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Poems by Michelle Faulkner

Michelle Faulkner - LIFETIME Premium Member Michelle Faulkner - Premium MemberPremium Member Send Soup Mail Go to Poets Blog Block poet from commenting on your poetry

Below are poems written by United States poet Michelle Faulkner. If you like the poems, please comment on the work of this poet. Remember, Poetrysoup is an environment of encouragement and growth so only provide specific positive comments that indicate what you appreciate about the poems of Michelle Faulkner.

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Best Michelle Faulkner Poems

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Date PostedPoemTitle# ViewsForm  
07/13/2024 melting nights 96 Suzette Prime
05/06/2024 Gray May 512 Rhyme
03/09/2024 Winter's Sister 601 Sonnet
12/20/2023 The Wordsmith 362 Rhyme
12/03/2023 Winter Trees 334 Monoku
11/01/2023 Lost Stars 343 Rhyme
10/20/2023 Leaves Are Leaving 296 Quintilla
09/26/2023 False Advertising 308 Monoku
09/22/2023 Apple 277 Acrostic
09/08/2023 Silent Lightning 229 Haiku
09/02/2023 Hawkeyes 222 Pleiades
08/27/2023 The Shape of Dreams 233 Verse
08/17/2023 Always Gray 565 Rhyme
08/12/2023 Apologies To August 355 Free verse
08/02/2023 Compartmentalization 250 Dizain
07/07/2023 Sweet July 391 Etheree
06/22/2023 The Fall of Summer 822 Sedoka
05/26/2023 Summer Kids 533 Other
05/01/2023 They Told Me You Cried 1589 Sonnet
04/22/2023 Whisper 775 Rictameter
04/01/2023 April 621 Tanka
03/27/2023 Painted 644 Pleiades
03/24/2023 Overwhelming 744 Ottava rima
03/11/2023 When the Rain Comes 967 Rondeau Redouble
03/05/2023 The Poet's Plight 870 Crystalline
03/01/2023 Ode To a Dishwasher 867 Ode
02/24/2023 Gold Could Not Be So Lovely 997 Rhyme
02/15/2023 A Ripple Cracks 530 Monoku
01/28/2023 Spring Is Not All 837 Sonnet
01/23/2023 Loneliness 619 Free verse
01/18/2023 A Christmas Tree Eulogy 412 Rhyme
01/13/2023 January Dawn- Ws 392 Sedoka
12/28/2022 Snow 526 Haiku
11/26/2022 November Stars 1421 Free verse
11/06/2022 Underwater 430 Couplet
10/30/2022 Darkness Walking 424 Pantoum
10/21/2022 Absent Autumn 382 Dizain
10/18/2022 Your Last Wish 777 Tritina
10/07/2022 The Poems I Never Wrote 1272 Rhyme
09/21/2022 September Swings 416 Rhyme
09/07/2022 Blue Mercy 791 Kyrielle
08/16/2022 Turtles 928 Haiku
08/09/2022 Just August 1142 Quintain (Sicilian)
08/04/2022 Forest Mirage 670 Rhyme Royal
07/30/2022 Something To Read 772 Couplet
07/21/2022 Ruby Rivers 733 Rhyme
07/10/2022 In a Sloth's Defense 1093 Rhyme
07/08/2022 The Art of Peace 1112 Monoku
06/29/2022 A Sign the Size of a Jeep 896 Rhyme
06/24/2022 Unstable 1225 Rhyme
05/28/2022 Buttons of Light 802 Monoku
05/16/2022 Views of You 1449 Pantoum
05/06/2022 An Acquired Taste 1346 Rhyme
04/30/2022 Where Clover Grows 1119 Rondeau
04/15/2022 April Snow 1127 Terzanelle
04/09/2022 You Remember Oceans 1116 Monchielle Stanza
04/02/2022 April Romance 1504 Lay
03/23/2022 Jagged Horizon 690 Jueju
03/10/2022 Firefly Sky 580 Tanka
03/05/2022 Persephone's Plea 865 Pleiades
03/03/2022 March Green 566 Verse
02/18/2022 For Sadie 853 Etheree
02/12/2022 Silver Notes 513 Couplet
02/09/2022 Lift Me 915 Rictameter
02/07/2022 Zoo By the Sea 811 Monoku
02/04/2022 Dappled Dawn 923 Dizain
01/22/2022 Keola - Terza Rima 1173 Terza Rima
01/15/2022 Calm 1226 Couplet
12/31/2021 Goodbye, Golden Girl 1259 Epitaph
12/29/2021 New Moon 999 Haiku
12/28/2021 December Beaches 610 Quintain (English)
12/19/2021 Crippled Ships 1033 Verse
12/02/2021 Wintertime 769 Lyric
11/28/2021 To My Mother On Her Birthday 407 Dizain
11/16/2021 Paper Souls 484 Free verse
11/13/2021 Autumn Zenith 592 Abecedarian
11/12/2021 Science of the Heart 657 Rhyme
11/02/2021 Silver Frames 932 Rhyme
10/25/2021 Halloween Screams 362 Monorhyme
10/15/2021 Owl Moon 972 Haiku
10/14/2021 Her Name Was Regret 1068 Rhyme
10/09/2021 Rumors of Unicorns 1096 Rubaiyat
10/06/2021 Frasier and Martin 673 Clerihew
10/03/2021 Orange Coats 658 Acrostic
09/30/2021 Unicorn Eyes 397 Couplet
09/25/2021 Cloudy Skies 1058 Couplet
09/24/2021 Far Sighted 390 Couplet
09/11/2021 Three Trees 793 Verse
09/01/2021 November Blaze 688 Free verse
08/28/2021 Spice Advice 989 Light Verse
08/20/2021 Cheese Tease 510 Light Verse
08/14/2021 Depth Perception 1807 Rhyme
08/13/2021 Pacific Wrens 899 Haiku
08/01/2021 Egg Parade 601 Pantoum
07/22/2021 Bad Habits 657 Rhyme
07/15/2021 The Pen Is Mightier 429 Verse
07/15/2021 Warm Welcome 1059 Verse
07/14/2021 Powder Keg 866 Acrostic
07/12/2021 Your Kiss Forgives 476 Rhyme
07/07/2021 Green Root - El 579 Haiku


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