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Poems by Joyce Johnson

Joyce Johnson - LIFETIME Premium Member Joyce Johnson - Premium MemberPremium Member Send Soup Mail Go to Poets Blog Block poet from commenting on your poetry

Below are poems written by United States poet Joyce Johnson. If you like the poems, please comment on the work of this poet. Remember, Poetrysoup is an environment of encouragement and growth so only provide specific positive comments that indicate what you appreciate about the poems of Joyce Johnson.

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Date PostedPoemTitle# ViewsForm  
08/07/2021 Carolyn 1316 Rhyme
04/29/2021 Earth's Care 1301 Rhyme
02/25/2021 Welcome To Spring 560 Sonnet
01/30/2021 Cowboy Lover 651 Rhyme
10/31/2020 Christmas Week Jitters 524 Rhyme
10/26/2020 The Writer's Skill 456 Free verse
10/16/2020 My Child 663 Rhyme
10/10/2020 The Year of Twenty-Twenty 601 Dizain
10/09/2020 Sunshiny Kisses 431 Rhyme
10/09/2020 Halloween Fright 427 Rhyme
10/03/2020 The Skagit River 523 Rhyme
10/01/2020 Forewarning 508 Quintain (English)
09/05/2020 Flown Time 545 Rhyme
06/15/2020 No Reservation 596 Rhyme
06/14/2020 No Reservation 365 Rhyme
06/11/2020 Whispers 615 Free verse
05/14/2020 Seven For Luck 510 Free verse
05/08/2020 I Am 599 List
05/08/2020 New Spring 465 Rhyme
05/07/2020 In Times Like These 470 Rhyme
05/06/2020 Finding Their Use 418 Rhyme
04/13/2020 Sarah 477 Rhyme
03/02/2020 Contentment 426 Rhyme
03/02/2020 In Memory of Your Sister 498 Verse
03/02/2020 Happy Birthday 416 Rhyme
12/29/2019 Our Loved Land 399 Ode
10/26/2019 Last Thanksgiving Day--Thanks 641 Rhyme
07/18/2019 In the Gloaming 1049 Rhyme
07/09/2019 Hwl Innspired 419 Light Verse
07/06/2019 Childhood Memories 493 Rhyme
07/03/2019 Rose 627 Rhyme
07/03/2019 Character 602 Carpe Diem
07/02/2019 A Young Lad 611 Limerick
07/02/2019 Universe 612 Sonnet
05/21/2019 Summer Expectations 461 Rhyme
05/14/2019 God's Wonders 664 Sonnet
05/05/2019 Unwanted Phone Call 571 Free verse
04/12/2019 I'Ll Argue With You 633 Rhyme
04/09/2019 A Long Trip 448 Rhyme
03/26/2019 Yes, Dear 848 Clerihew
03/25/2019 By the Water's Edge 726 Alliteration
03/13/2019 Spring Is In the Air 546 Light Verse
03/08/2019 Honoring Doctor Seuss 535 Light Verse
03/06/2019 Patience 732 Acrostic
03/05/2019 Very First Poetry Soup Convention 623 Rhyme
03/02/2019 Aging 550 Lanterne
03/01/2019 The Dance of Death 604 Rhyme
02/28/2019 I Am a Winner 600 Rhyme
02/28/2019 Silent Prayer 619 Free verse
02/26/2019 On the Cross 529 Free verse
02/25/2019 My Eternal Grief 616 Roundel
02/23/2019 No Title 466 Haiku
02/23/2019 Spring Is Here 718 Sonnet
02/23/2019 Mistreated Kitten 464 Rhyme
02/16/2019 Climate Change 603 Light Verse
02/04/2019 Covered Sled 1154 Rhyme
01/29/2019 My Beloved Home Town 675 Rispetto
01/22/2019 Unpretensious 724 Clerihew
01/22/2019 Enclosed Rhyme 567 Enclosed Rhyme
01/10/2019 Blondie and Dagwood 838 Clerihew
12/27/2018 Second Thoughts 550 Limerick
12/26/2018 My Sailor 556 Rhyme
11/28/2018 Santa's Distress 661 Limerick
10/14/2018 Happy Holidays 896 Sonnet
08/02/2018 If I Could --Collaboration 618 Lyric
07/26/2018 A Clerihew Who 719 Clerihew
07/15/2018 Lemon Trees 2539 Lyric
04/25/2018 Knowin How To Keep Em 1444 Rhyme
04/25/2018 Mama's Pet Helper 747 Rhyme
04/16/2018 Easter 2018 1628 Rhyme
04/14/2018 Saturated In Solitude 806 Rhyme
07/16/2017 As the Year Matures 1070 Monorhyme
05/03/2017 May Showers 821 Couplet
04/26/2017 My Loved Hero 1176 Quatrain
04/25/2017 Twenty Years From Now 1024 Sonnet
04/21/2017 Losing the Race 738 Rhyme
04/18/2017 Easter Haiku 977 Haiku
04/18/2017 Easter Season 1066 Acrostic
04/10/2017 Springtime 729 Tanka
04/07/2017 Shy Unicorn 1114 Free verse
04/06/2017 Unwelcome Guest 1324 Rhyme
04/03/2017 Welcoming Spring 924 Quintain (English)
02/18/2017 God's Equality 1341 Quatrain
11/03/2016 Immortality 1027 Rhyme
10/08/2016 My Mama's Hair 1244 Kimo
10/02/2016 Little Tear 848 Rhyme
09/29/2016 Blissful Interlude 1378 Rhyme
09/23/2016 The Twilight 1185 Quatrain
09/13/2016 Muffin 1220 Rhyme
08/18/2016 The Rio Games 1971 Rhyme
08/07/2016 Fabrications 1122 Rhyme
07/25/2016 Alone 1087 Etheree
07/17/2016 Summer Treasures 994 Lyric
07/14/2016 To a Mouse 1084 Rhyme
07/11/2016 Best Rondeau 773 Rondeau
06/18/2016 A Pretty Red Rose 1541 Villanelle
06/13/2016 Fearful Meeting 968 Triolet
05/21/2016 Summer Pleasures 1290 Quatrain
05/19/2016 Flying Fairies 1293 Blank verse
05/18/2016 Sad Dizain 862 Dizain


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Bloggers Photo
What can I say?  My picture above shows you that I have lived a long time.  It was taken in 2008 for our church registry. 

I was a stay at home mom until my last child was in school.  I was widowed when I was forty four and was glad that I was already employed at the local radio station.  I stayed in the same job for thirty years and after I retired at 65 and took a trip to Europe with a friend, I started working again and stayed for another ten years.  I have only been writing poetry since 1999 when I wrote to relieve my grief when my only son died.  I married again four years after my husband died and was widowed again in 1995.  I am an avid gardener and belong to two local garden clubs and am on the board of the district club and state garden club so have lots of meetings to attend. I have my own poetry corner in the state garden club's publication. I live in my home by myself and rent my farm land to a local bulb grower.  I am surrounded by beauty.  All of mv family lives close to me.  Two daughters, six grandchildren,
eleven great grandchildren and three great-great-grandchildren. We live in Washington State in Northwest Washington and love it here. 

Book: Reflection on the Important Things