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Poems by Barbara Gorelick

Barbara Gorelick - LIFETIME Premium Member Barbara Gorelick - Premium MemberPremium Member Send Soup Mail Go to Poets Blog Block poet from commenting on your poetry

Below are poems written by United States poet Barbara Gorelick. If you like the poems, please comment on the work of this poet. Remember, Poetrysoup is an environment of encouragement and growth so only provide specific positive comments that indicate what you appreciate about the poems of Barbara Gorelick.

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Best Barbara Gorelick Poems

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Date PostedPoemTitle# ViewsForm  
05/21/2019 Summer Symphony 620 Haiku
05/02/2019 Too Soon 551 Crystalline
04/20/2019 Natural Art 483 Rhyme
04/14/2019 He Walked the Plank 878 Limerick
04/14/2019 Well Dressed 600 Epitaph
04/05/2019 The Dandelion 697 Free verse
04/04/2019 Untouched By Man 751 Free verse
03/30/2019 First Date 677 Free verse
03/29/2019 Spring Explosion 981 Haiku
03/28/2019 Hands 690 Monoku
03/20/2019 Noise 512 Kimo
03/15/2019 Spring Is In the Air 980 Rhyme
03/15/2019 Haiku- Weeping Willow 943 Haiku
03/11/2019 Hold Up the Sky 583 Rhyme
03/11/2019 The Book 722 Rhyme
03/06/2019 Mesmerized By the Moon 594 Quatrain
03/05/2019 Dr Suess's Hat 940 Light Verse
03/04/2019 Shining 879 Lanterne
03/02/2019 Dying Peacefully 584 Tanka
03/02/2019 Potholes 745 Senryu
03/02/2019 Feathers and Pickles 873 Rhyme
02/26/2019 Ghost Town 732 Rhyme
02/25/2019 Haiku 686 Haiku
02/17/2019 My Neighbor's Garden 560 Senryu
02/17/2019 I Dreamed of Peace 537 Quatrain
02/14/2019 Music To My Ears 586 Rhyme
02/12/2019 Starry Night 654 Quatrain
02/08/2019 Winter's Musing 480 Quatrain
02/04/2019 One Last Tear 600 Tanka
02/03/2019 Keep Smiling 546 Than-Bauk
02/02/2019 Blue Eyes 589 Crystalline
02/01/2019 The River 516 Rispetto
01/29/2019 Timeless 496 Haiku
09/30/2016 Lamentation 1123 Tanka
09/20/2016 Cool Winter Morning 1221 Haiku
07/09/2016 Setbacks Conquered 818 Senryu
07/03/2016 Summer Sounds 1242 Free verse
05/28/2016 Objects of Beauty- Glass Art Haiku 1443 Haiku
05/26/2016 Round the Bend 932 Tanka
05/22/2016 Summer Symphony 1092 Tanka
05/19/2016 Enough- For Dr Seuss 1377 Couplet
05/07/2016 Feeding the Ducklings 1036 Couplet
05/05/2016 Into Nothingness 1224 Tanka
04/23/2016 Dogs In Heaven 1660 Couplet
04/13/2016 Sentinel In the Night 1268 Quatrain
03/20/2016 A Wish To Fly 1383 Pantoum
03/19/2016 Wind Element 1333 Alliteration
03/18/2016 It Was One of Those Mornings 1722 Limerick
03/16/2016 A Poet's Spring 1355 Quatrain
03/15/2016 Colorblind- For Contest 1266 Monoku
03/13/2016 Apologies To My Mother 1467 Ghazal
03/09/2016 Breathtaking 1253 Acrostic
03/09/2016 Cops and Robbers 1501 Than-Bauk
03/08/2016 Earth Element-California Gold 1192 Senryu
03/06/2016 It Went Up and Came Down 1045 Couplet
03/05/2016 Ordinary Orange 1214 Tanka
03/04/2016 Time Marches On 1193 Tanka
03/03/2016 Redhead 2125 Senryu
03/02/2016 Exercise 1355 Footle
02/24/2016 Drowning- For Contest 1627 Monoku
02/20/2016 Pure Water- For Contest 1544 Monoku
02/19/2016 The Thrill Was Gone-For Contest 1782 Limerick
02/18/2016 Oh, the Life of a Pig 2076 Couplet
02/18/2016 From the Mountain Top 1250 Senryu
02/16/2016 With the River 1180 Rhyme
02/14/2016 Vacation In Costa Rica 1980 Quatrain
02/10/2016 In the Deep-Contest 1480 Haiku
02/10/2016 In a Perfect World 1237 Choka
02/07/2016 My Parting Gifts- a Piece of Advise 1428 Quatrain
02/04/2016 Lost In the Haze 1264 Tanka
02/03/2016 Solitude 1255 Monoku
01/30/2016 The Call of the Shore 1453 Free verse
01/26/2016 Magnum Opus 1230 Monoku
01/25/2016 Age Has Its Privileges 1861 Dodoitsu
01/22/2016 Another Time 1747 Villanelle
01/20/2016 Listen 1181 Tanka
01/19/2016 An Epitaph 1384 Monoku
01/18/2016 Sunset Spectacular 1426 Acrostic
01/17/2016 The Colors of Winter -Repost 1199 Crystalline
01/17/2016 A Simple Pleasure 1499 Quatrain
01/15/2016 Be Wise 1270 Dodoitsu
01/12/2016 Into the Blue 1785 Quatrain
01/10/2016 Memories of the Sea - Repost 1490 Sonnet
01/10/2016 You Have a Choice 1203 Senryu
01/09/2016 Wonderful 1259 Acrostic
01/05/2016 Wool- Not For Contest 1754 Couplet
01/04/2016 Sedoku Contest- the Porch Light 1675 Sedoka
01/03/2016 Grief - Repost 1187 Acrostic
01/02/2016 New Beginings- a Shardorma 1357 Verse
12/26/2015 Sunset - Repost 1496 Choka
12/24/2015 The Cost of Infidelity- For Contest 1725 Light Verse
12/21/2015 Paradise On Earth 1568 Acrostic
12/19/2015 Life Is a Puzzle 1324 Tanka
12/19/2015 Resolutions 1551 Limerick
12/18/2015 Twinkle Twinkle Little Star- Repost 1448 Quatrain
12/17/2015 Finding Happiness 1518 Acrostic
12/14/2015 Class Reunion 1273 Tanka
12/09/2015 Special Olympics 2399 Monoku
12/08/2015 Hidden Pond 1419 Tetractys
12/08/2015 Lets Play Ball 2107 Quatrain


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Bloggers Photo I was born and raised in northern California in the land of the glorious redwoods. My father worked in the lumber industry and my brother and I had a simple but wonderful childhood. Off to the big city to become a nurse and all these years later I still am. I was married for many years, have 2 grown boys and 2 young grandsons..Jordan and Elliot. Me proud? You truly is the best thing about growing older. On my own now and enjoying all that I can cram into my life. I love music.. am a life long member of The Friends of Jose Carreras..poetry and music are my loves.I am a bear with me while I figure this all out.

Book: Reflection on the Important Things