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Poems by Dominique Webb

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Below are poems written by United Kingdom poet Dominique Webb. If you like the poems, please comment on the work of this poet. Remember, Poetrysoup is an environment of encouragement and growth so only provide specific positive comments that indicate what you appreciate about the poems of Dominique Webb.

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Date PostedPoemTitle# ViewsForm  
12/26/2024 The Nativity 193 Quatrain
12/23/2024 Christmas Cheer 210 Rhyme
09/06/2024 How Ever More Can I Love Thee 231 Rhyme
10/14/2023 Hieroglyphics 170 Quatrain
03/11/2023 Who Am I 759 Quatrain
08/29/2022 Inside 475 Rhyme
08/03/2022 Ergonomic Position 553 Tail-rhyme
01/18/2021 The Meal 355 Rhyme
01/13/2021 No Impeachment 510 Quatrain
01/03/2021 Christmas 712 Rhyme
12/31/2020 Happy New Year 2 265 Couplet
12/30/2020 The Bells 270 Footle
12/30/2020 The Tinsil 248 Footle
12/30/2020 The Holly 268 Footle
12/30/2020 Announcement By Shepherds 382 Quatrain
12/28/2020 Jesus Birth 2 455 Quatrain
12/26/2020 Luke's Purpose 631 Quatrain
12/23/2020 Return From Egypt 444 Quatrain
12/21/2020 Murder of the Bethlehem Children 388 Quatrain
12/18/2020 Escape To Egypt 586 Quatrain
12/16/2020 Coming of the Magi 469 Monorhyme
12/14/2020 Jesus Birth 395 Tail-rhyme
12/13/2020 O Come of Course Emmanuel 358 Rhyme
12/11/2020 The Lights 289 Quatrain
12/04/2020 Shove 440 Quatrain
11/25/2020 Politics 514 Quatrain
11/14/2020 Different Ways 699 Rhyme
09/28/2020 Mathematics 2 393 Footle
09/28/2020 The Politics of Coronavirus 316 Quatrain
03/30/2020 Friendship 468 Heroic Couplet
03/28/2020 Rational Science 288 Tail-rhyme
03/08/2020 A Megaphone About Nothing 359 Heroic Couplet
03/06/2020 The Excellence of the Gay 1531 Monorhyme
03/06/2020 Argument 400 Heroic Couplet
03/06/2020 Anthropological Archeology 781 Quatrain
02/09/2020 Science 553 Footle
02/09/2020 Health 251 Footle
02/07/2020 Physiology 393 Couplet
02/07/2020 Anatomy 389 Footle
02/07/2020 Biology 868 Footle
02/07/2020 Mathematics 360 Footle
02/07/2020 Exclaim 289 Epigram
02/06/2020 Advocate Doctor 369 Footle
12/31/2019 Happy New Year 382 Quatrain
08/14/2019 Wise Gig 432 Quatrain
02/25/2019 Where Are Your Rubies 449 Quatrain
01/06/2019 I Cooked the Book That Would Not Tap 2393 Quatrain
07/14/2018 Opaque 561 Shape
07/12/2018 David Death 765 Tail-rhyme
07/12/2018 Evolution 1113 Rhyme
07/12/2018 Curves 547 Tail-rhyme
07/08/2018 Contingent 653 Tail-rhyme
06/30/2018 Became 551 Tail-rhyme
06/27/2018 Relational 406 Quatrain
06/24/2018 Disability, Illness and Fundamentalism 3078 Rhyme
06/24/2018 Delusion and Reference 657 Shape
02/21/2018 The Day Billy Graham Came For Dinner 695 Tail-rhyme
12/10/2017 Eureka 674 Quatrain
09/24/2017 Who, Why, What, Where, When 1124 Quatrain
09/22/2017 Psychosomatic 864 Quatrain
09/03/2017 Ok 1259 Free verse
08/06/2017 Freedom of Restriction 925 Quatrain
02/22/2017 Do I Like You 1063 Rhyme
01/10/2017 My Carers 949 Heroic Couplet
12/24/2016 Girlfriend 1980 Quatrain
12/16/2016 Come On, What Do You Believe 1061 Verse
12/15/2016 Christmas Atmospheres 1141 Quatrain
12/14/2016 Gregg Warburton 1036 Quatrain
12/14/2016 Ian Sagar 873 Rhyme
12/14/2016 Phil Pratt 737 Quatrain
12/14/2016 Ade Orogbemi 752 Quatrain
12/14/2016 Simon Munn 736 Quatrain
12/07/2016 Terry Bywater 913 Rhyme
12/07/2016 Simon Brown 904 Quatrain
12/07/2016 Harry Brown 817 Tail-rhyme
11/30/2016 Lauren Steadman 1095 Blank verse
11/30/2016 Melissa Reid 1152 Blank verse
11/30/2016 Alison Patrick 1005 Quatrain
11/30/2016 Faye Mcclelland 1048 Quatrain
11/30/2016 Claire Cunningham 829 Quatrain
11/30/2016 Joe Townsend 759 Quatrain
11/29/2016 Ryan Taylor 858 Rhyme
11/29/2016 George Peasgood 655 Blank verse
11/29/2016 Phil Hogg 691 Blank verse
11/29/2016 David Hill 494 Blank verse
11/28/2016 Ross Wilson 1082 Blank verse
11/28/2016 David Wetherill 850 Blank verse
11/28/2016 Aaron Mckibbin 664 Blank verse
11/28/2016 Paul Karabardak 685 Quatrain
11/28/2016 Sara Head 826 Verse
11/28/2016 Susan Gilroy 772 Rhyme
11/28/2016 Ashley Facey-Thompson 985 Heroic Couplet
11/28/2016 Kim Daybell 880 Rhyme
11/28/2016 Rob Davies 891 Rhyme
11/28/2016 Paul Davies 717 Tail-rhyme
11/25/2016 Jane Campbell 621 Blank verse
11/25/2016 Will Bayley 606 Blank verse
11/25/2016 Alice Tai 582 Blank verse
11/19/2016 Stephanie Slater 800 Blank verse
11/19/2016 Hannah Russell 682 Blank verse


Quote Left You become what you've done. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Dominique Webb

Quote Left Steve Jobs, Ashton Kutcher, says on the film Jobs, 'The people that see themselves as crazy enough to change the world, are those who do.' Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Dominique Webb

Short Stories

The National Day of Reason and Euclid for teens, macabre, moral,
Sociologies From Easter - What Really Happenned easter,
The Iron Age as the Reason for Buddhism - 'Oh yoga, help me use these work trowels today!' Then l'll be gone for teens, inspirational, moral,
The Historical Jesus Did Not <b>You can only choose 3 boxes!</b>
Dr Ambedkar: the 1940s Political Hero of India inspirational, moral,
Only For Ancient Buddhism: Murder as War for the Political Way inspirational, love, moral, war,
Atheism - My Diversity moral,
Life with Cerebral Palsy - Reflections on Easter easter, inspirational, moral, war, young adult,
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Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry