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Poems by Anil Deo

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Below are poems written by United States poet Anil Deo. If you like the poems, please comment on the work of this poet. Remember, Poetrysoup is an environment of encouragement and growth so only provide specific positive comments that indicate what you appreciate about the poems of Anil Deo.

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Date PostedPoemTitle# ViewsForm  
09/15/2023 Pain and Poetry 346 Free verse
08/16/2023 Update You Requested: Thanx Family -- Proxenos, Ricci, Anaya - 207 Free verse
06/21/2023 Hope Monoku 297 Monoku
06/15/2023 There Is a Lake 193 Rhyme
06/10/2023 Psalm 119 Revelation Happy Sunday Praise 410 Prose Poetry
06/07/2023 Mortal 149 Monoku
05/25/2023 White Near East and Such 290 Bio
05/24/2023 What's Love Gotta Do With It 356 Name
05/14/2023 Mother's Day 2023 398 Free verse
05/08/2023 Without U 409 Bio
05/06/2023 Father's Reason 402 Free verse
05/06/2023 My Love Is Not Your Love 570 Personification
04/27/2023 Fliers - Flight With Words and Letters 265 Didactic
04/26/2023 Spirit of India 211 Free verse
04/08/2023 Easter-Wester and Resurrection 385 Didactic
04/02/2023 Bread On Palm Sunday 2023 536 Bio
04/01/2023 Not Simple Anymore 612 Free verse
03/30/2023 Craftspeople, Creativity, Family - Happy Bday Mom 408 Rhyme
03/26/2023 World Poetry Day 398 Light Verse
03/18/2023 Weird and Irreligious Thoughts 2023-001 603 Didactic
03/12/2023 For Harry Horsman Lisa Ricci and I Am Anaya and You - Judging2 694 Rhyme
03/12/2023 Judging and Not 668 Rhyme
03/11/2023 Don'T Talk Like God 355 Free verse
03/07/2023 Conflict Or Consensus Model - My Life 562 Rhyme
03/02/2023 Monoku Series 2023-01 512 Monoku
03/01/2023 200 Cattle Egrets 483 Rhyme
02/23/2023 I Am Harry Anaya Brian Ricci 617 Acrostic
02/17/2023 Patience Worth and Poet's Manifest 475 Didactic
02/10/2023 Moonrise 390 I do not know?
02/04/2023 Pre - Valentine's Sky 387 Senryu
02/03/2023 E C O N O M I C 457 Didactic
01/09/2023 At Dawn At Prayer 316 Free verse
01/02/2023 Chasing Colors 437 Bio
01/01/2023 Slumlords and Christians 439 Rhyme
12/30/2022 Day, Year, Time - Tense Free 309 Didactic
12/24/2022 Madagascar Christmas 317 Free verse
12/18/2022 Rico L and Ree Ko - Thanx Anaya 523 Epitaph
12/15/2022 Jesus Messiah 264 Free verse
11/19/2022 Day To Day Cures 298 Free verse
11/12/2022 November13 Already In South Africa 228 Monoku
11/12/2022 William Branham, Prophet To South Africans - 465 Free verse
11/08/2022 Stronger With Jws - With Jesus I Pray 511 Didactic
11/05/2022 Weeds and Such 256 Bio
10/31/2022 Masterpiece 282 Didactic
10/31/2022 Blame Game 201 271 Free verse
10/27/2022 Dirt - Y Poems Or Pray Dirty 377 Alliteration
10/19/2022 Playing Dirt-Y 237 Bio
10/17/2022 Taciturnity 456 Alliteration
10/14/2022 The Poems We Didn'T Write 274 Rhyme
10/05/2022 Slave and Salve 290 Didactic
10/05/2022 Thanx Lisa Ricci and Marie and Hands 249 Rhyme
10/05/2022 I Never Said That Joe 301 ABC
10/03/2022 Hang On 184 Free verse
09/30/2022 Escape To Beauty 857 Alliteration
09/28/2022 Nationalism, Not God, Is Behind War 485 Prose Poetry
09/27/2022 Awed By God 449 Free verse
09/26/2022 Awed 278 Rhyme
09/21/2022 We Need a Good God Ever 486 Didactic
09/17/2022 Religious People 275 Free verse
09/12/2022 Water of Life 560 Didactic
09/09/2022 Absence 2 and Hrms Commonwealth 694 Free verse
09/06/2022 Absence 453 Free verse
08/31/2022 Kaalnek Kuiken Is Gone 522 Free verse
08/27/2022 Word Saviour In Game of Words 226 Didactic
08/24/2022 Waves Waving Part 2 402 Prose Poetry
08/20/2022 Waves Waving 371 Free verse
08/16/2022 Upbeat Downbeat 351 Rhyme
08/14/2022 One and God-Particle 317 Didactic
08/13/2022 Chicken Talk 364 Senryu
08/11/2022 Not Just Another Day 398 Prose Poetry
08/10/2022 Robert Croslin Mayor Elect Hyattsville Md 707 Rhyme
08/10/2022 Living Word For Soldier, Farmer, Athlete 375 Free verse
08/09/2022 Second Indian Wedding 442 Free verse
08/08/2022 Unraveling Faith 423 Rhyme
08/08/2022 Raining Grace 470 Free verse
08/06/2022 Punishing Therapy 388 Free verse
08/04/2022 Thin Lines 473 Free verse
08/03/2022 Mentor Tormentor 543 Monoku
08/01/2022 Sing - I Know I Can Trust Your Heart 328 Rhyme
07/29/2022 Kitchen Weekend 380 Senryu
07/28/2022 Our God Reigns - With Humble Power 468 Free verse
07/27/2022 Anti-Bible Therapy 340 Free verse
07/26/2022 Eagles Aloft But Disguised 375 Monoku
07/26/2022 Whatsapp Christianity Made In China 337 Free verse
07/26/2022 Dancers Minus Makeup 425 Light Verse
07/25/2022 Jehovah El Roi 458 Free verse
07/25/2022 Needs and Seeds 438 Rhyme
07/24/2022 Apologize, Repent, Or Humanize 346 Didactic
07/23/2022 Sickness 292 Monoku
07/23/2022 I Hear Music Ancient Music 311 Ekphrasis
07/22/2022 Mole and Rat Locate Portly Otter Junior 352 Free verse
07/22/2022 Anger Recalled 330 Free verse
07/21/2022 Revival and O Canada 484 Prose Poetry
07/20/2022 Ignorance 379 Free verse
07/20/2022 Forgive the Past the Present 352 Didactic
07/19/2022 Many Thanx Dean Smith-Belton 188 Free verse
07/18/2022 For Lisa Ricci 401 List
07/18/2022 Mandela Mystique Etc In Africa 535 Epitaph
07/17/2022 What Is It 450 Free verse
07/16/2022 Jesse Duarte - Not the Usual Activist 242 Bio


Quote Left Life experiences can rattle, amaze, confound us; life itself has a perennial optimism ... as in weeds and flowers that burst through asphalt and concrete paving. Ponder the soul, breathe; ponder the meaning of breath. Rise!" Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Anil Deo

Quote Left If you don't love Muslims or Hindus, it is useless to send missionaries to them. Fear of other religions never made real converts. Ask historians of British and Spanish empires why Hinduism and other religions outlasted those Europeans and missionaries until now Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Anil Deo

Quote Left Forgiveness is such an essential key for a Christian life, that Jesus explained this aspect (alone) at the end of the Pater Noster, the famous OUR FATHER prayer, in two additional verses (Matthew 6:14-15) Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Anil Deo

Quote Left If you write poetry, you are not an atheist. But do pray that the LORD has you writing poetry, not pooptry Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Anil Deo

Quote Left Make a wager on Jesus of Nazareth, future King who reigns from Jerusalem. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Anil Deo

Book: Shattered Sighs