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Read Poems by Skat A

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Below are poems written by poet Skat A . Click the Next or Previous links below the poem to navigate between poems. Remember, Poetrysoup is an environment of encouragement and growth. Thank you.

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I've seen the way you look at me
I've seen the way you look at them
Without wanting to admit, you hate everything I stand for
Lying to yourself, you are sweet, caring and better
Still, you look at me and hate everything I stand for
You are a cheat - A liar - A toilet flushing down rain

You seek and want my attention, yet you have no domain
Your THANK YOU's are cheaper than a grin on a Walmart bag
The light - The light - That shines upon your expression
Nothing more than.....
Sour grapes traveling towards the darkest region of the sun
Yes, simple prunes basking all the time!!!!!
Shaking powdered grapes from lobe to lobe
Watching humping wild hogs who can't eat cake
---Desperately you mock yourself---

Before you draw a blank, let me remind you
You look at me and hate everything I stand for
The way I smile, carry myself every day
I never claim to be perfect, but better with no anvil
You can't bear the way I stand in front of the soap display
I embrace with all my spirit, at the end of every day
I'm so glad I am nothing like you or them
In reality, I judged you the moment you walked in

Before the year ends, I will end my affair right here
I have nothing more to say
I hope you all have a great new year.

TaTa SKAT in the Hat

Copyright © Skat A | Year Posted 2015


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Date: 7/4/2024 3:55:00 AM

Hope you are doing well wherever life has taken you!
Date: 8/15/2023 12:59:00 PM

What a bitter rant - Ihope you find impossible perfection.
Date: 6/13/2023 9:56:00 AM

Looking for legends where are you? Lots to tell you. I'm comming back , not as often but back. Love John
Date: 3/23/2023 9:30:00 AM

"You are a cheat - A liar - A toilet flushing down rain" - Very straightforward and sincerity-filled words. Very powerful writing. Congratulations!
Date: 1/2/2023 7:48:00 PM

Dear Skat A: I remember your farewell poem in 2015. I remember you olde friend. So, here’s to you wherever you are, and blessings to you on your journeys elsewhere. I took a break from PoetrySoup last year as I reached my 10,000 poem target which was very hard. Now I am back in 2023 with 2 poems posted. If you pass by, stop for a visit and share your kind wit. All the best, Leon.
Date: 8/20/2022 5:20:00 AM

"Sour grapes traveling towards the darkest region of the sun" - Though it's truth or not. The truth is beautiful feelings of anger and annoyance and many other such negative feelings against a person is beautifully brought out. Great work. Congratulations!
Date: 7/24/2022 5:20:00 PM

Great read! Amazing!
Date: 7/4/2022 3:04:00 AM

Anger brings out the best in all of us.
Date: 3/30/2022 12:24:00 AM

Beautiful writing. Plenty of likes. Congratulations!
Date: 2/15/2022 4:16:00 AM

Wow skat a well thought and worded poem I’m excited to read more keep the pen in motion. Have a great one oh and happy valentines dear!!!
Date: 1/19/2022 3:44:00 PM

This is such a powerful piece. I hope life is treating you well and I hope to see you on here again someday. Take care my friend, jess
Date: 11/16/2021 9:30:00 PM

I don't know if you remember me but you commented on the poems I wrote a long time ago. You inspired me and I wrote a good 37+ poems since then. This reminds me of the poem I just wrote yesterday called heart of Stone. Wow this gets right to the point. I love it and you feel the pain stabbing you right in the heart.
Date: 9/21/2021 11:46:00 AM

POETS! ARTISTS! THINKERS! We are always letting someone down!...Yes were are ]: good bye carrie...much love, jamess
Date: 8/24/2021 7:35:00 PM

a well-penned poem, and miss the poet's work. Hope you return to us with more to admire.
Date: 7/30/2021 2:13:00 AM

Deed one
Date: 7/11/2021 11:41:00 AM

Skat.. :( Im back to the soup and you're not here anymore.. i'll be waiting for more of your words in the future.. Miss ya..
Date: 5/6/2021 7:43:00 PM

Good bye then... God bless you always. Love, Gina
Date: 4/19/2021 12:26:00 PM

Hey so so sorry im late. I’ve a crazy couple of years but i love this piece and will check out more of your work and show support I am glad to to be part of this community and keep making beautiful pieces ~ Shinautica
Date: 4/14/2021 3:35:00 PM

Mhh.. This is deep.. when are you penning again.. Xoxo
Date: 1/6/2021 7:09:00 PM

This is awesome!!!?
Date: 1/5/2021 10:41:00 PM

Lovly poem as ever like all your poems hope you well not heard from you for long time hope you ol in these ateange times david scott xxx
Date: 12/2/2020 1:52:00 PM

What a fierce fiery piece! You always lay it out straight with your writing, Enjoyed reading this poem. Hope you are well. Jess
Date: 9/28/2020 7:43:00 AM

Dear SKAT A, I am an independent filmmaker. I would like to adapt one of your poems into a short film. I would love to have your permission. Please write me at
Date: 9/12/2020 8:48:00 PM

Date: 9/6/2020 5:48:00 PM

Love reading your poetry. Another great one.
Date: 7/12/2020 10:50:00 PM

I have been gone for a while SKAT. My parents started passing in 2013 and then my wife's parents...we are both orphans now. My hope is you returned but maybe you were like a Caterpillar and changed into a Butterfly having new adventures, new perspectives. Take care of yourself where ever your wings take you. ~ Ed
Date: 3/25/2020 10:57:00 AM

This is so good! I love this poem so much ! I feel like reading this 1000 times ! Keep up the great work ! - Tashi
Date: 1/23/2020 8:01:00 AM

This is beautifully tantalizing...Keep the pen mating with the paper...Lovely
Date: 12/31/2019 4:56:00 AM

Damn this was such an awesome read..! :)
Date: 11/23/2019 5:41:00 PM

loved the poem katz, keep them coming hun cc
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Book: Shattered Sighs