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Poems by Seren Roberts

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Below are poems written by United Kingdom poet Seren Roberts. If you like the poems, please comment on the work of this poet. Remember, Poetrysoup is an environment of encouragement and growth so only provide specific positive comments that indicate what you appreciate about the poems of Seren Roberts.

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Date PostedPoemTitle# ViewsForm  
10/22/2020 Hunger Fulfilled 508 Verse
10/21/2020 Tall and Proud 371 Verse
05/17/2020 Evenfall 424 Verse
04/28/2020 Hope Blighted 471 Limerick
05/21/2019 One Day 715 Verse
05/09/2019 Discarded 500 Sedoka
03/14/2019 Green Is Beautiful 619 Couplet
02/09/2019 So It Begins 604 Rhyme
02/07/2019 The Race - Avatar 503 Rhyme
01/28/2019 Goodbye Stress Tb 633 Than-Bauk
01/27/2019 Dont Stamp Your Feet - Limerick 3 Contest 700 Limerick
01/23/2019 Aneurin Bevan 868 Clerihew
01/19/2019 Size Does Matter- Buzzard and Flamingos Contest 624 Rhyme
01/13/2019 The Volcano Sleeps 538 Free verse
01/13/2019 Prince Jahan and Mumtaz 738 Clerihew
01/12/2019 Pain All Gone Mr Dentist 521 Limerick
01/06/2019 Sophie's Thoughts 559 Rhyme
01/03/2019 Saragarhi Day 843 Sonnet
01/03/2019 Plumbers Lament 2084 Limerick
12/30/2018 Cos the Lady Loves Milk Tray Abb 620 Rhyme
12/18/2018 Just Ice Shaken Not Stirred 459 Rhyme
12/16/2018 Santa Sleeps 632 Haiku
11/07/2018 Black Powder 505 Senryu
10/31/2018 Haiku-Oh So Beautiful 623 Haiku
10/26/2018 Haiku-Those Falling Leaves 683 Haiku
10/25/2018 Something New 529 Rhyme
10/12/2018 Summer Love - Charlieku 619 Haiku
10/09/2018 Autumnal Memories 765 Sonnet
09/20/2018 Scary Warning 596 Rhyme
09/18/2018 Sun 645 Haiku
09/14/2018 Words-Gateway To Your Soul 598 Couplet
09/13/2018 Fred 922 Epitaph
09/13/2018 Six-Word Couplet Series 539 Couplet
08/31/2018 Mud Glorious Mud 868 Limerick
08/28/2018 Haiku Ctc 630 Haiku
07/27/2018 Yesterday Are Todays Memories 576 Kimo
05/13/2018 How I Feel Today - Refrain 792 Rhyme
05/10/2018 Summer Festival Day - Palindrome Contest 988 Verse
05/06/2018 No Light At End of Tunnel- Twin Flame Contest 1242 Verse
05/01/2018 Attichoo Dance 613 Lyric
05/01/2018 Solitude 552 Verse
04/24/2018 Words To Impress 555 Limerick
04/24/2018 'haiku' 622 Haiku
04/15/2018 Joyce 681 Verse
04/13/2018 Tides of War - One Nine and Sixteen Contest 855 Verse
04/07/2018 Never Too Old To Learn - Triple a Contest 662 Rhyme
04/06/2018 Lickety Split 683 Acrostic
04/04/2018 Honesty Pays -Hmmm 728 Epigram
04/03/2018 Field With Petals Strewn 922 Verse
04/02/2018 Tomorrow a Memory 660 Monoku
03/11/2018 Hummming a Tune - Lyric Contest 881 Lyric
03/04/2018 Let Me Show You the Light - Advertisement 715 Verse
02/17/2018 Romance Is In the Air 680 Acrostic
02/17/2018 As I Was Walking In the Snow 640 Limerick
02/05/2018 Oh Dear What Can the Matter Be 691 Rhyme
01/28/2018 Black Bob 618 Limerick
01/25/2018 Prayers Are Answered a First Date Contest 632 Sonnet
01/25/2018 Memories On the Breeze 965 Verse
01/03/2018 Snowman 1314 Limerick
12/20/2017 Argentine Tango - Collaboration 882 Couplet
12/03/2017 Dear Santa I Want 721 Rhyme
12/01/2017 Rudolph's Stuck In Traffic 730 Rhyme
11/23/2017 Wish I Knew You When I Was Young 683 Couplet
11/19/2017 My Winter 763 Couplet
11/18/2017 In An Enchanted Forest 681 Choka
11/14/2017 Pick a Topic -Hope 1098 Couplet
11/09/2017 I Shall Collaborate With You - Why 1040 Verse
11/08/2017 Polar Bear Inspired By Contest 1064 Limerick
11/05/2017 Working For His Future 848 Verse
10/31/2017 Pay Day 592 Footle
10/31/2017 Memories Tableau 661 Verse
10/27/2017 Bandits Fishy Tale 665 Rhyme
10/26/2017 When the Bugle's Called 937 Verse
10/20/2017 Swing Low 1057 Limerick
10/04/2017 Bridge - Here For You 1569 Lyric
10/02/2017 Passion Awaiting 648 Pantoum
10/01/2017 Mums Ordeal - Contest Lets Do Some Alphabet 745 ABC
09/29/2017 Valley of Peaceful Ideals 734 Verse
09/22/2017 Mr Grumpy's Rainbow: Contest 1104 Couplet
09/17/2017 Trusting - Mystic 1486 Acrostic
09/16/2017 Overwhelming Darkness 855 Free verse
09/14/2017 Sequidilla No 1 727 Rhyme
09/08/2017 Bride To Her Future Groom 765 Verse
09/07/2017 Blue Tinge of Moonlight 792 Sedoka
08/28/2017 Hot Summers Day 750 Rhyme
08/26/2017 Artwork - What Am I 1540 Personification
08/23/2017 Going Round In Circles 655 Rhyme
08/21/2017 Sometimes It Takes Two To Be a Hero 931 Rhyme
08/19/2017 Threshold of Life 615 Tetractys
08/07/2017 Waiting Alone 690 Free verse
07/26/2017 Pages Full of Love 700 Quintain (English)
07/05/2017 Collaboration Contest 902 Free verse
06/12/2017 So Sad 799 Ottava rima
06/11/2017 Lost One Limerick 1243 Limerick
05/16/2017 Rapido Tennis - Sports Shorts Contest 2246 Rhyme
05/15/2017 Pigeon Poo - Juvenilia 1040 Rhyme
05/07/2017 Would Be An Honour To Pull Up a Chair 746 Couplet
05/01/2017 Art Beryl Cook - the Lingerie P 1152 Couplet
04/20/2017 I Am Numb 821 Nonet
04/17/2017 Moment Is Now 720 Monorhyme

Book: Reflection on the Important Things