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Read Poems by Silent One

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Below are poems written by poet Silent One. Click the Next or Previous links below the poem to navigate between poems. Remember, Poetrysoup is an environment of encouragement and growth. Thank you.

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Die with me

I told them I'm tired   now
time stands still   a casual acquaintance  without breaths
death is not gracious    just an unfaithful companion
sorrowful      sombre soul       slumbers
bound to uncharted waters         I'm drowning..

loyal morning birds chant    mournful melodies on repeat
                       strumming to heartbeats
mishmash medley of images     reverberate repeatedly
regretful reminders 
                           leave an emptiness behind   
                                                                echoes float like ghosts..

I can hear a billion souls    but I'm deaf      free from those
bitter and remorseful   ignorant  uncultured 
                         without realisation of words unspoken
what could have been   should have been    but was not
                         it's too late  regret is an unfaithful belief
loved ones stare upon my grave       shivers and silence
anguish and grief   pain and relief
                            I'm paralysed  
                                               unable to rise 
to wipe their tears and fears..

craving to have one more chance to make amends
to express my emotions    to show greater devotion
it's too late     nothing is immortal         love we share only a memory
in times when my scent reappears        smile that I existed
                             love  with all of your heart..

I was never lost        never found
misunderstanding led to impassive pretending
I became too preoccupied   building walls
                                        they failed to overcome and conquer
                            yet I was no fortress..

legacies left behind    reveal with time
words written    words unwritten     surreptitious or controversial
unimportant for remembrance   die with me
                           maybe grim reaper will listen...

Copyright © Silent One | Year Posted 2024


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Date: 7/26/2024 3:10:00 PM

I think Constance will love this. It sounds like something she would write. loyal morning birds chant…mournful melodies on repeat…reverberating mishmash melodies…echoes float like ghosts. So good!
Date: 7/26/2024 1:42:00 PM

This one reads like a good contender for the contest. Death comes to us all and the best thing to do is be prepared at all times. Way to go in writing this one. Sara K
Date: 7/26/2024 1:02:00 PM

Haunting but so poetic, with brilliant metaphors, imagery, alliterations etc. youv written a free verse that is so moving dear silent one and i cant help but think of death, death something that scares me, especially losing loved ones. And your way of writing about it, is so emotive and soul hitting! Powerful poem, with so many emotions so many thoughts, i bet we always wish we could have done better when its the end, but somehow experiences shape us to be who we are, and more devotion etc, we


Book: Reflection on the Important Things