2/2/2025 |
my valentine
| Senryu | desire,passion,sensual, |
2/1/2025 |
Etched In Stone
| Rhyme | dad,grief,memory, |
1/25/2025 |
The Girls Are back in Town: Collaboration
| Limerick | friendship,fun,humor, |
1/19/2025 |
Love of My Life
| Rhyme | appreciation,husband,love |
1/1/2025 |
Happy New Year
| Monoku | hope,inspiration,new year |
12/29/2024 |
| Rhyme | fate,life,loss,time, |
12/26/2024 |
holiday collection
| Haiku | appreciation,blessing,cel |
12/20/2024 |
Chasing Rainbows
| Rhyme | angst,anxiety,emotions,fa |
12/15/2024 |
Holiday Fun
| Limerick | christmas,fun,humor, |
11/30/2024 |
winter pines
| Haiku | beauty,tree,winter, |
11/28/2024 |
| Rhyme | beauty,bird,imagery,natur |
11/23/2024 |
Ruby Slippers
| Limerick | fun,humor, |
11/23/2024 |
Who I Am
| Verse | emotions,how i feel,i am, |
11/22/2024 |
The Night Before
| Rhyme | christmas,fashion,fun, |
11/17/2024 |
The Geranium
| Personification | beautiful,flower,spring, |
11/11/2024 |
| Rhyme | beautiful,night,sky,stars |
11/7/2024 |
Under Red
| Monoku | evil,political, |
11/4/2024 |
Winter Holiday Limericks
| Limerick | holiday,humor,winter, |
10/20/2024 |
My Truths
| Verse | how i feel,i am, |
10/18/2024 |
Sean and Chuck
| Alliteration | friendship,fun,nursery rh |
10/14/2024 |
Take Back
| Limerick | perspective,political, |
10/6/2024 |
Autumn Feathers
| Jueju | appreciation,autumn,bird, |
9/8/2024 |
signs of autumn
| Haiku | autumn,nature,seasons, |
9/2/2024 |
| Free verse | beach,peace, |
8/26/2024 |
The Falling Angel
| Monoku | evil,fear, |
8/25/2024 |
season surrender
| Haiku | august,autumn,seasons, |
8/18/2024 |
I Am Happiness
| Quintain (Sicilian) | emotions,happiness, |
8/11/2024 |
Words as Weapons
| Acrostic | anger,angst,betrayal,disc |
8/4/2024 |
Head Dunk
| Limerick | boy,funny,hair, |
7/20/2024 |
My Perennial Garden
| Rhyme | appreciation,beautiful,fl |
7/13/2024 |
| Rhyme | animal,appreciation,beaut |
6/30/2024 |
feathered antics
| Haiku | appreciation,bird,nature, |
6/24/2024 |
Lady Fuchsia
| Personification | appreciation,beautiful,fl |
6/9/2024 |
| Haiku | beautiful,flower, |
6/8/2024 |
Heart Whispers
| Free verse | desire,fate,love, |
6/6/2024 |
Plagiarism is a Crime of Stealing
| Free verse | anger,angst, |
5/27/2024 |
Cheery Chorus
| Etheree | beauty,bird,happy,uplifti |
5/27/2024 |
| Cinqku | art,emotions,feelings,pri |
5/19/2024 |
Flower Footles
| Footle | beauty,flower, |
4/28/2024 |
Spring Birds
| Sonnet | appreciation,bird,spring, |
4/20/2024 |
| Ninette | appreciation,flower, |
4/18/2024 |
sailor's warning
| Haiku | ocean,storm,sun, |
4/18/2024 |
Painting with Diamonds
| Rhyme | anxiety,appreciation,crea |
4/7/2024 |
The Library
| Rhyme | books,dream,fantasy,old, |
4/2/2024 |
| Haiku | appreciation,nature,tree, |
3/31/2024 |
Spring Morning
| Rhyme | bird,nature,spring, |
3/19/2024 |
The Wind
| Personification | storm,wind, |
3/13/2024 |
| Haiku | beauty,nature,sky, |
2/18/2024 |
winter morning
| Haiku | appreciation,bird,nature, |
2/18/2024 |
A Beast
| Rhyme | anxiety,emotions, |
2/4/2024 |
Social Worker - PS
| Rhyme | appreciation,garden,how i |
1/28/2024 |
| Haiku | nature,seasons, |
1/20/2024 |
Give it a rest
| Limerick | anti bullying,judgement, |
1/15/2024 |
Winter Bugs - Now a Collaboration
| Limerick | care,health,sick, |
1/14/2024 |
Red Fred
| Limerick | funny,humor,valentines da |
1/13/2024 |
Coffee Date
| Free verse | desire,romance, |
1/12/2024 |
night hunting
| Haiku | bird,nature,night,river, |
1/8/2024 |
The Magic of Winter
| Rhyme | appreciation,beautiful,im |
12/31/2023 |
New Years Blessing
| Monoku | blessing,new year, |
12/31/2023 |
Home Ownership Woes of 2023
| Senryu | angst,home,money, |
12/22/2023 |
The Reindeer Dilemma
| Limerick | christmas,fun,humor, |
12/17/2023 |
magical holiday season
| Haiku | celebration,christmas,dec |
11/26/2023 |
| Acrostic | angst,anxiety,dark,divorc |
11/14/2023 |
| Lanterne | beautiful,night,star, |
11/13/2023 |
November Season
| Ninette | autumn,november, |
11/11/2023 |
Animal Humor
| Limerick | animal,fun,humorous, |
11/7/2023 |
Winter Sparkle - TB
| Than-Bauk | beauty,winter, |
11/7/2023 |
Thanksgiving Day - Not for Contest
| Than-Bauk | holiday,humor,thanksgivin |
11/5/2023 |
12 Days of Christmas From Maine
| Lyric | humor,places, |
11/4/2023 |
Twelve Days of Christmas With Ziggy - Not For Contest
| Lyric | animal,christmas,humor, |
10/25/2023 |
Halloween Freak Show
| Limerick | fun,halloween,humor, |
10/23/2023 |
| Personification | animal,garden,nature, |
10/22/2023 |
Bed In a Box
| Rhyme | anxiety,fear,insect, |
10/16/2023 |
| Haiku | appreciation,autumn,beaut |
10/15/2023 |
| Rhyme | kiss,love,romance, |
10/9/2023 |
| Rhyme | anti bullying,betrayal,en |
10/9/2023 |
Come Into My Parlour - a Collaboration Between Arlo Parker and the Mean Girls
| Free verse | fantasy,gothic, |
10/7/2023 |
Autumn Haiku Collection
| Haiku | autumn,nature,seasons,tre |
10/1/2023 |
Kevin Costner
| Clerihew | break up,divorce,star, |
9/30/2023 |
To the Woods
| Senryu | fun,humor, |
9/23/2023 |
The Mean Girls Club
| Rhyme | anti bullying,community,e |
9/22/2023 |
What Was I Thinking
| Monoku | anti bullying,hurt, |
9/17/2023 |
| Acrostic | animal,humorous,nature, |
9/16/2023 |
It Happend On a Misty Morning
| Verse | love,missing you,passion, |
9/16/2023 |
Wind Storm
| Haiku | natural disasters,storm,t |
9/9/2023 |
| Pleiades | nature,storm,weather, |
9/6/2023 |
It Happened On a Rainy Night
| Verse | beautiful,mystery,romance |
8/28/2023 |
| Personification | nature,ocean,sea,water, |
8/13/2023 |
| Ninette | appreciation,beautiful,fl |
8/12/2023 |
| Haiku | beautiful,flower,garden, |
8/6/2023 |
| Acrostic | appreciation,august,beaut |
8/5/2023 |
| Haiku | appreciation,beauty,natur |
7/28/2023 |
Syllables Expressed
| Haiku | appreciation,imagery,poem |
7/22/2023 |
Chocolate Cake Bite
| Free verse | food,metaphor, |
7/18/2023 |
Book- the Soul of An Octopus By Sy Montgomery
| Monoku | appreciation,beauty,magic |
7/13/2023 |
Larry's Cone
| Limerick | fun,humor, |
7/12/2023 |
Rugosa Blooms
| Monoku | flower,grief, |
7/9/2023 |
| Tanka | beautiful,death,nature,oc |
7/8/2023 |
Bottle Garden
| Rhyme | appreciation,nature,sad, |
7/7/2023 |
July Kiss
| Etheree | cute love,firework,july,l |