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Ways to improve your poetry. Post your techniques, tips, and creative ideas how to write better.
9/18/2012 10:28:44 AM

Dia Tucker
Posts: 3
I've been writing for about eight months so I don't think I'm that good. I have abunch of poems on and I want to know how to write better.I've been reading poetry books and poems online to learn,just can't tell if any of it's carrying over. Are there any tips or anything others have done?
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8/3/2014 10:58:38 PM

B. Maxine Revolution
Posts: 3
This may seem like a silly question but I've been wondering if I could use profanity or is that something that users try to stray away from??
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10/12/2014 3:06:46 AM

Bob Atkinson
Posts: 295
RhymeRoyalty wrote:
This may seem like a silly question but I've been wondering if I could use profanity or is that something that users try to stray away from??

Profanity precludes your writing from being read in school by K-12 students. Profanity
degrades the institution of poetry, should be avoided if you wish your writings to become part of posterity. Instead, suggest you work on purpose, something quite rare in these halls.
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10/12/2014 5:03:29 PM

Jerry Swana
Posts: 1
Hey y'all I have been writing for 5
Plus years. I just began seeing myself as an established poet my words are found useful please check out my stuff and don't hesitate to be a critic thank you
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10/12/2014 5:37:54 PM

Bob Atkinson
Posts: 295
Gerald, you just took Poetry Soup away from the kids in school. Now, because of you the Baracuda web filters will keep the kids away from us. Please delete your poems.
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