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Poems by Elaine George

Elaine  George   - LIFETIME Premium Member Elaine  George   - Premium MemberPremium Member Send Soup Mail Go to Poets Blog Block poet from commenting on your poetry

Below are poems written by Canada poet Elaine George . If you like the poems, please comment on the work of this poet. Remember, Poetrysoup is an environment of encouragement and growth so only provide specific positive comments that indicate what you appreciate about the poems of Elaine George .

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Date PostedPoemTitle# ViewsForm  
06/14/2022 Spunky 1433 Personification
06/07/2022 The Book of Life 833 Rubaiyat
12/29/2020 Winter 1768 Personification
11/26/2020 Behind the Yellow Door 2498 Personification
11/14/2020 A Tribute To Tchaikovsky's Swan Lake 2654 Rhyme
10/12/2020 Autumn 1439 Quintain (English)
09/07/2020 Death Can Not Take You From Me 1545 Rhyme
05/26/2020 A Miracle 2808 Haibun
05/13/2020 Too Hot To Handle 1705 Personification
05/11/2020 Ten Poems That Define Me 894 List
02/24/2019 Someone 1993 Quatrain
02/16/2019 The Melody of Spring 1015 Verse
02/10/2019 I Stand Here 1685 Narrative
10/13/2018 Once Upon a Halloween In the 50's 1224 Prose
10/06/2018 Ode To the Turkey 2484 Ode
07/15/2018 Mill Wheel 956 Rhyme
06/02/2018 Divine 1326 Verse
05/30/2018 Sijo - 1 - Personified 2454 Sijo
05/29/2018 Poetry In Motion 1108 Free verse
05/15/2018 Summer Love 1585 Sonnet
05/14/2018 The Downward Spiral 741 Rhyme
04/30/2018 The Path Most Taken 1211 Free verse
04/29/2018 A Sonnet For Tim Ryerson 840 Sonnet
04/28/2018 A Stitch In Time 2512 Personification
04/24/2018 Uncle Eldon 1039 Narrative
04/17/2018 Re Joyce 774 Verse
04/16/2018 Lie Down On Me 1951 Personification
04/12/2018 One of a Pair 1246 Personification
03/29/2018 Blinded By the Light 1057 Alliteration
03/28/2018 Resurrected 1549 Italian Sonnet
03/05/2018 The Miracle of Spring 1190 Sonnet
01/16/2018 Part One - a Gunshot Wound To the Heat - a Short Story From My Memoir 2038 Prose
01/16/2018 Part Two- Gunshot Wound To the Heart- a Short Story From My Memoir - a Journey of Roses and Thorns 1413 Prose
12/19/2017 Once Upon a Christmas 1954 - Part One - a Short Story From My Memoir 1891 Narrative
12/19/2017 Once Upon a Christmas 1954 - Part 2 - a Short Story From My Memoir 1212 Narrative
12/19/2017 The Throwaways 984 Rhyme
11/20/2017 Violin - Repost 2029 Personification
10/29/2017 America 831 Rondeau
10/28/2017 Midnight Romance 896 Sonnet
10/28/2017 He Waits For Me 1556 Iambic Pentameter
05/01/2017 To Be Or Not To Be 937 Rhyme
12/10/2016 Java and Me 1742 Sonnet
11/15/2016 Creep 1581 Personification
11/03/2016 The Maple Leaf 3507 Ode
11/01/2016 Crimson Etchings 1014 Verse
10/28/2016 In Shades of Misty Grey 2190 Rhyme
06/27/2016 Part 1 - Earthbound Angels Made of Stone - An Epic 2188 Epic
06/27/2016 Part 2 - Earthbound Angels Made of Stone - An Epic 1873 Epic
02/23/2016 One Regret 5905 Sonnet
02/17/2016 Along the Shore of Evermore 2512 Pastoral
02/12/2016 The Great Horned Owl 4087 Personification
02/12/2016 Haiku 102 2220 Haiku
02/06/2016 The One That Survived 2706 Cinquain
02/02/2016 Lassie 3693 Sonnet
01/29/2016 Adrift - a Quatern 2254 Quatern
01/15/2016 1140 Royal Street 1930 Haibun
08/21/2015 A Change of Seasons - a Hexsonnetta 2635 Sonnet
07/15/2015 The Essence of Rose 4775 Personification
03/26/2015 In Shades of Black and White 2749 Free verse
03/21/2015 I Am Your Destiny 3307 Personification
03/10/2015 I Am 3340 Bio
12/24/2014 Swan Lake 3430 Sonnet
09/15/2014 Ashes To Ashes 2516 Narrative
09/15/2014 One Autumn Day 2720 Verse
09/09/2014 One Autumn Night 3851 Monorhyme
09/09/2014 Obsessed 2700 Personification
09/04/2014 Alice Through the Looking Glass 3147 Narrative
08/26/2014 The Murder of Willow 2398 Narrative
08/23/2014 Who's the Fairest of Them All 2842 Personification
06/25/2014 Dundurn Castle 1821 Quatrain
06/25/2014 Haiku - Written June 25, 2014 3472 Haiku
06/09/2014 In a Field of Daisies - a Contemporary Sonnet 3471 Sonnet
06/02/2014 Father's Day 3312 Prose
06/02/2014 Jack and Jill 2686 Limerick
06/01/2014 The Loss of Innocence 4198 Romanticism
05/30/2014 The Butterfly Flutters By 3003 Prose
05/30/2014 Distant Thoughts 1990 Sonnet
05/23/2014 I Remember - 1 2682 Free verse
05/20/2014 Our Secret Rendevous 2309 Personification
05/19/2014 A Dozen Roses 3873 Personification
05/19/2014 Putting My Life On the Line 2478 Sonnet
05/17/2014 Upon Her Windowpane 2411 Verse
05/16/2014 The Poet 2742 Quatrain
05/13/2014 I Was Adored Once Too 4063 Sonnet
04/20/2014 The Memoir 2799 Sonnet
03/03/2014 All Too Soon 4461 Quatrain
01/29/2014 The Essence of Linda-Marie - the Writer 3111 Sonnet
09/03/2013 Autumn - a Ballade 2929 Ballade
09/01/2013 A Halloween Sonnet 3948 Sonnet
08/31/2013 Night 2687 Sapphic stanza
08/30/2013 Summer's End 2789 Verse
08/23/2013 Autumn's Breath 4051 Personification
06/27/2013 At the Pawn Shop 3680 Personification
06/17/2013 The Love Note 2527 Tanka
05/14/2013 Reflections of You 2416 Prose Poetry
05/03/2013 Typewriter 2987 Personification
05/03/2013 The Price of Admission 2311 Free verse
04/24/2013 Tea and Poetry In the Ides of March - Part One 2701 Free verse
04/24/2013 Tea and Poetry In the Ides of March - Part Two 2325 Free verse
04/24/2013 Tea and Poetry In the Ides of March - Part Three 2499 Free verse


Quote Left Regardless our differences...we all come to the same conclusion in the end. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Elaine George

Quote Left Life is a journey of roses and thorns. You must rise above the thorns in order to bloom. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Elaine George


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Not to be confused with other poets by the name Elaine George, I am Elaine Cecelia George.  I was born on the 27th day of November in the year 1946 in the city of Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada.
I began posting on this forum in 2006.  The following poems, written by me, Violin, Snowflake, A Winter Rose, From My Porch, The Love of a Gentleman, Where the Heart Resides, One Regret, The Tide of Time and, The Promise of Spring, are some of my published works appearing in books, magazines, and on websites providing workshops in poetry writing. 
Many of these on-line courses are using my poems without having ever contacted me.  Nonetheless, I still feel honored.
One website has given credit to another poet with the same name as mine, born in England in 1943, for my copyright personification poem, SNOWFLAKE which is posted on this site, and published in 10,000 grade 9 testbooks published by Abiva Publishing House Inc. located in the Philippines.
 I have asked that website on several occasions to correct their records, but as yet... they haven't.   I find this disturbing!
Since 2006, in addition to my books of poetry, I have had several short stories and a book entitled, 'Earthbound Angles Made of Stone published. 
Earthbound Angels Made of Stone is an epic written by me in collaboration with the Canadian Photographer, Darren Creighton.
In 2019, I wrote a stage play entitled I Was One of Many, Many. It is the story of a young man killed in World War II, and the impact his life and death had on those he left behind.
The play debuted on November 11th at a dinner event at The Royal Canadian Legion, attended by the Mayor, other dignitaries and, Legion members in honor of the Veterans and ended with a standing ovation.
Garfield George, my father's older brother, a casualty of the war, was the inspiration behind my story.
I am currently writing a historical fiction thriller entitled, Out of the Darkness. I hope to have it completed before the year-end. Chapters 1,2 and three are posted on this site under short stories.
I am eternally grateful to Poetry Soup and all the wonderful people who have supported and encouraged me on my journey of writing.

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry