Not to be confused with other poets by the name Elaine George, I am Elaine Cecelia George. I was born on the 27th day of November in the year 1946 in the city of Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada.
I began posting on this forum in 2006. The following poems, written by me, Violin, Snowflake, A Winter Rose, From My Porch, The Love of a Gentleman, Where the Heart Resides, One Regret, The Tide of Time and, The Promise of Spring, are some of my published works appearing in books, magazines, and on websites providing workshops in poetry writing.
Many of these on-line courses are using my poems without having ever contacted me. Nonetheless, I still feel honored.
One website has given credit to another poet with the same name as mine, born in England in 1943, for my copyright personification poem, SNOWFLAKE which is posted on this site, and published in 10,000 grade 9 testbooks published by Abiva Publishing House Inc. located in the Philippines.
I have asked that website on several occasions to correct their records, but as yet... they haven't. I find this disturbing!
Since 2006, in addition to my books of poetry, I have had several short stories and a book entitled, 'Earthbound Angles Made of Stone published.
Earthbound Angels Made of Stone is an epic written by me in collaboration with the Canadian Photographer, Darren Creighton.
In 2019, I wrote a stage play entitled I Was One of Many, Many. It is the story of a young man killed in World War II, and the impact his life and death had on those he left behind.
The play debuted on November 11th at a dinner event at The Royal Canadian Legion, attended by the Mayor, other dignitaries and, Legion members in honor of the Veterans and ended with a standing ovation.
Garfield George, my father's older brother, a casualty of the war, was the inspiration behind my story.
I am currently writing a historical fiction thriller entitled, Out of the Darkness. I hope to have it completed before the year-end. Chapters 1,2 and three are posted on this site under short stories.
I am eternally grateful to Poetry Soup and all the wonderful people who have supported and encouraged me on my journey of writing.