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Poems by Eric Boddie

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Below are poems written by United States poet Eric Boddie. If you like the poems, please comment on the work of this poet. Remember, Poetrysoup is an environment of encouragement and growth so only provide specific positive comments that indicate what you appreciate about the poems of Eric Boddie.

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Date PostedPoemTitle# ViewsForm  
08/13/2020 The Art of Life 426 Couplet
07/16/2020 Flawless Windows 309 Couplet
06/30/2020 Us 758 Verse
06/28/2020 Pissed Off 658 Couplet
06/26/2020 Seventeen Years 635 Couplet
06/26/2020 Consistency 883 Rhyme
01/29/2020 A True Champion 1048 Narrative
12/26/2019 I Miss You 654 Couplet
09/13/2018 Nothing But the Truth 1235 Ballad
07/30/2018 Monday 1429 Acrostic
07/28/2018 Lucky 8- For Contest 544 Free verse
07/28/2018 Lucky Eight - Not For Contest 496 Couplet
07/27/2018 Passion 521 Couplet
07/26/2018 My Pledge of Allegiance 1357 Couplet
04/21/2018 Celibacy 707 Bio
04/03/2018 God's Own People 551 Acrostic
03/07/2018 The Prequel 743 Monorhyme
03/04/2018 Hope 509 Couplet
02/10/2018 Open Your Eyes 1008 Couplet
02/07/2018 S O S 546 Acrostic
01/19/2018 The Truth of Me 571 Couplet
01/16/2018 I Appoligize 755 Ballad
07/28/2017 I Didn'T Die 896 Couplet
07/08/2017 Never Settle 900 Couplet
06/10/2017 Thicker Than Water 542 Monorhyme
05/19/2017 Man Style 781 Monorhyme
05/19/2017 Progress Vs Congress 1366 Political Verse
05/18/2017 May 19, 2017 729 Couplet
04/21/2017 I'M Back Sorry For the Lost Time 562 Couplet
05/27/2016 Beauty Escapes 1101 Couplet
05/07/2016 The Purple Reign 1131 Couplet
04/08/2016 The Law of Faith 1008 Couplet
02/23/2016 Cincinnati 952 Bio
02/23/2016 A Thing Called Love 931 Monorhyme
02/13/2016 Never, Always, Sometimes 1204 Acrostic
02/05/2016 Descendent of Eve 1110 Ballad
02/02/2016 I Now Pronounce You, Man and Wife 854 Rhyme
01/30/2016 The Reflection 2219 Quatrain
01/30/2016 The Application 921 Ballad
01/30/2016 The Seduction 1198 Narrative
01/21/2016 Actions of Love 1288 Couplet
01/14/2016 Eric's Second Fundamental Theorem of Love 862 Couplet
01/14/2016 Eric's First Fundamental Theorem of Love 680 Rhyme
01/14/2016 The Passion of Poetry 930 Monorhyme
01/14/2016 Identical Rhyme 2079 Triolet
01/14/2016 The Writer Within 1587 Epic
01/14/2016 The Unanswerable 683 Couplet
01/14/2016 The Life Experience 937 Couplet
01/08/2016 Witness of You 822 Ballad
01/08/2016 The Grace of His Glory 776 Ballad
01/05/2016 The Greatest American Ever Born 1615 Monorhyme
12/20/2015 Dissection of the Ass Whooping 1266 Narrative
12/19/2015 The Wordsmith 687 Free verse
12/19/2015 Don'T Be Fooled 774 Couplet
12/19/2015 By: Eric L Boddie 951 Epic
12/19/2015 The E R I C 731 Epic
12/19/2015 From Here To Now 556 Couplet
12/16/2015 Eric's Third Rule of Wisdom 802 Acrostic
12/15/2015 Eric's Second Rule of Wisdom 883 Acrostic
12/15/2015 Happiness 663 Acrostic
12/15/2015 Eric's First Rule of Wisdom 810 Acrostic
12/09/2015 Excuses: a Feminine Experience 1026 Couplet
12/03/2015 Fluent Rhyme 860 Monorhyme
12/03/2015 Poetry Souper Heroes: the Sequel 1190 Couplet
11/20/2015 Thirty Rhymes, Triple Time 1051 Monorhyme
11/11/2015 Those Eyes 916 Rhyme
11/11/2015 Meet Me Halfway 1427 Couplet
11/11/2015 Time 945 Rhyme
11/01/2015 Solidified By a Poet's Dozen 762 Free verse
10/25/2015 Poetry Souper Heroes 1020 Couplet
10/18/2015 Reflect On These Words 743 Epic
10/14/2015 8 Lines 1222 Free verse
10/13/2015 None Other 1069 Couplet
10/06/2015 Lessons Learnt In Life 1074 Etheree
10/06/2015 Love Might Be a Risk -- the Andaree 1064 Rhyme
10/05/2015 Give It Here Casarah 685 Free verse
09/30/2015 Battle of the Sexes 1022 Epic
09/29/2015 Reverse 845 ABC
09/29/2015 A Response To Eric Is 1064 Couplet
09/24/2015 What Life Means To Me 907 Couplet
09/22/2015 Freaked 765 ABC
09/17/2015 The Multi-Tasker 1050 Personification
09/16/2015 Tribute Seven 909 Acrostic
09/13/2015 First Legitimate Haiku 904 Haiku
09/13/2015 Second Senryu 648 Senryu
09/13/2015 First Senryu 787 Senryu
09/12/2015 Titles For Competition 775 Rhyme
09/11/2015 For All You Michael Jackson Fans 920 Epic
09/11/2015 Who Is Your Neighbor 966 Couplet
09/11/2015 The Answer 675 Rhyme
09/11/2015 The Author of the Lie 964 Narrative
09/03/2015 My Life Remains 950 Rhyme
09/03/2015 Tribute Six 711 Acrostic
08/28/2015 Tribute Five 1100 Acrostic
08/28/2015 Never Would Have Made It 1144 Rhyme
08/28/2015 My Gift From Heaven 1175 Ballad
08/28/2015 Undeniable 831 Ballad
08/21/2015 My Soul Mate 1119 Free verse
08/21/2015 The Wrong Woman 1183 Rhyme
08/21/2015 The Truth of Lies 916 Monorhyme

Book: Reflection on the Important Things