“Jesus Christ, the Messiah Visitation: True Story”: a testimonial inspired by
the author’s visit with the Lord. “Jesus Christ, the Messiah Visitation: True
Story” is the creation of published author, Ronald Williams, a Navy veteran.
Ronald Williams is currently a Computer Information Systems and Network
Technician and Administrator. He is a fellow brother and strong Christian in
the Faith of the Lord, the Savior Jesus Christ of Nazareth. He is currently a
member of the Word and Faith Ministry in Brooklyn, NY. Ronald Augustus
Williams, who God called to be born-again at age five, heard the calling of the
Holy Spirit. At the age of 21, he received a personal visit with the glorified
Messiah, the Lord Jesus Christ.
“This book is a great and God-given evangelistic tool. Pick up a copy to keep,
read and be blessed.” --Ronald Williams
Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Ronald Williams’ new book is an
Jesus inspired testimonial featuring award-winning poetry.
Including the award-winning poems “God is Love,” “In Jesus Name,” “Ode to
Jesus,” “A Bible Poem,” “On Earth,” “Earth Praise,” and “Heaven Celestial,”
Jesus Christ, the Messiah Visitation: True Story” tells the story of author
Ronald Williams’ visitation with the Lord Jesus Christ, the Messiah of the
“Jesus Christ, the Messiah Visitation: True Story” provides a detailed
description of the author’s visit with Jesus Christ, reveals his deep devotion to
the Lord, and provides readers with 39 Biblical insights. This true story delivers
a message of belief, repentance, and spiritual rebirth through poems inspired
by the Holy Spirit. Rejoice in the salvation of the loving Lord, who is coming
again to rein in His Kingdom.
View a synopsis of “Jesus Christ, the Messiah Visitation: True Story” on the website:
Book LinK;
https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_ss_i_1_25?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=jesus+christ+the+messiah+visitation&sprefix=Jesus+Christ+the+Messiah+%2Caps%2C191&crid=2PW9M2XO7REFIhttps://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_ss_i_1_25?url=search-alias%3Daps&field keywords=jesus+christ+the+messiah+visitation&sprefix=Jesus+Christ+the+Messiah+%2Caps%2C191&crid=2PW9M2XO7REFI
And can purchase “Jesus Christ, the Messiah Visitation: True Story” at
traditional brick & mortar bookstores, Apple iTunes, store, Kobo or Barnes and Noble.
Take care, be blessed and God Bless