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Read Poems by Brian Strand

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Below are poems written by poet Brian Strand. Click the Next or Previous links below the poem to navigate between poems. Remember, Poetrysoup is an environment of encouragement and growth. Thank you.

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evening fragrance

a chanel no: twelve

rem·in·is·cence of you


why hiku ?

HAIKU  the ' phonetical&cultural original 'in Japanese'

whereas HIKU

is the English language version(including translations)with similar economy of words without "telling all" thereby to ' show ' (conforming to the key to true imagist poetry),&to avoid 'as'&'to' & the use of past tense verbs (often without verbs,adverbs,adjectives )A verse freed from syllabic constraint within its triplicity of format& inherently enigmatic & still with a caesura and surprise ending

Copyright © Brian Strand | Year Posted 2024


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