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Read Poems by Line Gauthier

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Below are poems written by poet Line Gauthier. Click the Next or Previous links below the poem to navigate between poems. Remember, Poetrysoup is an environment of encouragement and growth. Thank you.

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The poem(s) are below...


Neat Freak

a neat freak is compulsive
excessive and obsessed
their day revolves around cleaning

a neat freak has a one-track mind
and will not budge their focus
their one true friend is bleach

a neat freak disinfects all day
intolerant to imperfection
time and effort never a problem

a neat freak will not rest 
till every thing's in order
and every surface shines

let's not mince words
a neat freak is maniacal
and a neat freak i am not

posted on July 26, 2024

Copyright © Line Gauthier | Year Posted 2024


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Date: 7/26/2024 4:59:00 PM

oh heck I'm like my mum and am not a neat freak but my (ex) sister was obsessed with housework lol:-) hugs jan xx


Book: Reflection on the Important Things