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Read Poems by Kim Rodrigues

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Below are poems written by poet Kim Rodrigues. Click the Next or Previous links below the poem to navigate between poems. Remember, Poetrysoup is an environment of encouragement and growth. Thank you.

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Snowballs in Summer

Snowballs in Summer, ballsy blooming.
Lovely the limelight hydrangea cheer.
Buds’ll be diminished, as freeze be looming.
Leading edge Winter wear will disappear.

But for now, the gorgeous bloom display
upticks my heart. I wave. The flower puffs.
Along sidewalk in bridal shade bouquet
before the cluster water vessel rebuffs.

Thrown, those snowballs into sight of mine.
Attention to draw; does anyone else lean
into the bushes between the church & spine
of current neighborhood,  this brumal scene?

Copyright © Kim Rodrigues | Year Posted 2024


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