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Poems by Tom Quigley

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Below are poems written by United States poet Tom Quigley. If you like the poems, please comment on the work of this poet. Remember, Poetrysoup is an environment of encouragement and growth so only provide specific positive comments that indicate what you appreciate about the poems of Tom Quigley.

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Date PostedPoemTitle# ViewsForm  
09/23/2016 Fractal 1160 Verse
09/18/2016 Splitsville 913 Tanka
09/18/2016 Espejo 981 Sonnet
09/10/2016 T Sub Whiskey Tango Foxtrot 689 Quatrain
09/02/2016 Eclipse 917 Verse
09/02/2016 Hopey Dopey Doo 931 Rhyme
08/27/2016 Serenity Prayer Meditation 1663 Sonnet
08/23/2016 Cat 783 Verse
08/17/2016 Boy 746 Verse
08/11/2016 Black Diamonds 1117 Sonnet
08/07/2016 Monsoon Blessing 900 Lyric
08/07/2016 Skiing Backwards 1494 Verse
08/07/2016 Aspie 1863 Crown of Sonnets
08/04/2016 Tides of Destiny 1029 Sonnet
08/02/2016 The Biggest Loser 1412 Couplet
08/01/2016 Ancient Light 1472 Free verse
07/30/2016 Go Pokemon Go 2443 Tanka
07/28/2016 Unconventional Warfare 946 Quatrain
07/25/2016 The Bridge of Dire Necessity 1602 Italian Sonnet
07/24/2016 The Extra-Dimensional Feline Muse 834 Free verse
07/24/2016 A Greased Eel In a Vat of Astroglide 1162 Couplet
07/21/2016 Where It All Goes 986 Iambic Pentameter
07/18/2016 The Magic Hour 873 Tetractys
07/17/2016 Mgc 1176 Iambic Pentameter
07/17/2016 To a Bald Eagle 1228 Couplet
07/13/2016 Sands of Time 2114 Etheree
07/10/2016 Penny Dreadful 1454 Sonnet
07/08/2016 Cocktail Party Blues 764 Sonnet
07/07/2016 Pyramid of Corruption 2665 Quatrain
07/05/2016 Jacob's Gauntlet 877 Free verse
06/29/2016 Clarity In a Treasure Box 838 Verse
06/23/2016 Solstice Moon 1098 Sonnet
06/20/2016 Starlight Teardrops 1168 Quatrain
06/20/2016 Violet Ladyslipper 970 Villanelle
06/19/2016 The Bomber 1211 Quatrain
06/16/2016 Not the Jesus You Were Looking For 914 Free verse
06/15/2016 Dandelion 874 Tanka
06/13/2016 Pink Pistols 855 Quatrain
06/12/2016 The Numbers Game 1265 Free verse
06/11/2016 Glory Days 1305 Acrostic
06/11/2016 One Hundred Years of Solitude 1071 Rhyme
06/09/2016 The Gift of Too Much 824 Free verse
06/08/2016 Colors of Love 993 Free verse
06/08/2016 Chaos and Order 1665 Free verse
06/08/2016 Shatter the Skies 920 Sonnet
06/06/2016 Samskara 1457 Sonnet
06/01/2016 The Candyman 945 Lyric
06/01/2016 Dark Star 1869 Rhyme
05/30/2016 Milo Minderbinder, III 795 Sonnet
05/30/2016 Old Glory 1743 Tanka
05/29/2016 Field of Forever 2469 Italian Sonnet
05/25/2016 Pan-Frickin'-Tera Pan-Frickin'-Toum 990 Pantoum
05/25/2016 Nosferatu's Heir 864 Tanka
05/24/2016 A Working Hypothesis 993 Quatrain
05/23/2016 Class of 85 778 Tanka
05/22/2016 Schrodinger's Lesion 918 Free verse
05/21/2016 Three Thirty Am 717 Tanka
05/20/2016 Eldritch Quest 1114 Rhyme
05/20/2016 The Emperor of Wyoming 1727 Pantoum
05/19/2016 Ghosts of the Sun Dance-Part 1 4645 Crown of Sonnets
05/19/2016 Ghosts of the Sun Dance-Part 2 7229 Crown of Sonnets
05/16/2016 Ode To Bacon 2247 Couplet
05/16/2016 Rhythm of Belonging 837 Tanka
05/12/2016 Blood Brothers 893 Quintain (English)
05/12/2016 I Looked For You 713 Rhyme
05/10/2016 Nothing Else Matters 1073 Quatrain
05/09/2016 The Voyage of Life--Youth 1841 Quatrain
05/09/2016 Wooden Ships 1203 Quatrain
05/07/2016 Adulthood 1035 Sonnet
05/07/2016 My Goddess 1353 Etheree
05/05/2016 Soiree 956 Etheree
05/04/2016 Coach Dad--Collaboration With Tim Smith 8610 Free verse
05/03/2016 Contemplating Nothingness 820 Rhyme
05/03/2016 A Prayer To St Duloxetine 880 Couplet
05/01/2016 Poetry Biscuit 1637 Light Verse
05/01/2016 Of Offices and Orifices 1169 Quatrain
04/30/2016 Of Asses and Burgers 1041 Free verse
04/30/2016 No Place For An Eagle 1035 Quatrain
04/28/2016 Ali'I Drive 1210 Quatrain
04/27/2016 Doofiness As a Spiritual Principle 863 Quatrain
04/27/2016 A Lament For My Uncle, As His Day Approaches 1316 Sonnet
04/24/2016 Castle On a Hill 941 Monorhyme
04/23/2016 Moon Frogs 950 Free verse
04/22/2016 Enough With the Musicians Dying Already 1040 Limerick
04/22/2016 Love Means Loyalty 2179 Acrostic
04/21/2016 The Taxman Cometh 1424 Quatrain
04/20/2016 Universe Revelation - Answer Me 1186 Couplet
04/20/2016 Elemental Fire 1340 Sonnet
04/19/2016 Desert Sun Morning 1055 Haiku
04/19/2016 Purification 887 Lyric
04/18/2016 Desert Soul 992 Sonnet
04/14/2016 Lifeproof 2218 Monorhyme
04/12/2016 Man Behind the Curtain 1560 Sonnet
04/12/2016 Letting Go of Our Daughter 1099 Verse
04/11/2016 Crack of the Bat Ii 1384 Dizain
04/11/2016 Ode To Morning Coffee 1683 Quatrain
04/10/2016 A Day In a Town 1568 Rictameter
04/10/2016 Unintended Consequences 1487 Sonnet
04/10/2016 Crack of the Bat 2602 Dizain
04/09/2016 Plastic Paradise 2549 Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry