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Blog on poetic- form Haiku- Imagery, Imagination, Color And Inspiration - Robert Lindley's Blog

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A few of my quotes over the years:


Listing A Personal View Of What Poetry Is

1. Poetry is a stone, turned to expose to searching winds of a once hidden earth.
Robert J. Lindley

2. Poetry is art, mind painted, heart colored and fire risen.
Robert J. Lindley

3. Poetry is a fruit, hanging on a bountiful tree, begging to fall.
Robert J. Lindley

4. Poetry is an ever expanding ocean, begging ever more creatures to swim in its swirling depths.
Robert J. Lindley

5. Poetry is cake on a golden platter, eaten with fork, spoon, butter knife or greedy hands.
Robert J. Lindley

6. Poetry is cherry blossoms, crying for the soft, cool winds to wave their beauty to the awaiting sun and the gasping skies.
Robert J. Lindley

7. Poetry is glistening dewdrops falling upon virgin ground to gift dawn's hope and night's desire to match brilliance of glistening moonbeams.
Robert J. Lindley

8. Poetry is a poet's heart and soul uniting to bless others, while temporarily shielding searching souls against this dark world's poison tipped arrows.
Robert J. Lindley

9. Poetry is brightly sent musical notes that heart sees, mind colors and spirit longs to record.
Robert J. Lindley

10. Poetry is ink blotted, soul driven splashes that cry to be read, beg to be understood and unabashedly sing to give to its dear readers.
Robert J. Lindley

11.Poetry is a colorful bird, in heavenly flight to a paradise that awaits man's sincere pleading heart and desirous spirit.
Robert J. Lindley

12. Poetry is a child happily playing, a mother joyfully singing and a father blessed to have and so very dearly appreciate loving both.
Robert J. Lindley

Robert J. Lindley, 7-17-2018
Subject, ( What Poetry Is)



My biography will be very limited for now.   Here , I can express myself in poetic form but in real life I much rather prefer to be far less forward  I am a 60 year old American citizen , born and raised in the glorious South! A heritage that I am very proud of and thank God for as it is a blessing indeed ~

Currently married to my beautiful young wife(Riza) a lovely filipina  lady and we have a fantastic 7 year old son, Justin ~

I have truly lived a very wild life as a younger man but now find myself finally very happily settled down for the duration of my life~

I decided to rest here and express myself with hopes that it may in some way help others, for I see here a very diverse  and fine gathering of poets, artists, and caring folks~

Quickly finding friends here that amaze me with such great talent~~

I invite any and all to comment on my writes and send me soup mail to discuss

whatever seems important to them ~

Blog on poetic- form Haiku- Imagery, Imagination, Color And Inspiration

Blog Posted:6/29/2021 5:48:00 AM

Blog on poetic- form Haiku-

Imagery, Imagination, Color And Inspiration





Elements of a poem that invoke any of the five senses to create a set of mental images. Specifically, using vivid or figurative language to represent ideas, objects, or actions. Poems that use rich imagery include T.S. Eliot’s “Preludes,” Percy Bysshe Shelley’s “Ode to the West Wind,” Sylvia Plath’s “Daddy,” and Mary Oliver’s “At Black River.”


About Imagery

Imagery is the name given to the elements in a poem that spark off the senses. Despite "image" being a synonym for "picture", images need not be only visual; any of the five senses (sight, hearing, touch, taste, smell) can respond to what a poet writes. Examples of non-visual imagery can be found in Ken Smith's 'In Praise of Vodka', where he describes the drink as having "the taste of air, of wind on fields, / the wind through the long wet forest", and James Berry's 'Seashell', which puts the "ocean sighs" right in a listener's ear.


A poet could simply state, say, "I see a tree", but it is possible to conjure up much more specific images using techniques such as simile ("a tree like a spiky rocket"), metaphor ("a green cloud riding a pole") or synechdoche ("bare, black branches") - each of these suggests a different kind of tree. Techniques, such as these, that can be used to create powerful images are called figurative language, and can also include onomatopoeia, metonymy and personification.


One of the great pleasures of poetry is discovering a particularly powerful image; the Imagists of the early 20th century felt it was the most important aspect, so were devoted to finding strong images and presenting them in the clearest language possible. Of course, not every poem is an Imagist poem, but making images is something that nearly every poem in the Archive does.


An interesting contrast in imagery can be found by comparing Alison Croggon's 'The Elwood Organic Fruit and Vegetable Shop' with Allen Ginsberg's 'A Supermarket in California'; although both poets seem to like the shops they write about, Ginsberg's shop is full of hard, bright things, corralled into aisles, featuring neon, tins and freezers, while the organic shop is full of images of soft, natural things rubbing against one another in sunlight. Without it being said explicitly, the imagery makes it clear that the supermarket is big, boxy, and tidy, unlike the cosy Elwood's. This is partly done with the visual images that are drawn, and in part with Croggon's images that mix the senses (this is called synaesthesia), such as the strawberries with their "klaxons of sweetness" or the gardens with "well-groomed scents", having the way the imagery is made correspond with what the imagery shows.


Fleur Adcock's poem, 'Leaving the Tate', uses imagery of picture-making to build up the overlap between art and sight at the centre of the poem.


Examples of Imagery in Poetry

Imagery is one of the literary devices that engage the human senses; sight, hearing, taste, and touch. Imagery is as important as metaphor and simile and can be written without using any figurative language at all. It represents object, action, and idea which appeal our senses. Sometimes it becomes more complex than just a picture. There are five main types of imagery, each related to one of the human senses:


Visual imagery (sight)

Auditory Imagery (hearing)

Olfactory imagery (smell)

Gustatory imagery (taste)

Tactile imagery ( touch)

A writer can use single or multiple imageries in his writings. Imagery can be literal. They also allow the readers to directly sympathize with the character and narrator. Through imagery, the reader imagines a similar sensory experience. It helps to build compelling poetry, convincing narratives, clear plays, well-designed film sets, and heart touching descriptive songs. It involves imagination. Hence, writing without imagery would be dull and dry, and writing with imagery can be gripping and vibrant. The necessary sensory detail can allow the reader to understand the character and minute details of writing which a writer wants to communicate. Imagery can be symbolic, which deepens the impact of the text. For more explanation refer to this article: // Here are a few examples of imagery in a poetry:

After Apple picking- Robert Frost


I feel the ladder sway as the boughs bend.

And I keep hearing from the cellar bin

The rumbling sound

Of load on load of apples coming in.


These lines have powerful imagery. We can feel the swaying ladder, see the bending boughs and hear the rumbling sound of apples going in the cellar bin. These lines are literal. Every word means what it typically means. The entire poem is imagery that conveys deep feelings of contemplation and subtle remorse for things left undone to the reader.


Romeo and Juliet –W. Shakespeare

O, she doth teach the torches to burn bright!

Her beauty hangs upon the cheek of night,

Like a rich jewel in an Ethiop’s ear


Here Romeo is comparing the beauty of Juliet. He says that she looks more radiant than brightly lit torches in the hall. Further, he says that her face glows like a precious bright jewel against the dark skin of an African in the night. Here he uses the contrasting images of light and dark to portray her beauty. The imagery also involves the use of figurative language; he uses the simile to enhance the imagery.


To Autumn – John Keats


Until they think warm days will never cease,

For summer has o’er-brimm’d their clammy cells.


Who hath not seen thee oft amid thy store?

Sometimes whoever seeks abroad may find

Thee sitting careless on a granary floor,

Thy hair soft-lifted by the winnowing wind;

Or on a half-reap’d furrow sound asleep


To Autumn is rich in imagery, evoking the perception of sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch. The above lines are primarily visual imagery. The tactile imagery (touch) is seen in the warmth of the day, the clammy cells, the soft lifted hair.


The Image, The Inner Reaches Of The Mind

sandy land, windswept

oasis, wet evergreen

silent cat leapt

Robert J. Lindley, 6-29-2021



On A Glowing Bright Summer Day

bright morn, wooden fence

young colt, wide open meadow

boy, red bicycle

Robert J. Lindley, 6-26-2021



Glimmering, Shimmering And Flaming Sweet

her eyes, shining pools

her kissing lips luscious red

desert at high noon

Robert J. Lindley, 6-24-2021



Beneath Expanse, Glorious Earthen Skies

cold pavement, late night

moonlit trees, Heavenly glows

old owl, frighten mouse

Robert J. Lindley, 6-23-2021



The Season And The Old Farm

old garden, bare ground

frost on the fallen mailbox

breakfast, eggs, bacon

Robert J. Lindley, 6-21-2021



Dawn, A New Day And A Wonderful Start

table, broken spoon

breakfast on a sunny morn

coffee, hot and black

Robert J. Lindley, 6-16-2021



The Visit

white stone, sad morning

fresh mowed grass twixt the rows

bright sun, soft cool breeze

Robert J. Lindley, 6-10-2021



The Frozen Ground

crunch, crunch, icy glaze

trees, limbs weighted to the ground

crisp morn, soft new gloves

Robert J. Lindley, 6-07-2021



The Ancient Forest

dark, deep canopy

autumn colors vibrant reds

sunken stone markers

Robert J. Lindley, 6-04-2021



The Cool Clear Stream

rushing  waters, smooth stones

rocky walls, bright meadow's glow

sky, reflection- hope

Robert J. Lindley, 6-01-2021



??Although there have been various haiku poets throughout time, we can notably refer to Matsuo Basho, Yosa Buson, Kobayashi Issa and Masaoka Shiki for revolutionizing what we see of our modern haiku.

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Date: 7/6/2021 6:51:00 PM
Wonderful work, Sir Roberto, as we have come to expect of your blogs on a regular basis. You should compile these into a volume and publish it - there's so much work you put into these ... seems a shame that this is the only venue for them. Blessings.
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Robert Lindley
Date: 7/12/2021 1:23:00 PM
Thank you my dear friend. I may one future day do just that compile these blogs and publish the whole of my writings on poetry as the Art form.. God bless..
Date: 7/1/2021 8:27:00 PM
So much to say, with so few words. i always think of "YES" and "NO" and how they cover so much meaning, although today "NO" is lost in the fog of modern learning. However i digress, Robert your blog interesting as ever, love the examples and your own contributing poetry.
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Robert Lindley
Date: 7/12/2021 1:22:00 PM
Thank you my friend. I am catching up on my commenting, since my having ben ill kept me away so long. God bless..
Date: 7/1/2021 5:49:00 PM
Very nicely done,Robert. Well researched and thought out blogging.
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Robert Lindley
Date: 7/12/2021 1:21:00 PM
Thank you my friend. I am delighted you have found this blog to be a positive and worthy endeavor. God bless.
Date: 7/1/2021 5:45:00 PM
You were busy with the Haiku last month. Thanks for these blogs, I do appreciate your efforts and what I learn from them.
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Robert Lindley
Date: 7/12/2021 1:20:00 PM
Thank you my friend. Yes, I was busy but the importance of getting this message in made it well worth it my friend. God bless..
Date: 7/1/2021 2:52:00 PM
Masterful blog, Robert, that adds to our knowledge. A lot of hard work and research on your part - Bob H
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Robert Lindley
Date: 7/1/2021 3:10:00 PM
Thank you my friend. Always a pleasure to find that these blogs are a positive, encouraging and helpful endeavor. Certainly makes the hard work part worth it my friend.. God bless...
Date: 7/1/2021 6:08:00 AM
This is loaded with expertise advice, Robert. Imagery is key for showing instead of telling.
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Robert Lindley
Date: 7/1/2021 8:18:00 AM
Thank you my friend. Yes, the links given provide so much very useful information. And the three-( I.'s) are key in poetry-- I magery, I magination, I nfinite possibilities....... God bless....
Date: 6/30/2021 12:49:00 PM
wonderful informative blog and fabulous haiku:-) you go to such lengths to write these blogs thanks for sharing your talents with us Robert:-) hugs Jan xx
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Robert Lindley
Date: 6/30/2021 2:35:00 PM
Thank you my dear friend. Truth, my problem is in limiting how much I want to put into each blog. After researching studying, I usually only put in about 5 or 10 percent of the information that I've gathered. They each start out as great fun but soon turn into far too much time spent and my fretting over my own poems I compose to go in each one. God bless...
Date: 6/30/2021 2:17:00 AM
Imagery in some small form should be present in every poem, that's my opinion, great blog, Robert and loved all your haikus:) astounding work:) Somehow, I rarely write haikus, but enjoy reading them:)
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Robert Lindley
Date: 6/30/2021 9:59:00 AM
Thank you my friend. So very true- imagery in one form or another exists in every poem. In haiku it is the goal, the quest, the challenge that stirs the poet's heart. God bless my friend.
Date: 6/30/2021 1:09:00 AM
Pound (despite his track record) Robert is still the imagist most known in the English language (Japan translations apart) with this classic... In a Station of the Metro.. The apparition of these faces in the crowd: Petals on a wet, black bough
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Robert Lindley
Date: 6/30/2021 9:57:00 AM
True, Pound is one of the top ten imagists in my book. I read much of his work decades ago. He a true genius gave such beautiful and profound treasures to this world, imho. God bless..
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Robert Lindley
Date: 6/30/2021 9:55:00 AM
Thank you Brian. Ezra Pound, I have long meant to do a tribute to that magnificent poet-but his style and mine are so very different, I fear I could never do the great poet justice. Thus my reluctance to give it a try. God bless..
Strand Avatar
Brian Strand
Date: 6/30/2021 1:16:00 AM
I would though extoll dear Adelaide Crapsey for 'pure ' readable magism with her unique American Cinquain' form(So saddend that this US poetry site does not recognise it own genius with a separate poetic category when it does so do with couplet&quintains)
Date: 6/29/2021 7:34:00 PM HaikuNow! Contemporary Haiku Home » HaikuNow! Contemporary Haiku All haiku must be in English and must meet the criteria for the Contemporary category, as described in Examples of Contemporary Haiku in English below. All poems must be the original, unpublished work of the submitter
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Robert Lindley
Date: 6/29/2021 7:36:00 PM
Examples of Contemporary Haiku in English The most common literary adaptation in English of haiku looks something like this: one to four lines, no strict syllable count but brief, and often with a long/short or short/long asymmetry. These poems too utilize a caesura. Images need not be taken from nature, though they may be and often are. Seasonality is optional, though often featured. Here’s an example: in the woodpile the broken ax handle The poet, Michael Facherty of Ireland, chooses two lines, with the first line establishing the context and suggesting the season. Again the diction is image-based and straightforward, without words that indicate judgment, or that pad out the syllable count, or that tell the reader what to think. The image is vivid, and the conclusion given an ironic twist (though irony is only one of dozens of poetic strategies that contemporary haiku employ).
Date: 6/29/2021 7:27:00 PM by Thea Voutiritsas April 18, 2019 141.08k Traditional and structured, this short form of Japanese poetry is well-known for its rule of 5/7/5: five syllables in the first line, seven in the second, and five again in the third. Haikus are known for their ability to paint a vivid picture in just a few words. A practice of artistic discipline, their minimal nature forces writers to pare down to only the essentials—making each word, or even syllable, count. “The Old Pond” by Matsuo Basho An old silent pond A frog jumps into the pond— Splash! Silence again.
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Robert Lindley
Date: 6/29/2021 7:28:00 PM
Sonia Sanchez “Haiku [for you]” love between us is speech and breath. loving you is a long river running. Known for her innovative use of traditional formats like haiku in a modern context, even infusing them with bluesy rhythm, Sonia Sanchez received high praise for her collection Morning Haiku. In its opening essay, Sanchez expresses her deep appreciation for haiku as an art form. Ravi Shankar “Lines on a Skull” life’s little, our heads sad. Redeemed and wasting clay this chance. Be of use.
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Robert Lindley
Date: 6/29/2021 7:28:00 PM
A slightly darker take on the art of haiku, “Lines on a Skull” is inspired by Lord Byron’s “Lines Inscribed Upon a Cup formed from a Skull.” Poet Ravi Shankar distills this late seventeenth-century poet’s words into a more modern, potent, and visceral version. Joyce Clement “Birds Punctuate the Days” Period One blue egg all summer long Now gone
Date: 6/29/2021 7:26:00 PM
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Date: 6/29/2021 7:25:00 PM
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Date: 6/29/2021 7:24:00 PM
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Date: 6/29/2021 7:23:00 PM
Other sources used in creating this blog.
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Date: 6/29/2021 6:41:00 PM
A few of my favorite thoughts are these: "lips luscious red, desert at high noon" "frost on the fallen mailbox" "fresh mowed grass twixt the rows" "limbs weighted to the ground, crisp morn, soft new gloves" "bright meadow's glow, sky, reflection- hope" So many beautiful images within each tender haiku. Thank you for sharing my dear sweet friend. Once again, your words shine. :) Hugs, Brandy
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Robert Lindley
Date: 6/29/2021 7:16:00 PM
"fresh mowed grass twixt the rows", came from an early Sunday morning visit at a graveyard and my noticing the grass must have been cut that day before 6 am... Guy must have been a truly dedicated caretaker there.
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Robert Lindley
Date: 6/29/2021 7:12:00 PM
"bright meadow's glow, sky, reflection- hope"-- that one comes from a prayer once uttered and a dream once that set me upon a new path... God bless...
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Robert Lindley
Date: 6/29/2021 7:11:00 PM
Thank you my dear friend. the luscious red lips came from a memory that to this day still delights. All of the imagery therein came from sights either seen, imagined or created from inspiration given by the fickle poetry gods that occasionally smile on we mere mortals. Your comments are truly appreciated and noted.. God bless...
Date: 6/29/2021 12:34:00 PM
Kissing 'ku was sweet, Robert! my fave! "silent cat leapt" my fave line 3 twist of yours!
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Robert Lindley
Date: 6/29/2021 3:14:00 PM
You know my friend, that gives me an idea. I think I may write a poem today/tonight using that - as the focus.. "silent cat leapt".. Yep, as the genie of the lamp always said, "no sooner said than done"..... And that genie was not as ravishingly beautiful as the amazing sexy, sensual and tantalizing Barbara Eden ....
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Robert Lindley
Date: 6/29/2021 3:10:00 PM
as it was indeed an important reminder of the , "frighten mouse" in the other haiku titled- ""Beneath Expanse, Glorious Earthen Skies"".... Thus a little continuation in the form and in the imagery, depths and purpose of this new blog. God bless...
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Robert Lindley
Date: 6/29/2021 3:07:00 PM
Thank you my friend. Tis why I chose to present the list in an inverted order from the creation of the poems. As that poem came to me this morn and thus was the last element in that list that was added-at the last minute before presenting the blog. I am so very pleased that you have found it to be sweet and a fav!!
Date: 6/29/2021 12:11:00 PM
The enigma of Haiku is the kireji. See -- WHAT THE HECK ARE “KIREJI” (CUTTING WORDS) ---- ----- see also --- -----
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Robert Lindley
Date: 6/29/2021 3:02:00 PM
By the way, great links you gifted us. Always it is far, far better to have more information than it is to have less. God bless...
Lindley Avatar
Robert Lindley
Date: 6/29/2021 3:01:00 PM
Thank you my friend. Yes, if one wants to adhere to strictest form and stay within the realm of traditional haiku -such is the path to adhere to. As we are wont to do- we American poets simply love to add our own special touches to our creations. If that takes us out of traditional form- well most of us say--let it be so. For me the true challenge is stay true to myself and yet stil to the best of my limited ability honor the poetry form and gift original and heartfelt verses that will sit better with the audeience I am writing to/for.. God bless.
Date: 6/29/2021 11:59:00 AM
Another stunning blog Robert with perfect haiku examples. Tom
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Robert Lindley
Date: 6/29/2021 2:53:00 PM
I tried to pick the best three of this listed lot but with each one having such a special place in this old heart I simply could not decide. So -as an old poet that sees no answer to the problem- I chose to display them all... God bless..
Lindley Avatar
Robert Lindley
Date: 6/29/2021 2:50:00 PM
Thank you my friend. For me the shorter te poetry form is -the harder it is for me to compose. I guess that, with my nature of being long-winded, I desire to even deeper illicit life, color, context, beauty and more with more words... The challenge is to do, MUCH MORE WITH FAR LESS.. God bless...
Date: 6/29/2021 11:44:00 AM
- Outstanding haikus, Robert :)
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Robert Lindley
Date: 6/29/2021 2:47:00 PM
Thank you my friend. May God bless us both- with the treasure of gifting more beautiful verses to this ever so increasingly needful world. A truly great blessing it tis indeed...
Date: 6/29/2021 7:38:00 AM
Robert, Raised the senses to follow the journey in this blog. Let's see where it takes us. -Richard
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Robert Lindley
Date: 6/29/2021 2:45:00 PM
The Aim Of A Poet::: Planting verses so sweetly well, In furrows to life and love keep. Broadcast ink magic as a spell, With beauty that makes a heart weep. R.J.Lindley, 1973
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Robert Lindley
Date: 6/29/2021 2:45:00 PM
Thank you my friend. Poets are blessed to be able to add color and beauty to this too oft darkened world. If one can manage to accomplish that in a very short poetic form- as in a haiku- then all the better. The three seeds Imagery, Imagination and Infinite possibilities come to mind. So let us plow the fields, plant the seeds and harvest poetic fruits.>>>

My Past Blog Posts

I am taking a short vacation
Date Posted: 9/25/2023 6:28:00 AM
BLOG- On one of my favorite Wordworth poems
Date Posted: 9/20/2023 9:55:00 AM
Linked article on 19th Century Poets
Date Posted: 9/18/2023 3:33:00 PM
Blog: Does Classical Mythology Have A Place In Contemporary Poetry?
Date Posted: 9/9/2023 12:35:00 PM
New Blog, Why Dark Poetry Fascinated So Many Famous Poets..
Date Posted: 9/7/2023 7:53:00 AM
Words On The Need For And The Benefits Of Dark Poetry.
Date Posted: 9/5/2023 6:28:00 AM
The Fifth Poet, in my famous Poets Series, John Keats
Date Posted: 8/31/2023 1:19:00 PM
A Blog On Life And Poetry.
Date Posted: 8/29/2023 11:35:00 AM
5 Writers Who Blur the Boundary Between Poetry and Essay "Poets are the Hoarders of the Literary World"
Date Posted: 8/29/2023 11:20:00 AM
Man, What A Delicious Gob-smacking Dream I Had Last Night
Date Posted: 8/28/2023 11:58:00 AM
Blog on , Thomas Hardy
Date Posted: 8/17/2023 9:26:00 AM
Blog, What Is Modern Poetry? by Alan Rankin
Date Posted: 8/12/2023 3:13:00 PM
Blog On Poetry And Truth, Think
Date Posted: 8/5/2023 5:06:00 PM
Blog on next two poets chosen to be honored in my, Second Poets Tribute Series
Date Posted: 8/3/2023 7:00:00 AM
Blog On Coleridge, A Brilliant Poet That Every Poet Should Know
Date Posted: 7/26/2023 8:06:00 AM
3 poems and a prayer, O' yes from 1973
Date Posted: 7/11/2023 2:18:00 PM
A Blog on the magnificent poet Alfred Noyles
Date Posted: 7/10/2023 10:18:00 AM
BLOG ON Shelley Notes on Percy Bysshe Shelley's A Defense of Poetry
Date Posted: 6/30/2023 3:19:00 PM
Blog, Recently Written Words, Hoping To Revive My Poetic Spirit
Date Posted: 7/4/2022 4:38:00 AM
Blog, A Hebdomad Of Poetic Thought, Musings And Deep Internal Pain
Date Posted: 5/15/2022 9:20:00 AM
Blog, ( Ancient Times, Some Fragments And Poetic Memories )
Date Posted: 4/21/2022 7:24:00 AM
Blog,A Menagerie Of Verse, Rhyme, And Meandering Thoughts
Date Posted: 4/10/2022 8:20:00 AM
Blog- To write, to not lose my sole remaining small joy amidst this darkest sea, this horrendous cavern of epic pain, mournful loss and deepest of darkest sorrows … RJL
Date Posted: 3/7/2022 7:04:00 AM
Death comes to my beloved wife.
Date Posted: 2/27/2022 9:49:00 PM
Why I am away from this poetry site, Loss of my beloved Brother... God bless one and all
Date Posted: 2/19/2022 4:27:00 AM

My Recent Poems

Date PostedPoemTitleFormCategories
10/8/2023 As I Rose From Purple Slumberland, My Heart Red Aflame Narrativeart,creation,dark,evil,ha
10/7/2023 The Time of Righteous Justice Was Then At Hand, Part One Sonnetart,creation,dark,deep,ev
9/25/2023 Hope Dawn's Welcoming Breath Honors Your Sought After Desires Rhymeart,assonance,blessing,cr
9/24/2023 O Little Earth, You Present Fruits of Primal Seed Sonnetcreation,deep,earth,earth
9/24/2023 To a Warrior's Creed, Valiant Death, Fate Oft Decrees Sonnetbirth,career,character,co
9/23/2023 United In the Depths of Love's Ravenously Sweet Ardor Verseart,devotion,love,meaning
9/23/2023 As Heaven Our Witness, Gave Its True Smile Sonnetart,beautiful,blessing,de
9/23/2023 She That With a Sweet-Laid Kiss Captured My Heart Sonnetart,beautiful,creation,gi
9/22/2023 Vampire, of Its Hellish Temper All But the Devil Was Afraid Rhymebetrayal,dark,death,evil,
9/21/2023 The Blackness and the Hard Labor of the Housemaid Verseart,creation,deep,girlfri
9/21/2023 Wake Our Dawns As True Beautiful Flightless Angels Verseangel,art,beautiful,heart
9/20/2023 The Story of the Cruel and Dark Queen That Feeds On Souls Verseart,conflict,dark,deep,ev
9/19/2023 Blowing Blissfully In Immense Wheat Fields of Fertile Minds Sonnetart,creation,dark,deep,im
9/19/2023 Humanity Exists As Sad Creatures With Evil Skins Sonnetart,dark,deep,evil,heart,
9/18/2023 Leave My Feet In Poetry Now Firmly Planted Rhymedeep,motivation,poems,poe
9/17/2023 Was She Crazy Or Had This World Gone Mad Rhymeart,dark,deep,dream,fanta
9/17/2023 To Those This Brave, True Warrior Is Sworn To One Day Defeat Rhymeart,conflict,dark,deep,fa
9/16/2023 Epic Sadness When a Beautiful Dream Crashes Free versecreation,deep,dream,fanta
9/16/2023 The Truth of Love and Its Awesome Powers Free verseart,beauty,heart,life,lov
9/15/2023 My Tired and Lost Soul Next This Wise Advice Out It Screams Rhymebetrayal,depression,heart
9/15/2023 To Ask My Mentor, Will I, Sir Will I, Ever a Great Poet Be Versecreation,dream,poetry,poe
9/14/2023 Yet I Only Desire Loves Immeasurable Truth Sonnetart,creation,deep,heart,l
9/14/2023 She the Ravenous Queen, That Can Have All My Tomorrows Free verseart,beautiful,desire,hear
9/12/2023 As Deep Darkness Its Rabid Cloak Around Me Spread Rhymeart,creation,dark,deep,ev
9/12/2023 O' What Is War But the Mad Child of Greed and Hate Rhymeabuse,conflict,death,deep
9/11/2023 And Throughout Vast Purple Range, Visions Cascade Down Sonnetart,creation,deep,lonelin
9/11/2023 Pondering the Sad and Fateful Decision Free verseart,death,deep,youth,
9/10/2023 With His Six Shooter In Hand He Emptied Its Load Rhymedestiny,encouraging,first
9/9/2023 Why Sweetheart Why Do I So Love, Then Life So Carves Me Up Rhymeart,break up,creation,lif
9/9/2023 True Tragedy Whenever a Great Romance Dies Rhymeart,beautiful,lost love,p
9/9/2023 Into Deep Raging Darkness a Poor Soul Was Once Cast , Dedicated To Master Poe Rhymedark,deep,evil,fantasy,ra
9/8/2023 Dark Poetry- the Fiercest Black Beast That a Knight Once Slew Rhymecourage,creation,dark,dea
9/8/2023 As God of Love Brilliantly Blessed Light Cast Its Glow Upon Me Verseart,creation,desire,first
9/7/2023 As I Watched the Fiery Red Sun Slip Behind the Mountain Sonnetbeautiful,fire,heart,love
9/6/2023 As I Vent On You This Hot-Born Sexual Fire Sonnetdesire,heart,passion,roma
9/6/2023 You Crushed the Bright Yellow Moon Rhymeart,creation,deep,life,lo
9/5/2023 It Happened On a Rainy Night Verseart,beauty,heart,love,moo
9/5/2023 Alive With Hope This Mortal Flesh Rhymeart,deep,emotions,heart,l
9/4/2023 I Fear This May Be Curse, That Dead Vikings Sing Sonnetart,betrayal,dark,death,d
9/3/2023 And With Tantalizing Depths Found We Paint Beauty Divine Sonnetart,beauty,deep,heart,hop
9/2/2023 How We Compose Poems As True, Dedicated Poets Sonnetcreation,fantasy,heart,po
9/1/2023 Son, Our Love Is Infinity Deep and Eternally True Sonnetbeautiful,blessing,faith,
8/31/2023 The Truth of Dearest Love Sworn, I Ask God How Sonnetart,life,love,magic,passi
8/31/2023 Byron, Your Poetry Sings To Our Wanting Hearts Sonnetart,creation,death,dream,
8/30/2023 Three Tribute Poems, Composed By Me, For Longfellow Blog Rhymeart,creation,dedication,d
8/30/2023 Wicked Queen, Her Darkness Hidden Behind Her Veil Sonnetart,beautiful,dark,death,
8/29/2023 Its Gleaming Light-Beams Washing My Old Soul Sonnetart,imagery,mountains,nat
8/28/2023 Honey-Child That Sweet-Spun Gift, You Don'T Want To Miss Sonnetappreciation,art,romantic
8/27/2023 As Saturated Earth Bids Me Adieu Rhymecourage,creation,dark,dea
8/26/2023 A Dark Curse She Still Comes To Torture Me Rhymeart,creation,dark,deep,in
8/25/2023 Her Name Was Jasmine and Her Beauty So Divine Sonnetbeautiful,crush,love,pass
8/25/2023 War, Evil Beast, Just What the Hell Is It Good For Sonnetconflict,courage,death,ev
8/25/2023 When Your Young Life Catches You Flat Footed Narrativedestiny,dream,girlfriend,
8/24/2023 Today Is Going To Be a Very Busy Day Rhymeart,creation,deep,grandmo
8/23/2023 What My Day Was Like and Why My Feet Are Sore Rhyme Royalart,deep,fantasy,meaningf
8/23/2023 Her Luscious Lips a Tantalizing Treat Sonnetappreciation,beautiful,cr
8/22/2023 Springtime and Farm Waiting For Its Harvest Haikucar,farm,garden,growing u
8/22/2023 Cascading Embers of Heart Driven Fire Sonnetcreation,deep,evil,life,s
8/22/2023 Why Does Great Gods Above, a Trellis Fling Rhymebreak up,lost love,nature
8/20/2023 If I'D Seen the Hungry Dino, I'D Not Be Dead Sonnetcreation,deep,fantasy,lif
8/20/2023 For You My Love Through Hell I'D Gladly March Sonnetcrush,emotions,feelings,p
8/19/2023 When Searching Depths of Mind Questions Its Own Sanity Sonnetcreation,dark,deep,desire
8/19/2023 It Saw Me Through Such Dastardly Purblind Eyes Sonnetdark,death,dream,evil,fan
8/18/2023 Yes, I Remember Her Venomous Sting Sonnetart,change,imagination,in
8/17/2023 Death of the Old Cowboy On the Lonesome Range Sonnetdeath,deep,feelings,imagi
8/17/2023 A Dream, a Glorious Trip To Heaven Sonnetart,devotion,dream,faith,
8/16/2023 What Are We To Do In This Earthly Life Sonnetdeep,earth,humanity,meani
8/16/2023 Hold This Deeper Thought, Love Is What We All So Badly Need Sonnetart,humanity,imagination,
8/15/2023 Dawn's Calyx Woke Her and She Saw Pink Explosions Sonnetgirlfriend,happiness,joy,
8/13/2023 To Live, To Dream, Being With the Goddess Yet Again Sonnetaddiction,appreciation,be
8/12/2023 Midnight Hauntings of Old Man Turner's House Sonnetdark,grave,horror,howl,im
8/10/2023 And I, the Poor Lost Soul That She Did Gladly Save Sonnetappreciation,art,creation
8/10/2023 On Dark Dying Sunless Beams I Went To Wait Sonnetart,conflict,cry,evil,far
8/9/2023 When Ocean Dries Up Will Be a Bad Plight Rhymeart,ocean,philosophy,spok
8/9/2023 Dare We Beat Evil With Truth and a Heavy Sledge Sonnetdeep,devotion,god,heaven,
8/8/2023 You Wake Up To Find Out Black and White Are the Same Sonnetart,deep,dream,humanity,i
8/8/2023 Now Laying In Boot Hill Under Frozen Ground Narrativeart,conflict,death,imagin
8/7/2023 Yes, While Evil Spreads Its Long Greedy Hands Sonnetart,dark,evil,how i feel,
8/7/2023 Blinded By Life and Praying To Truly See Free verseart,surreal,vanity,vision
8/7/2023 Hold Firm Your Immovable Sacred Heart Sonnetart,creation,deep,lost lo
8/6/2023 The Untruth of a Lone and Erroneous Prophecy Sonnetart,fate,girlfriend,life,
8/6/2023 Than the Grand Illusions of Those Paradise Shores Sonnetart,courage,hope,identity
8/5/2023 There In Morning Sun, Hope Circled Enticing Dreams Sonnetart,dark,fantasy,imaginat
8/5/2023 The Old Farmer Rests Warm In His Snug House Sonnetdeep,environment,home,nat
8/4/2023 The Amazing Tale the Old Stone Sphinx Never Told Rhymeart,confusion,humanity,im
8/3/2023 And Then Remember Faith and Truth Brought About This Sonnetangel,forgiveness,god,hea
8/3/2023 In Our Feasts, We Both Drank Lover's Wine Rhymebetrayal,dark,deep,imagin
8/2/2023 With Gypsie Luck, My Own Weaken Steps Retrace Sonnetart,creation,deep,feeling
8/1/2023 Evolution Is Man-Made, Lying Fairy Tale Sonnetart,earth,faith,god,human
7/31/2023 Co-Exist, Neither of Us Fear the Knife Sonnetcare,courage,friendship,h
7/29/2023 The Saddest Truth of Love and Its Deep Darker Side Sonnetdark,love,love hurts,mean
7/28/2023 As a Poet, the Importance of Truth Sonnetcharacter,courage,deep,id
7/27/2023 Of Homer, Iliad and the Fall of the Mighty Greeks Rhymecourage,history,mythology
7/27/2023 Life, and Trekking Across Wild Wilderness Rhymeart,beauty,bird,deep,eart
7/24/2023 Life Now Cries Out, This Truth, There Is No Holy Grail Rhymecreation,death,deep,histo
7/24/2023 Comment On Decency and Morality Quatrainart,best friend,car,death
7/24/2023 There Beyond the Purple Veil, I Hear Her Calling Rhymecreation,imagination,life
7/23/2023 A Cowboy and His Thoughts On Dodge City Versecharacter,conflict,histor
7/23/2023 Concepts From the Thoughts of the Old Beggar Imagismart,assonance,character,d
7/22/2023 I Walk Midnight Arena All Alone Sonnetart,life,perspective,phil

My Photos


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Fav Poems

To a Despondent Friend Quatraindepression,
Mountain Drop Rhymedeath,depression,
Beauty Exposed Rhymelife,
A Letter To Emily Dickinson Rhymepoetess,
His Song and Mine I do not know?bird,life,poems,prison,,L
Beautiful Day Free verseseasons,
White Lace Sonnetlife,seasons
Echoes In the Stone Epicadventure,death,hero,hist
What the Angels Whisper Free versegod,hope,youth,
Amidst the Fallen Petals Free verselonging,love,
The Tree of Life Rhymeage,child,death,mystery,t
Bobcat Moon Rhymeautumn,friendship,loss,mo
The Evil Eye Rhymeevil,
Our Little Haven Rhymecousin,fairy,fantasy,gree
Stairway To the Stars Free versefarewell,kiss,
In An Old Cathedral Rhymeloneliness,love,
Her Hidden Gem Rhymemother,voice,
The Clock It Mocks Free versebreak up,heartbroken,jeal
My Fallen Brother Rhymeangst,brother,history,los
Eyes of Blue Rhymefreedom,hero,memorial day
Midnight Poet Free verseaddiction,character,devot
Black Diamond Night Epicbody,death,history,lonely
Eccentric Eyes Sonnetpain,
Sweet Memories Rhymelost love,
My Day Is Coming Rhymefriendship,journey,life,
The Sowing Free versedevotion,
A New Love Found Free verseinspirational,
If Walls Could Speak Narrativefeelings,for him,joy,toge
Sometimes Rhymeblessing,thanks,
Sunset Tableau Versepain,
Autumn's Gown Rhymecolor,inspiration,
O the Grieving Free versedeath,funeral,grief,
Oak Rhymetree,
Spring On the Wind Rhymechange,nature,spring,
Holding a Wilting Red Rose Versedeath,mother,mothers day,
The Lords Sweet Morning Rhymemusic,nature,
Starstruck In Your Deep Beauty Free versebeautiful,beauty,flower,l
Kresge's Five and Dime Stores Rhymenostalgia,
Heaven Or Hell Free versedark,heaven,light,love,
Letting Go Rhymeson,
Crying River Balladbeautiful,cry,deep,freedo
Contest Consternation Free versecommunity,poetry,words,
Wild Pure and Free Love Free versebeautiful,love,romance,
Colours In Our Lives Rhymebeauty,color,
Write You Out Free versegoodbye,how i feel,
Eccentricity In Love Sonnetlove,universe,
Daddy Free verseblue,dad,depression,fathe
Hey You Free verseanger,conflict,forgivenes
December Magic Quintain (English)nature,
Intolerable Rhymeabuse,betrayal,racism,
Rain Over Vietnam Quaternrain,war,
Indian Ink Dramatic Verseabuse,autumn,death,deep,f
The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier Light Versesoldier,violence,war,
What Is Love Sonnetlove,
Autumn's Dreams of a Country Road Rhymenature,seasons,
Approaching Storm Rhymeweather,
Ancient Warrior Iambic Pentameterangst,culture,native amer
Simply Time To Go, a Little Brother's Lamentation Rhymebrother,conflict,confusio
Releasing Me Sonnethappiness,peace,
A New Bird Rhymebirth,
When Shadows Fall Rhymelife,music,nature,seasons
To Him Who Loves Me Sonnetlove,relationship,romanti
Aquarius Coupletimagery,water,
As We Walk Hand In Hand Rhymehappiness,how i feel,love
Long Distance Dreamer Light Versebeautiful,i miss you,long
When Love Found Me Rhymeblessing,love,
New World Order Rhymedrug,society,
Through the Dust Pantoumchildhood,memory,
But I Must Stay Villanellesad,
Sonnet For Statues Sonnetart,poems,poetry,
Yellow Shoes In the Darkness Quatrainme,metaphor,places,yellow
You Hit When I Was Low Rhymepain,
Sixty This Year Quintain (English)birthday,future,inspirati
Mother's Garden Rhymeflower,garden,nature,
Seat of Kings Free versebeautiful,green,inspirati
What Use Have I For Words Sonnetwords,
Quarantine of the Soul Free versedepression,emo,future,met
For Nineteen Years Lyricbereavement,
A Lady In Red Light Versebeauty,heart,life,love,
Whilst Walking Through the Woods Sonnetanimal,beauty,bird,nature
Neverland Narrativechildhood,nostalgia,place
On Blood's Own Sand Free versedeath,desire,emotions,pas
Broken People Free versepeople,
Shoreline Rhymesea,wind,
Before and Beyond the Bed Free versehope,
My Hypocrisy Quatraindesire,lost love,love,wis
To Pay the Price Balladeconflict,war,
I Tried To Hide Rhymeabsence,africa,cheer up,c
The Enemy's Child : Collab With Carolyn D Rhymebaby,social,war,
Nature's Way Constanza Rhymeday,nature,night,
Tear Drops Free verseallegory,desire,devotion,
When Bubbles Dissipate Tankabeautiful,beauty,i love y
The Enemy's Child - Co-Write With Paul C Rhymebaby,social,
Why So Afraid Iambic Pentameterlove,
A Long Loud Sigh Free verseintrospection,drug,
Fortitude Ye Old Hero Rhymedevotion,faith,strength,
Surrender Free versedream,fantasy,lust,night,
Fiery Horse Rhymebible,
Carpet of Colour Rhymeearth,environment,inspira
Church Quatrainblessing,change,devotion,

Fav Poets

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Jan Allison Isle Of Man Flag Isle Of Man Read
Jake Ponce Philippines Flag Philippines Read
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Vera Duggan Australia Flag Australia Read
Robert Nehls United States Flag United States Read
Joyce Johnson United States Flag United States Read
Eileen Manassian _Not Listed Flag _Not Listed Read
Lisa Duggan Australia Flag Australia Read
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Gary Bateman Germany Flag Germany Read
Liam Mcdaid Ireland Flag Ireland Read
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Arthur Vaso Canada Flag Canada Read
Debbie Guzzi United States Flag United States Read
Roy Jerden United States Flag United States Read
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Robert Lindley United States Flag United States Read
Richard Lamoureux Canada Flag Canada Read
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Cherl Dunn United States Flag United States Read
Kp Nunez Philippines Flag Philippines Read
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Gail Foster United Kingdom Flag United Kingdom Read
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Tom Quigley United States Flag United States Read
Jill Spagnola United States Flag United States Read
Andrea Dietrich United States Flag United States Read
Avis Bailey United States Flag United States Read
Kelly Deschler United States Flag United States Read
Len Gasun Thailand Flag Thailand Read
Feli Elizab United States Flag United States Read
Casarah Nance United States Flag United States Read
Edlynn Nau United States Flag United States Read
Leslie Philibert Germany Flag Germany Read
Miraj Raha India Flag India Read
Sarai Virden United States Flag United States Read
C T United States Flag United States Read
Jessica Thompson United States Flag United States Read
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Timothy Hicks United States Flag United States Read
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Joseph May United States Flag United States Read
Constance La France Canada Flag Canada Read
Daniel Turner United States Flag United States Read
Manmath Dalei India Flag India Read
Kabuteng P.Ink K. Philippines Flag Philippines Read
Robert L. Hinshaw United States Flag United States Read
Nette Onclaud Philippines Flag Philippines Read
Harry Horsman Australia Flag Australia Read
Red Fiery Singapore Flag Singapore Read
Brian Davey United States Flag United States Read
Walter T. Ashe United States Flag United States Read
Carrie Richards United States Flag United States Read
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Caycay Jennings United States Flag United States Read
Emile Pinet Canada Flag Canada Read
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Julia Ward France Flag France Read
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Olive Eloisa Guillermo - Fraser Philippines Flag Philippines Read
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Elaine George Canada Flag Canada Read
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Kash Poet India Flag India Read
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Bl Devnath India Flag India Read
Susan Gentry United States Flag United States Read
Earl Schumacker United States Flag United States Read

Book: Reflection on the Important Things