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Poems by Ronald A. Williams

Ronald A. Williams - LIFETIME Premium Member Ronald A. Williams - Premium MemberPremium Member Send Soup Mail  Block poet from commenting on your poetry

Below are poems written by United States poet Ronald A. Williams. If you like the poems, please comment on the work of this poet. Remember, Poetrysoup is an environment of encouragement and growth so only provide specific positive comments that indicate what you appreciate about the poems of Ronald A. Williams.

Read Poems by Ronald A. Williams

Best Ronald A. Williams Poems

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Date PostedPoemTitle# ViewsForm  
06/14/2023 When and Where There Is Foolish Proud Pride 243 Free verse
11/13/2022 A Twenty Word Delight of Just Y Words 550 Free verse
08/04/2022 A Winter Town Life Frosts and Warm Feel 753 Imagism
07/31/2022 Swan 410 Haiku
07/31/2022 Flamingo 544 Haiku
07/30/2022 Flowery Tributes 646 Couplet
07/06/2022 Jesus - Acrostic - 764 Acrostic
04/23/2022 A Line a Word Quietly Stolen 593 Free verse
02/28/2022 Flyers of Beauty 457 Haiku
01/21/2022 Hummingbird Hums 563 Haiku
12/06/2021 A Man, a Woman Vs Or With 325 Couplet
12/05/2021 Waves At Motion - Waves Max - 2 453 Imagism
11/30/2021 -is It Time- a Possible Choice If Given 294 Rhyme
11/20/2021 A Great Poet - Acrostic - 474 Acrostic
11/07/2021 Lovely Flowers In Prom 398 Free verse
10/10/2021 The Idolatry of Evolution and Its Lies 371 Free verse
10/06/2021 Creationism Vs Evolution 333 Senryu
09/22/2021 Gods of Evolution 253 Senryu
09/12/2021 A Love Tale 304 Free verse
09/05/2021 Black Holes 2 359 Haiku
09/05/2021 A Cosmic Journey 945 Imagism
07/15/2021 The Faithful High Priest 365 Rhyme
07/08/2021 A Father's Day 323 Senryu
04/24/2021 A Butterfly Flying 549 Haiku
04/16/2021 Spring - Haiku Chain 698 Haiku
04/10/2021 Winter Scene Themes 399 Imagism
03/31/2021 Summer In Time 383 Free verse
01/30/2021 Poetry Is Powerful 511 Free verse
01/28/2021 An Author Note 412 Free verse
01/22/2021 After the Storm 1091 Haiku
12/13/2020 Summer-Time 792 Haiku
12/04/2020 Winter Rest 346 Haiku
11/14/2020 Spring Summer Fall Winter - Haiku Chain 796 Haiku
11/12/2020 Fall Colors 358 Haiku
11/01/2020 Frigid Frost 346 Haiku
10/30/2020 Winter Sport Spectating 590 Haiku
10/17/2020 A Robot 930 Haiku
10/12/2020 My Poetic Addiction -A 7 Full Alliteration Haiku Chain 730 Haiku
10/11/2020 A Rap and a Tap 433 Free verse
10/08/2020 Autumn Arbors 601 Free verse
10/01/2020 Quantum Dynamics 319 Haiku
09/24/2020 A Day of Completion 778 Haiku
09/24/2020 Natural Nature Excursion 377 Haiku
09/16/2020 Zoo and Zoo Keeper 647 Haiku
08/20/2020 Rising Phoenix 554 Haiku
06/07/2020 Living With Reality and Still Living 301 Rhyme
05/16/2020 Water-Fire-Earth 352 Haiku
05/04/2020 Life Sacrifices 290 Free verse
04/26/2020 A Season, Summer Light 605 Haiku
04/19/2020 The Flu That Can Be a Person 347 Free verse
04/02/2020 Season, Summer Light 509 Haiku
03/16/2020 Space With Intellect Added 312 Haiku
02/23/2020 Winter Place 394 Haiku
02/21/2020 Winter Wonderland 596 Haiku
02/19/2020 Smells of Spring 407 Haiku
02/18/2020 Sea Highways 535 Haiku
02/18/2020 Winter's Canvas 307 Haiku
01/29/2020 Whirlpool 398 Haiku
01/18/2020 Rose Landscapes 598 Couplet
01/14/2020 Waves - Max 662 Haiku
01/01/2020 Waves Ii 433 Haiku
12/31/2019 An Aquarium Seas 590 Haiku
12/23/2019 Composition 381 Senryu
12/22/2019 Blue Stars 394 Haiku
12/22/2019 Travels 399 Haiku
12/20/2019 Blue Stars Explosion 582 Haiku
12/03/2019 Fruits Iii the Combination 455 Haiku
09/09/2019 Fruits Made Ii 465 Haiku
08/19/2019 Senryu and Haiku Chain 616 Haiku
08/16/2019 Gospel Senryu Chain 498 Senryu
08/10/2019 Natural Nature Haiku Chain 650 Haiku
08/05/2019 God Light Senryu Chain 370 Senryu
07/16/2019 Godly Wisdom 381 Senryu
07/02/2019 My New Book Is Here - Called - You Are One of the Greatest 411 Free verse
06/23/2019 Super Massive Black Holes - Chain 572 Haiku
06/22/2019 Fruits Made 534 Haiku
06/17/2019 A Father's Color of Blue 734 Free verse
05/31/2019 Galactic Baseball Wars 347 Free verse
05/27/2019 God, Does Not Change 816 Free verse
05/14/2019 Flash Light Ii 433 Haiku
03/24/2019 Ode To H2o 1510 Ode
03/20/2019 End Point 864 Haiku
03/13/2019 Galaxy Stars 738 Haiku
03/12/2019 Space and Stars 628 Haiku
03/11/2019 Active Galactic 634 Haiku
03/10/2019 Space Flash Light 480 Haiku
03/10/2019 Temp Star 462 Haiku
03/10/2019 Interstellar Space -Haiku Chain- 795 Haiku
02/28/2019 Poetry Cops 469 Senryu
02/28/2019 The Afterwards Breeze 719 Concrete
02/23/2019 Black Holes 626 Haiku
02/21/2019 Greatest Love 701 Senryu
02/10/2019 Daring To Be Great 492 Quatrain
02/09/2019 Spectacular Stars 428 Imagism
02/09/2019 Pomegranate 791 Haiku
02/03/2019 Yet, a Minuscule Speck 589 List
02/01/2019 Resurrection 566 Senryu
01/19/2019 General Life Answers 318 Verse
01/19/2019 Beautiful Mind 496 Senryu
01/13/2019 Smells of Spring 474 Haiku


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Bloggers Photo

“Jesus Christ, the Messiah Visitation: True Story”: a testimonial inspired by
 the author’s visit with the Lord. “Jesus Christ, the Messiah Visitation: True
Story” is the creation of published author, Ronald Williams, a Navy veteran.
Ronald Williams is currently a Computer Information Systems and Network
Technician and Administrator. He is a fellow brother and strong Christian in
the Faith of the Lord, the Savior Jesus Christ of Nazareth. He is currently a
member of the Word and Faith Ministry in Brooklyn, NY. Ronald Augustus
Williams, who God called to be born-again at age five, heard the calling of the
Holy Spirit. At the age of 21, he received a personal visit with the glorified
Messiah, the Lord Jesus Christ.

“This book is a great and God-given evangelistic tool. Pick up a copy to keep,
read and be blessed.” --Ronald Williams

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Ronald Williams’ new book is an
Jesus inspired testimonial featuring award-winning poetry.

Including the award-winning poems “God is Love,” “In Jesus Name,” “Ode to
Jesus,” “A Bible Poem,” “On Earth,” “Earth Praise,” and “Heaven Celestial,”
Jesus Christ, the Messiah Visitation: True Story” tells the story of author
Ronald Williams’ visitation with the Lord Jesus Christ, the Messiah of the

“Jesus Christ, the Messiah Visitation: True Story” provides a detailed
description of the author’s visit with Jesus Christ, reveals his deep devotion to

the Lord, and provides readers with 39 Biblical insights. This true story delivers
a message of belief, repentance, and spiritual rebirth through poems inspired
by the Holy Spirit. Rejoice in the salvation of the loving Lord, who is coming
again to rein in His Kingdom.

 View a synopsis of “Jesus Christ, the Messiah Visitation: True Story” on the website: 
Book LinK; keywords=jesus+christ+the+messiah+visitation&sprefix=Jesus+Christ+the+Messiah+%2Caps%2C191&crid=2PW9M2XO7REFI

And  can purchase “Jesus Christ, the Messiah Visitation: True Story” at
traditional brick & mortar bookstores,  Apple iTunes, store, Kobo or Barnes and Noble.

Take care, be blessed and God Bless

Book: Reflection on the Important Things