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Poems by Constance La France

Constance La France - LIFETIME Premium Member Constance La France - Premium MemberPremium Member Send Soup Mail Go to Poets Blog Block poet from commenting on your poetry

Below are poems written by Canada poet Constance La France. If you like the poems, please comment on the work of this poet. Remember, Poetrysoup is an environment of encouragement and growth so only provide specific positive comments that indicate what you appreciate about the poems of Constance La France.

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Date PostedPoemTitle# ViewsForm  
07/26/2024 I Miss My Childhood Home 27 Free verse
07/24/2024 Quietude in a Dream 88 Rhyme
07/23/2024 Down A Forest Path 144 Free verse
07/17/2024 I Remember 91 Alexandrine
07/16/2024 Saying Goodbye To Summer 145 Free verse
07/14/2024 Pieces of Me 85 Verse
07/13/2024 Elegy - Loss of Love 180 Elegy
07/12/2024 Mr Minichu 288 Rhyme
07/12/2024 Dreaming of an island retreat 135 Verse
07/08/2024 Happy 123 Tanka
07/08/2024 Pretty Broken Glass 75 Verse
07/08/2024 Vintage is Me 376 Free verse
07/07/2024 Metamorphosis 147 Enclosed Rhyme
07/07/2024 My Beautiful Girl 79 Narrative
07/06/2024 when the world is still 108 Suzette Prime
07/06/2024 Perfectly Divine Prime 68 Suzette Prime
07/05/2024 Where Are We Going 123 Sonnet
07/04/2024 Acme 67 Monchielle Stanza
07/04/2024 Raindrop Garden 89 Rhyme
07/03/2024 I couldn't talk about it, so I wrote a poem 129 Free verse
07/03/2024 Writer Driven 96 Acrostic
07/03/2024 Forgiveness 142 Free verse
06/28/2024 Adam Lambert 174 Clerihew
06/25/2024 flowers 139 Haiku
06/24/2024 Two Sisters In Contrast 149 Verse
06/22/2024 Be Careful Daughter 147 Quatrain
06/22/2024 Oh, who am I 155 Kyrielle
06/22/2024 touch my words 183 Suzette Prime
06/16/2024 Raindrops 232 Verse
06/16/2024 My Tropical Island Adventure 94 Haibun
06/15/2024 The AI Curse For the Creative 198 Verse
06/15/2024 Gemini Garden, Silent One 212 Free verse
06/15/2024 A Father's Day Poem 145 Verse
06/10/2024 Earth 189 Free verse
06/10/2024 Only Just Begun 279 Free verse
06/09/2024 Vision Quest 193 Quatrain
06/09/2024 Miikawaadizi Ode 224 Bio
06/08/2024 Always On My Mind 126 Verse
06/02/2024 Shape Shifting Soul 141 Free verse
06/01/2024 The Dance of Anger 209 Rhyme
06/01/2024 Love Old Houses 144 Verse
06/01/2024 Poetry Soup Saved Me 230 Verse
05/31/2024 Cheery Day 166 Etheree
05/31/2024 Lilith 116 Free verse
05/23/2024 A Poet Born 188 Verse
05/23/2024 Death of a Bird 117 Verse
05/23/2024 turning the page to a memory 118 Verse
05/22/2024 Gentle Heart Eye Mindful 235 Lay
05/21/2024 Look Closely 177 Rictameter
05/21/2024 silent 134 Haiku
05/20/2024 Raining In Summer 177 Free verse
05/20/2024 The Haunting 177 Ottava rima
05/20/2024 Curtains 116 Verse
05/20/2024 Prunella DeVil 115 Lyric
05/17/2024 A Poet's Crush 266 Free verse
05/16/2024 If Only You Knew 258 Verse
05/14/2024 Ode to a Painted Daisy 263 Ode
05/12/2024 The Racecar Driver 222 Limerick
05/12/2024 Had 202 Other
05/12/2024 I love you Mom 196 Ode
05/10/2024 Delphic 97 Rhyme
05/09/2024 We Always Survives 185 Limerick
05/09/2024 Divine Magnetism 116 Verse
05/07/2024 Finding My Courage 123 Free verse
05/04/2024 The Lord is My Friend 162 Verse
05/04/2024 Incarnate 131 Verse
04/30/2024 Spiritual Reflections 128 Verse
04/29/2024 Enchanted Meadows 220 Rhyme
04/27/2024 A Drawing ''Hobby'' 130 Rhyme
04/27/2024 To Which Image Should We Cling 177 Ballade
04/25/2024 candlelit room 103 Free verse
04/23/2024 roaming into the past - Ephemera 266 Free verse
04/21/2024 Confluence 239 Rhyme
04/21/2024 Reverse Graffiti 177 Other
04/21/2024 Streets Turned Into Rivers 148 Free verse
04/18/2024 Springtime Gloom - Andaree 203 Rhyme
04/17/2024 Dead Reckoning 184 Free verse
04/16/2024 A Time To Reflect 266 Rhyme
04/15/2024 My Red Hair Ribbon 89 Verse
04/14/2024 I saw God But Now What 298 Shape
04/13/2024 Oh, Spring My Love 428 Sonnet
04/11/2024 Alone I Lay 107 Rhyme
04/11/2024 Come My Love 140 Rhyme
04/07/2024 Lost Purple Sock 178 Personification
04/04/2024 Bait 126 Verse
04/04/2024 Snack Too Yummy Mommy 196 Sedoka
04/03/2024 Childhood Home 309 Ode
04/03/2024 delightful 142 Free verse
04/02/2024 Wounded Sigh 152 Verse
03/31/2024 The Interview 186 Free verse
03/31/2024 Woven Words 114 Other
03/30/2024 My Sister Love - Legend 344 Verse
03/29/2024 lips red with raspberries 162 Free verse
03/28/2024 in quiet introspection - Ethereal Lanterns 221 Free verse
03/28/2024 a gust of birds 89 Free verse
03/24/2024 Let's Tango 136 Verse
03/23/2024 Snow 187 Personification
03/23/2024 wildflower field 126 Free verse
03/23/2024 Rose 201 Verse
03/19/2024 upset with spring 176 Senryu



Quote Left A gentle heart is wrapped with silken threads, let your eyes and mind dance in each moment to untie each one of those silken beautiful threads. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Constance La France

Quote Left Life is a story; with chapters and of being possessed by emotions along the way. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Constance La France

Quote Left Spontaneity is childlike wonder, it is simplicity, abandon and curiosity; but, it takes 'courage' to embrace the unexpected. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Constance La France

Quote Left One Road leads to tension and worry; one road leads to fear and dread. My road leads me home to tranquility, to peace, serenity and solitude. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Constance La France

Quote Left "A hooligan cat homeless and tattered, hungry, and lurking on my porch battered; a bitten ear and one eye, brought him inside and life was never the same ." Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Constance La France

Quote Left Its all the odd shaped pieces, all the missing ones, that will create the masterpiece that is me. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Constance La France

Quote Left I heard a bird singing in the morn' on a bitter cold winter day- it was so sweet and magical. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Constance La France

Quote Left My best journey has been the one within. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Constance La France

Quote Left Reach high, for stars lie hidden in your spirit, meditate deep, to find your way and answers. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Constance La France

Quote Left Be like a lotus flower, open your petals to let go of fear and sadness. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Constance La France

Quote Left Your Christmas tree may be standing tall and beautiful, and twinkling, but inside it is weeping ... its spirit and soul dying. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Constance La France

Quote Left When you find yourself on a dead end street take a detour. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Constance La France

Quote Left Only a moment did you stay but you left a footprint in my life. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Constance La France

Quote Left When you lose your love to death, you are left with a wound- it will heal in time but you will always have a jagged scar. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Constance La France

Quote Left I sought a faith that did not see death as an end but as another beginning, much like the seasons that die to be reborn. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Constance La France

Quote Left Sometimes kids run away to see who will look for them. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Constance La France

Quote Left I wish the dark door of yesterday would close. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Constance La France

Quote Left Don't let the scars in your heart and soul define who you will be in this life. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Constance La France

Quote Left My thoughts take me back to my sorrows- and I face each and let each go. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Constance La France

Quote Left Color has a soul that sparks imagination and awakens your muse and creativity. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Constance La France

Quote Left You're not strong enough whispered the Devil to withstand life's storms and I yelled back to him, thanks to God, I am the storm. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Constance La France

Quote Left When your world is moving too fast and you are lost in the chaos; end your day with watching a beautiful, tranquil sunset. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Constance La France

Quote Left Mommy, I want to stay with you forever just like this Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Constance La France

Quote Left Compartmentalize your life around your dreams, hobbies, goals even your grief and hurt and you will grow as a person. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Constance La France

Quote Left A bit of kindness is like a lot of love. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Constance La France

Quote Left Grief and heartache are like ocean waves, at times calm, and at times the waves are crashing and roaring. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Constance La France

Quote Left And in my dream I am sailing the vastness of earth's waters, I am flying the wind at my back, the azure sky and moon above. With the freedom of nature all around me, I seek my true north. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Constance La France

Quote Left Dead leaves lay still until the wind takes them here and there: even the last flower is withered: yet, yet there is a beauty in decay. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Constance La France

Quote Left Even in a small space you can mimic a magical flowering woodland with stepping stones and a variety of wildflowers. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Constance La France

Quote Left A whisper stirred my mind, my heart and my soul: And led my footsteps down a silent path: To a door at the end of a garden: And reaching out . . . I opened it. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Constance La France


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TO READ CLICK ON THE + BUTTON. I am a writer of poetry I come from a family of storytellers and this has helped me in my poetry. I have been writing since I could pick up a pen. Have written in all forms and won many, many contests with my poetry.  My poetry has been featured in lots of books.  I have created my own forms that are often used by poets worldwide. And I have extensivley studied the poems of old, the writers forms, word use, punctuation, rhyming and layout.  I have taken some Writing Classes and have been told over and over, I am a born poet, something that can never be taught.  Have been part of several poetry clubs locally. I have helped poets to edit their poems and helped them to improve their presentation. My own poems are quite often sad. I write of death and grief. You could say I write "graveyard poetry." And I write about experiences in my life, to complications of the world,  and not afraid to share my soul. But, I can and do write happy if I want to, and I love to write of nature and poems on spiritual introspective themes, sometimes I even write of romance. And people who know me, will verify that I like using quotes in my poetry and I enjoy writing for contest themes on Poetry Soup. I joke that I can make any theme sad. I enjoy sponsoring my own contests on Poetry since 2008 and have sponsored hundreds and hundreds of contests. I left the site for a brief time in 2011, removing all my poetry when my Muse went missing, but, after a near death experience returned later in 2012 and just picked up where I left off. I love art, all classical music, researching all things, nature, gardening, meditation, praying, peace and tranquility.  I collect books of all kinds, dictionaries, poetry books, art, even cookbooks,  I adore vintage jewelry, colored glass, and dishes.  I adore the creaking, moaning old building where I live with my Snuggles Kitty Cat and a few mice.

Ten poems that define me as a poet . . . (from thousands)

1. The Dream Lingers This poem was written after a near death experience, it stills haunts me, I could hear my mother calling me.

2. Safe In My Heart Forever My mother was my anchor, the wings beneath my feet and my best friend, I miss her so very much.

3. Tattered Pages At the end of the poem, a baby born, died and I was told he was adopted, my parents lied.

4. Dad's Workshop I wrote this poem in 1997 but only posted it when I was posting on poetrysoup- it is about Dad.

5. Beautiful Scars This poem gives you just a small glimpse of the pain and grief I carry with me every single day.

6. And That Comes From Within My health is not that good, never has been and never will be, and no money will change my outcome.

7. in my green dream I love this poem, dreamy and spiritual, I am all about nature in this one, come on a green journey.

8. A Lost Feather This poem is very meaningful to me, it speaks of my Ojibwe roots and of my ancestors in the sky.

9. "Kindness is the Key" When awful things happen to us in life it is easy to become mean and resentful but kind is better.

10. I Write Fragments This poem sums up my journey in writing, fragments, snippets that drip, drip from my pen and mostly at night.




















Book: Reflection on the Important Things