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Poems by Robert Pettit

Robert Pettit - LIFETIME Premium Member Robert Pettit - Premium MemberPremium Member Send Soup Mail  Block poet from commenting on your poetry

Below are poems written by United States poet Robert Pettit. If you like the poems, please comment on the work of this poet. Remember, Poetrysoup is an environment of encouragement and growth so only provide specific positive comments that indicate what you appreciate about the poems of Robert Pettit.

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Date PostedPoemTitle# ViewsForm  
10/30/2024 A Quality Actress Has Gone Away 315 Rhyme
10/30/2024 A Floating Island of Garbage 248 Rhyme
07/07/2022 James Caan 594 Rhyme
05/05/2022 No Bags 454 Rhyme
07/22/2021 Anastasia 570 Rhyme
06/08/2021 Schuylkill Pink 512 Haiku
06/08/2021 The Schwa 722 Tanka
06/02/2021 Abby and Jake 488 Rhyme
05/03/2021 Heavenly Starlight 436 Haiku
05/03/2021 Don John Has Been Caught 606 Kimo
05/03/2021 Claudio and Hero 517 Dodoitsu
05/03/2021 Orlando's Poetry 450 Jueju
05/03/2021 Ariel 405 Jueju
05/03/2021 Stuck Inside 313 Kimo
05/03/2021 Day To Day Life 479 Choka
05/03/2021 Everybody Is Somebody 441 Dodoitsu
05/03/2021 I Miss You So Much 347 Tanka
05/03/2021 A Feeling That's Got Me Reeling 365 Kimo
05/02/2021 Gold 383 Etheree
05/02/2021 Catherine 560 Dodoitsu
05/02/2021 An Octogenarian 794 Tanka
05/02/2021 Peanuts and Pretzels 523 Senryu
05/02/2021 Antonio Is On Board 422 Kimo
05/02/2021 Watchful Guardian 341 Tanka
05/02/2021 Sushi 834 Kwansaba
05/02/2021 We Stand Together 274 Kimo
05/02/2021 The Homeless 566 Choka
05/02/2021 Lassie 468 Rhyme
05/01/2021 Johnny Crawford 561 Rhyme
05/01/2021 Derby Day 618 Tanka
05/01/2021 Egghead 334 Free verse
05/01/2021 Lester Diamond 367 Kimo
05/01/2021 Use His Head To Open the Door 379 Rhyme
05/01/2021 Pie-Eyed 291 Jueju
04/30/2021 Set Her Straight 309 Jueju
04/29/2021 Philly Bound 300 Rhyme
04/29/2021 Baptista's Two Daughters 379 Rhyme
04/29/2021 On Hold 575 Rhyme
04/28/2021 Hanna-Barbera 353 Rhyme
04/28/2021 Melanie 400 Rhyme
04/28/2021 Morning Song 377 Light Verse
04/28/2021 Baseball 723 Diamante
04/28/2021 Caliban 353 Rhyme
04/28/2021 Plus-Sized Woman 401 Rhyme
04/28/2021 Overdue 329 Senryu
04/28/2021 Spring Heat 422 Haiku
04/28/2021 We'Ll Stay Together 451 Tanka
04/28/2021 Body's On Fire 312 Tanka
04/26/2021 After the Doctor 330 Rhyme
04/26/2021 Prospero 625 Rhyme
04/26/2021 Fast Eddie 497 Rhyme
04/26/2021 Giuliano De'Medici 564 Rhyme
04/26/2021 Cough Drops 353 Rhyme
04/24/2021 How To Stuff a Fortune Cookie 1022 Couplet
04/24/2021 Like a Thief Causing Me Grief 676 Rhyme
04/24/2021 Pre-Historic Stooges 673 Rhyme
04/24/2021 Pulling the String of My Heart 400 Light Verse
04/24/2021 Light of My Life 282 Light Verse
04/24/2021 Blues Guitar Man 289 Light Verse
04/24/2021 In a Little Town 330 Light Verse
04/24/2021 Anticipation For Tonight 291 Light Verse
04/24/2021 Always Here For You 225 Light Verse
04/24/2021 Atlantic City Pipsqueak 394 Senryu
04/23/2021 Never Tell Her She's Getting Fat 394 Rhyme
04/22/2021 The Unassisted Triple Play 434 Rhyme
04/22/2021 Fraudulent Mary 405 Rhyme
04/22/2021 Skinnydipping 277 Verse
04/22/2021 David's New School 473 Rhyme
04/20/2021 Derek Chauvin's Trial 486 Rhyme
04/20/2021 Shrouded In a Thick Mist By Puck 609 Light Verse
04/20/2021 System Error 500 Is Back Again 612 Rhyme
04/20/2021 Bobbie Gentry's Music 362 Rhyme
04/20/2021 The Lynching of Emmett Till 684 Rhyme
04/19/2021 Beautiful Sunrise 331 Haiku
04/19/2021 Beautiful Sunset 434 Haiku
04/19/2021 Billy and Lillie 325 Rhyme
04/19/2021 Shooting In Wisconsin 293 Rhyme
04/19/2021 By Any Other Name 326 Rhyme
04/19/2021 The Bums Play Somewhere Else 340 Rhyme
04/19/2021 Replacement For An Olive 483 Rhyme
04/19/2021 A Play For Theseus and Hippolyta 399 Rhyme
04/19/2021 Puck's Mistake 388 Rhyme
04/19/2021 Hermia's Dilemma 511 Rhyme
04/18/2021 I Will Always Return a Review 339 Monorhyme
04/16/2021 Hole Card 295 Rhyme
04/16/2021 Shootings In Indianapolis 423 Rhyme
04/15/2021 Redd Foxx 398 Clerihew
04/13/2021 Titania Loves Bottom 537 Rhyme
04/12/2021 Orson Welles and the Martians 405 Rhyme
04/12/2021 A Gift of Gold 386 Rhyme
04/12/2021 Shooting In Knoxville 297 Monorhyme
04/12/2021 The Mayor of My Town 311 Rhyme
04/12/2021 Vincent Price 1148 Clerihew
04/11/2021 B B King 471 Rhyme
04/11/2021 Frangelico 399 Rhyme
04/11/2021 Long Island Iced Tea 344 Rhyme
04/11/2021 The Mouse Family 371 Rhyme
04/11/2021 Australian Poets 297 Rhyme
04/08/2021 Darkness In Retreat 371 Haiku
04/08/2021 Walter Brennan 505 Clerihew


Quote Left This little poem looks good enough to put inside a fortune cookie. Quote Right
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