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2022 Poetry Marathon Mile 17 is Closed and Being Judged - Mark Toney's Blog

About Mark Toney
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Happily married for over 50 years, having raised two sons, both married to girls named Carla.  Go figure. :)

"Glass is Empty" is my avatar.      
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Twenty Poems that Define Me

Abundant Blessings Continue – A spiritual ode written in ABC form in which every word begins with a successive letter of the alphabet starting with A.

Yvonne’s Swan Song – Narrative poem dedicated to all victims of bullying, including girls and boys of all ages, sizes, and backgrounds, including me!

Close Encounters of the Bully Kind – Couplet describing my actual encounter with a bully and subsequent conflicting counsel given to me by Mom and Dad.

My Amazing Week on the FarmPastoral poem that describes life lessons learned during an amazing week when I was 15-years old.

Paralyzed – Dedicated to my father, who had 3 strokes leaving him totally paralyzed for 7 years before he died.

Take Care of Yourself First - My family’s experience in providing loving caregiving to our elderly and infirm family members.   

Caregiver – My family’s experience with elder abuse that can develop when a caregiver becomes a selfish care-TAKER.  Elder abuse—See it.  Stop it.  Prevent it.

Vanessa’s Song – This poem was written for our dear friends after their 16-year old daughter, Vanessa, committed suicide in 1998.

Please Sir – Beautiful downtown Atlanta is the scene for this true encounter for which I am still ashamed after 30-years.

Castles in the Sand – Narrative poem with a moral lesson that keeps me focused on making sure of the more important things in life.

What of Our Children? – Lyric poem highlighting the challenges to our children’s future.

Real Eyes See – A commentary on today’s society using wordplay and rhyme.

Cycle of Seasons: Haiku Series – I love Japanese poetry forms.  My series of 12 Haiku (3 per season) describing the beginning and end of each season as they transition.

Nasty Panda – A flight of fancy to show my lighter side, and I am not talking about weight!

Green Eggs, Spam and Grits – My Southern-style tribute to Theodor Seuss Geisel, a.k.a. Doctor Seuss.

Love Immutable – The culmination of what I have learned as a husband after fifty years of marriage.

Honorable Mention – A mother gives her son sage advice on living a modest life in humility.

My Memories – This poem expresses our concern over age-related memory loss, and my prayer that our memories stay fixed and true.

Faraway Moon – My ode to the faithful, fascinating, faraway moon.

Psalm of Praise – A fitting way to conclude the 20 poems that define me.


2022 Poetry Marathon Mile 17 is Closed and Being Judged

Blog Posted:10/19/2022 8:16:00 AM

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My Past Blog Posts

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The 2023 FIFA Women’s World Cup Poetry Contest Has Been Finalized
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My Recent Poems

Date PostedPoemTitleFormCategories
7/12/2024 TANKA Tankaappreciation,fun,poetry,
7/4/2024 Crouching Tiger Ridden Donkey Limerickconflict,fantasy,nature,t
7/1/2024 Recital Free versedaughter,music,parents,pr
6/30/2024 England's great escape Tankaengland,football,soccer,
6/27/2024 The Big C Carpe Diemanxiety,death,family,fear
6/27/2024 Clerimerick Couplets Me Clerihewcareer,self,work,
6/18/2024 Me Oh My Oh on the Bio Biofamily,identity,life,love
6/2/2024 Mr Brian Strand Diminished Hexaverseappreciation,art,friend,i
5/18/2024 billions to trillions Haikuflying,insect,
5/14/2024 portmanteau most fowl Senryufood,humorous,imagination
5/9/2024 from here to there Haikuafrica,history,mystery,ti
1/13/2024 I'll Be Back Haibuncomputer,conflict,future,
12/2/2023 My Name is Etched on Insight Lander Lyricfun,humanity,inspiration,
11/25/2023 One Lie Monokubetrayal,integrity,trust,
11/23/2023 Magnification Free verseeducation,nature,science,
11/11/2023 Komorebi - Thoughts of You Sonnetdeath,hope,life,light,los
11/8/2023 November Fall and Rise Ninetteautumn,beauty,fun,novembe
10/26/2023 They Crashed the Server Lyricappreciation,community,co
10/21/2023 Footles Are Your Friend Footlefun,inspiration,write,
9/30/2023 The Rod and Reproof Gives Wisdom Rhymeabuse,children,hurt,paren
9/23/2023 First Bite Limerickfamily,fruit,goodbye,kid,
9/23/2023 My Fave Season Monorhymeautumn,happy,seasons,
9/2/2023 From Her I Get Lyricfuture,life,love,relation
8/25/2023 Modi On the Moon Lyricmoon,space,world,
8/23/2023 India Is On the Moon Tankamoon,space,success,
8/20/2023 Beyond Greatness Haibuncourage,england,football,
8/18/2023 End of Voyage Tableau Versebeach,boat,confusion,loss
8/15/2023 2023 Fifa Womens World Cup - Spain Vs Sweden Haibunfootball,soccer,success,w
8/13/2023 2023 Fifa Womens World Cup - Australia Vs France Haibunfootball,soccer,sports,wo
8/12/2023 An Old Shovel Biochange,life,lonely,memory
8/11/2023 School Bus Safety a Must Rhymechildren,life,school,stud
8/6/2023 2023 Fifa Womens World Cup - Sweden Vs Usa Free versefootball,soccer,sports,us
8/5/2023 No Anchor For Rancour Lyricanger,forgiveness,friends
8/3/2023 Cemetery Gate Trioletdeath,fate,funeral,grave,
8/2/2023 2023 Fifa Womens World Cup - Jamaica Vs Brazil Haibunfootball,soccer,sports,wo
8/2/2023 2023 Fifa Womens World Cup - England Vs China Haibunengland,football,soccer,s
7/29/2023 Close Call Prose Poetrychild,children,family,fea
7/28/2023 Volleyball In the Rafters Free versefriendship,identity,life,
7/26/2023 2023 Fifa Womens World Cup - Usa Vs Netherlands Haibunfootball,soccer,usa,women
7/18/2023 The Starry Night - Van Gogh Monokuappreciation,art,humanity
7/11/2023 Away In a Clothes Shop Rhymeanxiety,clothes,wedding,
7/4/2023 Yellowstone Bison Alliterationanimal,fear,nature,
7/1/2023 Away In a Haberdashery Verseanxiety,clothes,wedding,
6/30/2023 Munch On This - 'Love and Pain' 1895 Ekphrasisart,love,pain,perspective
6/9/2023 Misty Morning Fog Haikuheartbreak,lost love,rela
5/20/2023 Sand Bar Free versebeach,environment,nature,
5/13/2023 Free-Range Limericks Redux Limerickhumorous,poetry,word play
5/13/2023 Seeds of Encouragement Tankaanxiety,appreciation,chil
5/10/2023 Taking Action Monokugiving,happiness,humanity
5/8/2023 Humility's Boon Senryublessing,feelings,relatio
5/7/2023 Bereavement Tankabereavement,blessing,deat
5/7/2023 Sweet Friendship Senryuencouraging,friendship,lo
4/22/2023 Hither, Thither, and Yon Prosechildren,conflict,family,
4/21/2023 No Time For Caution Lyricanxiety,courage,death,lif
4/20/2023 My Regret Prose Poetryemotions,lost love,memory
4/4/2023 Relax Senryuanxiety,retirement,vacati
4/4/2023 Ashley, Lane, Massey Clerihewcelebration,cool,poetry,p
3/26/2023 A Plague of Grackles Free versebird,humorous,
3/25/2023 Harbingers of Spring Haikubird,seasons,spring,
3/25/2023 Spring Fever Haikubird,growth,happy,seasons
3/18/2023 Time Flies Senryuage,change,hair,life,old,
2/25/2023 Love's Peat Fire Rhymedance,fire,heartbreak,lov
1/7/2023 Naughty Johnny Limerickchild,parents,
1/6/2023 Better Angles Free versefeelings,fun,humor,relati
1/3/2023 Untie the Knot Haibunchildren,creation,future,
12/28/2022 While Brushing My Teeth Tankaenvironment,fear,future,h
11/27/2022 Balance Senryuhappiness,health,life,pea
11/20/2022 Sunny Side Up Senryuhumorous,metaphor,word pl
11/6/2022 Trial and Error Senryulife,wisdom,
11/5/2022 Deception Senryubetrayal,relationship,
10/28/2022 8400 Miles Nonstop Light Versebird,flying,world,
10/26/2022 Debris Fields Monokufuture,loss,wisdom,
10/22/2022 Love's Garden Sedokalove,metaphor,relationshi
10/15/2022 String Theory Lyricbreak up,relationship,sci
9/16/2022 Connie Marcum Wong Haibunblessing,character,friend
8/27/2022 Unsolicited Advice Lyricanxiety,conflict,relation
8/19/2022 Day of Reckoning Senryuchange,future,humanity,wo
8/9/2022 Just August Tankaaugust,beach,family,fun,j
8/7/2022 Wisdom's Singularity Haikusilence,truth,wisdom,
8/4/2022 Pizza and Beer Haikufood,football,friendship,
7/16/2022 Writer's Block Quatraininspiration,muse,writing,
7/15/2022 Beware Senryuconfusion,trust,truth,
7/12/2022 Loss Haikuloss,sad,
7/9/2022 Wake-Up Call Haikuconflict,future,war,world
7/7/2022 Vincent Willem Van Gogh Clerihewart,courage,mental illnes
7/6/2022 Cherita Poetry Form Free versepoetry,
7/4/2022 Thanksgiving Crystals Crystallineblessing,inspirational,th
6/24/2022 The Real Pheidippides Clerihewrace,
6/20/2022 War Drums Senryuconflict,peace,war,world,
6/19/2022 Cats Or Dogs Personificationcat,dog,fun,pets,
6/1/2022 Sentimentality Free verseangst,anxiety,dark,discri
4/23/2022 Raining Cats and Dogs Monokucat,dog,rain,word play,
2/23/2022 Awaiting Her Return Free versebereavement,emotions,hope
12/24/2021 Our Life As One Lyricfamily,life,love,marriage
12/21/2021 Grace Like Rain Free versegrowth,rain,
12/21/2021 Winter Solstice Haikuseasons,winter,
12/1/2021 Spiritual Armor Haikubible,conflict,courage,ev
11/20/2021 Smokey Bear Light Verseenvironment,humorous,memo
11/4/2021 Shy Haikunature,simple,
11/2/2021 World Champions Haikubaseball,

My Photos



Fav Poems

The Armless Ambidextrian Free verseconflict,death,depression
When You Float In Outer Space Rhymefriendship,inspirational,
Trouble Is Stewing Light Versepolitical,society,
Monoku - My Life Monokudeep,
Flight Haikubird,flying,men,teacher,
Some People Choose To Lie Free versebetrayal,
Let Me Live Rhymelove,
Just Fly Words Free versepoetry,words,
Blackbird Haiku Haikubeauty,bird,morning,natur
Unnoticed Free verseencouraging,poetry,
This Could Have Been a Rhyme Rhymefunny,
Loses Things Too Senryu3rd grade,4th grade,5th g
From Now On Sonnet8th grade,anxiety,boyfrie
Autumn Ease Haikuautumn,nature,
Woe Is the Sea Haikuocean,pollution,
Six-Word Couplet Series Coupletold,song,
A Life Well Lived Free verselife,
Pressed Closely Rhymelonging,love,
Inobservant Senryusatire,society,technology
Anthony Bourdain 1956-2018 - Free verseappreciation,celebrity,li
Sundrops Free versebeautiful,flower,love,sky
Six-Word Couplet Series Coupletamerica,appreciation,corr
Beak To Beak Free versebird,family,love,
Twilight Free verseage,death,emotions,endura
Sour Grapes Sonnetanalogy,anger,heartbreak,
Grandmother's Hands Rhymegrandmother,
Infant Daybreak Free verseimagery,nature,romantic,
June 1944 Monokulost love,war,
Superpowers- Powerless Rhymestrength,wisdom,
The Red Wheelbarrow Haibunchildhood,garden,grandpar
Last Meow Tankagrief,
It Is the Little Things Free versehow i feel,inspiration,in
Venus Gifts a Yarrow's Kiss Rhymeemotions,heartbreak,hope,
Atear Free verseart,journey,life,longing,
Engraved Tankalost love,
sea song - Free verseanalogy,appreciation,beac
Wicked Art! Free verseallegory,art,devotion,
World Cup Versefootball,games,nostalgia,
Colony of One Senryuanalogy,community,family,
First Snowfall Haikuappreciation,nature,snow,
The Life of a Poet Rhymedream,imagery,world,
Bully Poets Rhymeanti bullying,bullying,po
Footprints On My Heart Free verselove,marriage,
A Flaw In the Potus Senryuamerica,irony,leadership,
Patina of Life Free verseanimal,appreciation,art,
My Pirate Women Free versesurreal,
Assembly Programming Test Free versecomputer,memory,school,su
Let's Eat Grandma Limerickfun,
The Phases of Grief Coupletcourage,endurance,grief,i
Perfect Free verseintrospection,
Laid To Rest Free versebereavement,best friend,d
Computer Animation Seven Ten Verseart,computer,creation,met
The Adventure, Her Coupletadventure,appreciation,be
Domestic Abuse Quatrainabuse,anxiety,dark,
The Lightest Touch Rhymedance,dream,love,romance,
In This Place Free versecity,nature,
The Red Leaf Free versedeath,emotions,grief,hear
to heal a vacant heaven - Free versefantasy,
September's Song Free verseanxiety,death,depression,
to sail the sky - Coupletadventure,imagination,met
Of Captains and Cradles Coupletappreciation,history,poet
Haiku Xss Haikubird,flower,spring,
Corner of My Time Lyricphilosophy,
Mill Wheel Narrativewinter,
Sweep In Like a Summer Breeze Lyrichusband,lost love,
We Are Not Merely Poets Free verse10th grade,11th grade,12t
the essence of soft shadows - Free verseanalogy,appreciation,intr
Words Free verselanguage,loss,memory,reme
Almost Love Verselost love,
Michelangelo's David Ekphrasisart,
To Uplift, Or Live Adrift Rhymeallusion,encouraging,insp
Morris the Thesaurus Tortoise Light Versechildren,humor,words,
The Poem Garden Rhymegarden,metaphor,poems,poe
Color of My Heart Sonnetcolor,heart,humanity,
Burning Embers Sonnetlove,romance,
Touch the Words In Braille Free verseart,butterfly,color,imagi
Ten Again Free versechildhood,
Sunny Horizons - POTD Rhymeappreciation,farewell,ins
Joy Through Her Loving Ways Enclosed Rhymeday,dream,girl,
Winter Wonderland Sonnetappreciation,beauty,natur
aching sky - Rhymeadventure,beauty,fantasy,
My Dress Is a Cloud of Red Free verselove,
tears for apollo - Free verseanalogy,childhood,father,
Trim Trimmer Chicken Dinner Winner Rhymecharacter,confidence,cool
Rhymes of Love Rhymeinspirational,love,tribut
Critics Free versebeach,imagery,inspiration
New Year- a New Beginning Rhymejoy,
Swan Ballerina Pages Personificationpoetess,poetry,
Catting Rhymecat,fun,humorous,
Flowers and Champagne Acrosticappreciation,celebration,
Poem Ingredients Rhymedesire,food,how i feel,im
Three Keys Coupletfaith,hope,love,
Ludic Free versehumorous,language,
The Rocking Chair Rhymeappreciation,blessing,cha
Desert Bloom Personificationflower,metaphor,spring,
Poem To Myself Free versefeelings,life,poetry,
To Hunt the Bugaboo Rhymefunny,humor,humorous,
Leaf Covered Lanes Sonnetautumn,nature,snow,winter
Little Giants Quatrainchildren,happiness,innoce
Hierarchy of Habits Free verseanimal,humanity,perspecti

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Book: Reflection on the Important Things