.

You it to all of them and especially yourself to live the life of your birth mother's dreams - a good and loving life with joy and gratitude for her very unselfish attitude. She gave you a life to live don't **** it away feeling sorry for yourself that won't fulfill anyone's hopes for you. I can really relate more to her than you because I gave up a son when I was 16 - it ate at me for years. Until I found him I never knew what to think. He turned out great with nice parents and a pretty good life, a good education and a wonderful life - you can do it too.

If all else fails talk to the counselors at school and get some help - depression is a dangerous thing if left to fester.

Good luck - live your life with love let it be others you're thinking of.
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8/14/2013 10:29:52 AM

Teresa Lindsay
Posts: 16
As a Mother who had given my first born up for adoption, I know how your mother may have felt. I was just a kid my self at the time not knowing where my life was going and it was unfair to even think of raising a child with so much unknown. I wanted the child to have a life I didn't know if I could give and now 26 years later that child has found mean I am greatful. The child grew up well and loved. Yes the child also had fears like you and she worked thru her fears and depresion with poetry. I am sorry that you don't have the chance to have met her as mine has done with me. I believe all she want was for you to be safe and loved in a way she felt she could not give you. It was the hardest thing I have ever done in my life. Do I regret it? Everyday I do. But I am also glad that it turned out like I had hope for. My heart goes out to you.
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8/16/2013 7:07:48 PM

Kyle Churchwell
Posts: 4
well the mother that gave me up the day i was born is still alive its the one that adopted me that is dead
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11/30/2014 5:51:41 PM

mazhar butt
Posts: 1
didn't you say your real mother died the day you were 5 months old and got adopted by a new mother the day you were born?? A 5 month old baby cannot have memories of the time she was born, so try to live with time and love your foster mother and think SHE is your real mother, if she isn't bad to you, I think this will help you let go the irrepairable loss of your real mother and heal you up into a healthy person.
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