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Poems by Leanne Lovejoy-Burton

Leanne Lovejoy-Burton - Premium MemberPremium Member Send Soup Mail  Block poet from commenting on your poetry

Below are poems written by Australia poet Leanne Lovejoy-Burton. If you like the poems, please comment on the work of this poet. Remember, Poetrysoup is an environment of encouragement and growth so only provide specific positive comments that indicate what you appreciate about the poems of Leanne Lovejoy-Burton.

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10/19/2018 The Dilettante Diaries: All Roads Lead Home 8409 Free verse
10/17/2018 The Dilettante Diaries: Open Door Barefoot 4626 Free verse
10/12/2018 The Dilettante Diaries: Finding Lost Keys On the Steppes of White Ivory 4361 Romanticism
09/29/2018 The Dilettante Diaries: Dominion 3876 Free verse
09/20/2018 The Dilettante Diaries: Love In Motion 3010 Romanticism
09/18/2018 The Dilettante Diaries: the Dream 4553 Romanticism
09/16/2018 The Dilettante Diaries: the True Romantics 4242 Romanticism
09/15/2018 The Dilettante Diaries: Avian Notes On the Sensate Slip Stream : the Silent War In 3 Acts: Pt1 14441 Free verse
09/15/2018 The Dilettante Diaries: Avian Notes On the Sensate Slip Stream : the Silent War In 3 Acts: Pt2 14440 Free verse
09/15/2018 The Dilettante Diaries: Avian Notes On the Sensate Slip Stream : the Silent War In 3 Acts - Pt3 14441 Free verse
09/13/2018 The Dilettante Diaries: the Divine Feminine - a Tale of Seduction 6741 Romanticism
09/12/2018 The Dilettante Diaries: Bee 3184 Romanticism
09/12/2018 The Dilettante Diaries: the Bumble Bee Big Blue Sky Boston Two Step On Love Street 4862 Romanticism
09/10/2018 Freedom: In Memoriam 2850 Free verse
09/09/2018 The Dilettante Diaries: Goin' Gangsta On the Road To the Lotus Eaters At Loon Junction 4342 Free verse
09/07/2018 The Dilettante Diaries: Blue Highway At the Cross Roads 3085 Free verse
09/06/2018 The Dilettante Diaries: the Incubation and Metamorphosis of Ulysses 4433 Free verse
09/03/2018 The Dilettante Diaries: Freedom Fall 8 and the Removal of Ray Bans 4480 Free verse
09/03/2018 The Dilettante Diaries: Seams Sewn In Souls Strung Like Pearls Cast Out Into the World 2603 Free verse
09/03/2018 The Dilettante Diaries: God Is a Woman 2137 Romanticism
09/02/2018 The Dilettante Diaries: In Stasis, Black Iris 2781 Romanticism
09/01/2018 The Dilettante Diaries: Freshwater 2500 Romanticism
08/31/2018 Through Windows Abstract Ad Infinitum 1830 Free verse
08/30/2018 Deus Ex Machina 2011 Romanticism
08/30/2018 What Say You 1962 Free verse
08/29/2018 This Is My Church 2514 Free verse
08/28/2018 The Kissing Loop 3150 Free verse
08/25/2018 Dead Letter Queues 1850 Free verse
08/25/2018 The Macguffin 2120 Romanticism
08/24/2018 When Silence Swam On the Menu 2040 Free verse
08/21/2018 Mountains of Blue: Forest of the Three Sisters 3095 Free verse
08/21/2018 The Big Blues and Baptismal Alice 2922 Free verse
08/20/2018 Wind Song 2101 Free verse
08/18/2018 The Lacemaker's Muse 2679 Romanticism
08/16/2018 The Ecstatic Calliope 2688 Free verse
08/15/2018 Thy Beautiful Heart: the Blue Faery's Baby 3684 Free verse
08/14/2018 Penny Dreadful 2942 Romanticism
08/13/2018 On the Cindered Shoulders of Confused Men 2793 Free verse
08/12/2018 Blitzkrieg : a Kookaburra Laughs 3292 Free verse
08/11/2018 Bees Under Milk Wood : a Spell 3921 Romanticism
06/20/2018 Soul Cry 3712 Free verse
06/12/2018 Fatal Attraction 2734 Free verse
05/26/2018 Black Cat 4250 Free verse
05/10/2018 Lux Vitae Love Stories of the Fey: In the Clouds 3443 Free verse
05/09/2018 The Shattering Silence of Falling Leaves 3406 Free verse
05/08/2018 An Bee Cailleach 4683 Free verse
05/05/2018 Cherish Armour 3823 Free verse
05/04/2018 Light Kissed 3760 Romanticism
05/03/2018 Synaesthesia 3541 Romanticism
05/03/2018 Myst 2195 Free verse
04/29/2018 The Lost Daughter 3188 Free verse
04/29/2018 Thursday's Child 2467 Free verse
04/28/2018 The Hidden Garden In My Winter Forest 4153 Free verse
04/27/2018 Deep Waters 1981 Free verse
04/21/2018 Lionheart 3862 Ode
04/21/2018 Leo In the Sign of Cancer 2431 Ode
04/20/2018 Intermission: Ad Infinitum Lux Vitae 2600 Pantoum
04/17/2018 Pearls 3062 Ode
04/15/2018 Ante Bellum 2981 Free verse
04/12/2018 Beige 1855 Free verse
04/11/2018 The Wind-Up Man, the Patch-Work Girl and the Remaining Time 2434 Couplet
04/11/2018 Black Swan Theory 4032 Pantoum
04/10/2018 Deep Duet 1891 Free verse
04/08/2018 Celluloid Intermezzo Indigo 3469 Pantoum
04/08/2018 The Swoon Hypothesis - Part 1 13659 Free verse
04/08/2018 The Swoon Hypothesis - Part 2 13657 Free verse
03/26/2018 Communion 13579 Free verse
03/26/2018 Pheonix: Bleeding Hearts and Blue Violets 3915 Free verse
03/25/2018 Black Crow Mojo 3028 Free verse
03/24/2018 Beloved Femme Fatale 2712 Romanticism
03/21/2018 Angel Through the Wires 2787 Free verse
03/18/2018 Home Is a Burning Flame 4347 Free verse
03/18/2018 The History of a Wasted Mind 3766 Free verse
03/17/2018 Next Chapter 5288 Free verse
03/17/2018 Monopoly - Fast Track Equations 2120 Free verse
03/16/2018 Naked As a Blue Bird Sings 2150 Haiku
03/16/2018 The Well of Tender Moorings 2251 Romanticism
03/14/2018 Die Another Day 5499 Free verse
03/12/2018 The Remaining - Prologue: Terra Firma and the Bitumen 3182 Free verse
03/10/2018 The Lewis Trap 4385 Free verse
03/09/2018 The Boadicea Blood Cup 2708 Free verse
03/05/2018 Books and Covers 2937 Free verse
03/05/2018 God's Tears Returned 1890 Free verse
03/04/2018 Smoking Gun 2271 Free verse
03/03/2018 The Evolution of a Broken Heart 3263 Free verse
02/28/2018 A Silent Song 3850 Romanticism
02/22/2018 Damascus 1980 Free verse
02/20/2018 Calamus Gladio Fortior 2251 Free verse
02/20/2018 Frosted 3568 Free verse
02/19/2018 The Letter 2783 Free verse
02/19/2018 The Letter A 4001 Free verse
02/15/2018 Triomphant 2453 Free verse
02/13/2018 Romantic Charm In 4 Lines - Love Story 2270 Free verse
02/11/2018 Whypt Syllabubs 2902 Romanticism
02/10/2018 Abandoned Cities 3711 Free verse
02/09/2018 The Queen's Slippers - Part 1 6731 Free verse
02/09/2018 The Queen's Slippers - Part 2 6732 Free verse
02/08/2018 The Chalice of Murdered Crows 4391 Free verse
02/01/2018 Georgia 6522 Free verse
01/31/2018 Mother 2344 Free verse



Quote Left One day we all die. All that remains are the photos and memories. Perhaps a person could write it all down and leave something of themselves behind; their thoughts, their memories. And in their written thoughts, perhaps "Love" is eventually understood and found. One day we all die. We all die one day. I shall ghost with the best of them ... a very ghostly ghost.(LadyLabyrinth/Leanne Lovejoy-Burton) Quote Right
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Quote Left Some things can never be forgiven. Forgiving yourself for not forgiving, is enough forgiveness. (LadyLabyrinth/Leanne Lovejoy-Burton) Quote Right
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Quote Left Witches were once burnt at the stake for being something other than who they truly were, at the hands of people, who were less than noble in mind and more sullied. (LadyLabyrinth/Leanne Lovejoy-Burton) Quote Right
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Quote Left Love cradles Sorrow for a while, comforting it in its arms, stroking it like a pet to be controlled, adored and loved, until Love realises that Sorrow needs free range to express itself. Eventually like all wild things, Sorrow needs to be released, to be transformed into something higher and more hauntingly beautiful. (Leanne Lovejoy-Burton as LadyLabyrinth) Quote Right
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Quote Left Love opens the door to and for Sorrow. The choice is Sorrow’s direction. Of course, interpretation is also poetically open, dear Poet. From observation, like Love, Sorrow adores company, like Love, Sorrow is not averse to sharing its cage with numbers of other Sorrows, all requiring to be fed, they eventually have their fill and leave, spreading their wings for Lighter realms.(Leanne Lovejoy-Burton as LadyLabyrinth) Quote Right
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Quote Left Love invites Sorrow in, to feed its hunger, quench its thirst...Sorrow has been sorely deprived of succour and unconditional nurture in most states of distress, sadness, betrayal, rejection, hurt, loss, grief (are only but a few called by name)...when Sorrow is well fed, and transfiguring into its better, higher lighter form, the captive/s eventually are let loose - it is Sorrow's choice of course, whether Sorrow stays or goes. (Leanne Lovejoy-Burton as LadyLabyrinth) Quote Right
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Quote Left The Light and the Dark of it. Some people will go to extraordinary measures for redemption. Some people go to extraordinary lengths for Love. Some will call it courage. Others will denigrate the truth of the fall in delivery as foolish. There are benefits to falling, to the breaking: beginning, middle, end. If not the whole, you cannot see but a part of yourself in others, then there is something vitally humane missing in you. You are "Godless".No matter how clean and worthy you deem yourself. Quote Right
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Quote Left Creativity, is a beautiful thing, when it comes from the heart, light and dark, glued back together with poetry. Love. Quote Right
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Quote Left We are all books, poems, songs, abstract and not so abstract art walking, the pages and chapters immersive and crowded. Quote Right
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Quote Left "The walls are not falling like Jericho, they are dissolving; brick by brick. Beyond the purple haze, a golden place." Quote Right
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Quote Left We are not our souls, we are envelopes. Some remain unopened, some opened and delivered. Some clearly marked, "Return to Sender". Quote Right
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Quote Left "I will never murder my little darlings. I shall put them on a pedestal and feed them LOVE." (LadyLabyrinth/Leanne Lovejoy-Burton) Quote Right
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Quote Left At some point, you have to let go of the “value” of how other people see you, for if you do not, it is at great personal cost to yourself – I say this with 'some' wisdom and further contemplation, that in doing all this, you are not harming another living human being or creature. Quote Right
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Quote Left Life and death. We are on loop. Many of us are surviving our own breech birth, after initial entry, in mysterious ways. Eventually, whatever the play or cost, light appears in one form or another. Much Love. Because Love is all that matters in this world for humanity to make Light, see Light. And that is what this world and humanity needs most. (Leanne Lovejoy-Burton as LadyLabyrinth) Quote Right
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Quote Left Creatives I Admire (Part 1) - The writers and creatives I gravitate to, are those who have been driven to the depths of despair, experienced the greatest pain on many levels (physical and emotional), have survived to share with us their experiences, whether they are cast as outsiders or received as enfant terrible geniuses and welcomed by society with open arms (while many of those creatives such as those I speak of, shun those open arms). Quote Right
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Quote Left Creatives I Admire (Part 2) - Those creatives who have experienced, 'going over the edge', have plummeted to the depths of despair, loneliness, emotional and physical pain, are the ones who have the greatest appreciation for beauty and love, and an understanding of the cost paid for loss; and while some do not survive the plunge, their experiences make us understand what it truly is to be ‘human’. Those are the writers/creatives who I gravitate to and admire. Quote Right
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Quote Left a pen dipped in blood as is a robe so writes a mind now is unrobed Quote Right
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Quote Left Butterflies are the souls of caterpillars, they are borne from the inside out, they last for only a short while to start their hurricanes, to leave their beautiful imprint on their new world, before they leave to regenerate again in another place; Quote Right
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Quote Left if one butterfly could flutter its wings to set molecules of air in motion, to move other molecules of air, to eventually start just one hurricane - just imagine what a legion of butterflies could achieve with their vibrations raising each other and all that is good in ‘being’ to higher levels to transform each other. Quote Right
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Quote Left Through chaos, great change occurs. It gets worse before it gets better. Butterflies are fragile, but they are the souls of caterpillars, strong enough to wave their messages of rebirth through. Don’t get me started on Bees. Love. Joy. Be. Quote Right
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Quote Left That girl she is hell bent. That girl she is hell bent on reaching heaven. That girl she is a message of love rolled up in ash, smoking hot, she’s still glowing. Light bulb brain, like a genie...rub. 3 wishes - come, undone. Light and Dark is a mysterious thing. Light bulb brain, like a genie...rub. 3 wishes. That girl is hell bent. Quote Right
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Quote Left day we all die, we all must leave something of our love behind for those who need our love the most ... time is a precious commodity, stolen and squandered by the injustices and untruths of life. Quote Right
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Quote Left Love like an ocean is mercurial. Subject to changing constancy; underneath the waves, in the deepest bed lies true love, watching us tread water, waiting for us to turn late or early, it does not matter; we dive deeper to find its arms open, ready to envelop us. We go searching for pearls, drowning in it all, treasure like wisdom to be found. Quote Right
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Quote Left Life above the waves, Blue Sky reflects light, deeper than we care to admit. Sun and gold found in the unlikeliest depths, lighting up all dimensions. And we rise. Eventually. Quote Right
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Quote Left Love always calls us in. Unexpected, abrupt or not - the exit...the entrance, Love always calls us back in. (Leanne Lovejoy-Burton/aka Lady Labyrinth). Quote Right
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Quote Left We don't write words. We don't paint words. We eat words. Writers, Poets, the Reader, the Inquisitive. The more hungry, the more words eaten. What evolves is the lesson emanating from what is regurgitated. Too full up. After all is said ... and words mean a jot? When the other chapter opens, and the old closes. Sense kicks in. Quote Right
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Quote Left "Listening is all well and good", she said. "Watch and learn, read between the lines; Morse Code, a gift of Love - for you," she said. Quote Right
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Quote Left Colours dance before our eyes, starbursts take us up and down through tunnels rollercoaster rides home - sex, love, birth, death, all through spectral colours, life sensual senses something electric, close and far away, in the green and blue dance. Quote Right
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Quote Left My God is a poet singing me home with their genderless pronouns, sticky love like blood tar the tears in my eyes the black heart is fixed on, feeling the sum of the parts, communion is served best without - heavy armour worn gospels, the insides torn, turned out. Quote Right
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Quote Left "'Choices' are the tokens that take us to places perhaps we never wished we'd visited, but we leave with greater knowledge and a firmer and clearer understanding of ourselves and the truth of it all. We are a book of life constantly re-editing our pages and at the root of it all, we rely on our internal compass - for some, this is an elusive marker to locate, but eventually it is found. Never judge a book by its cover." Quote Right
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Short Stories

The Death of Mother fantasy, for teens, moral, science fiction, young adult,
The Corner Chamber mystery,
Jumping Pin love,
Magik Muse love,
Wild Love mystery, romantic,
Bars Between the Left and Right Margins crime, love, mystery,
Blue Highway at the Cross Roads inspirational, love, mystery, romantic,
Phantasmagoria Blues (Chapter 1) funny, macabre, mystery, romantic,
Third Person macabre, mystery, thriller,
Catnip fantasy, mystery, romantic,


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All Poetry, Short Stories and Quotes

Leanne Lovejoy-Burton & LadyLabyrinth

are dedicated to

my daughter,


(2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023)

The Real Mother.

The True Mother.

With all my love, Mum. x


Sydney, Australia.

Another Book (In Draft).


Love, your mother.

Poetry, Short Stories & Quotes -  

Leanne Lovejoy-Burton (2017-2018)

Poetry, Short Stories & Quotes -  

Lady Labyrinth (2018 - 2023)

Book: Reflection on the Important Things