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9/7/2012 7:10:52 PM

Bones Homes
Posts: 1
There is no end in sight for the pain that life has brought upon my door step in the house I call misery. A multitude of pain and unrelenting mood swings that plague my day and nightmares of what if's...
The waiting game of what is to come, is not just a matter of if, but when the darkest of days are to come.Love for a person doesn’t have a boundary but seems to have an unforgiving mounting of a tragic end that everyone knows they must face at one point or another. How does a parent look into the eyes of an innocent child and hold strong, while you logically know there is no answer to why or what is the purpose of this event. How does a man reconcile the pain that has been caused to his child???? Life is a cruel testament, of which one wonders who or what is testing him to prove he is worthy to protect and care of his well being. Is there no bottom or ending to this test. Then there is a question of what about the other child??? What is to come from resentment of feeling like she has always been second best because of continual anxiety of the survival of her brother.

Therefore, how is it possible a parent continue the day to day activities and approach everyone with a smile when he knows his soul is burning like a hill side filled with fuel soaked embers. It feels as though that hell and the soul consummate a self destructive nature that is irresistible to carry out. But, ahh,the catch 22, the very source of your children's life depend not only on your survival but your strength, to carry on and act like everything is ok, and is going to be ok. But back to the point, what if everything turns out, its not ok. How do we explain this,furthermore how do we carry on waiting day in and day out for the rest of our lives and everything is perfectly normal?? The ruins this worry has put you in has completely robbed you of your own personal life for a “normal” sense of well being.

When we as adults know that the possibilities are never ending, albeit there are positive possibilities much like a roulette wheel. With that said, what is the answer to the question, how do we look into the future and have hope when such innocence has been crucified for no apparent reason what soever. Some of of us look to a higher power or a so called god to make decisions for us. This is total horse ****, how can a god of mercy and forgiveness rip a child of his normalcy, tear the feelings of a soul from a man and father that he will never get back, and expect a fairy tale ending. It seems easy for others to just say “hey nothing is wrong, chill out”. Its painfully obvious that these people have no sense of compassion and love that is felt while you watch your child's skull be sliced open and rid of this pain that has caused him pain for months on end, and then told lets wait and see what happens next; impeding him for the rest of his life.

Others I assume, dangerous ground here,just let go and go about their daily lives and assume the best. How is this possible??? Its one thing to be a grown adult and punish yourself for mundane events, but its another thing to witness a precious life taken away from this world that has no intentions but where their next play date is coming from, while your child survives a tragic event that should have never been. Looking over at one bedside and watching a parent grieving their child losing the battle,while your child is fighting seems cruel and unusual. Which brings me to my next point and conclusion, the purpose!

Why!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!There seems to be no medication, praying, or meaning to why the ruins oflife in its most skewed version makes no sense what so ever,irregardless your religion, philosophy, or the best doctors money can buy. The most obvious answer is that nothing is guaranteed but one thing, excruciating emotional pain that can only be resolved by a smile from your child, unless they for some odd reason at any point their time is up, however your still left with the pain and suffering trying to carry on.
Anthony Jones.

P.S. Yours truly, the image of god is a creative joke of humanity.
edited by soulbleeding on 9/7/2012
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