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The Limerick Funny for Today - Debbie Guzzi's Blog

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Deborah Guzzi writes full time. Her third book, The Hurricane is available through Prolific Press. Her poetry appears in Allegro, Artificium, Shooter, & The Foxglove Journal in the UK, Subterranean Blue, Existere, The Ekphrastic Review, Scarlet Leaf Review & Subterranean Blue Poetry, Canada - Tincture, Australia - mgv2>publishing, France Cha: Asian Review, China - Vine Leaves Literary Journal, Australia - The Scarlet Leaf Review - Greece, Ribbons, pioneertown, Sounding Review, Bacopa Literary Review, The Aurorean, Liquid Imagination, The Tishman Review, Page & Spine & others in the USA. 

The Limerick Funny for Today

Blog Posted:2/22/2015 10:15:00 AM



Below is a famous limerick by AUTHOR and ARTIST Edmund Dulac

A was an Afghan Ameer
Who played the accordion by ear.
When ambassadors called.
They first listened appalled.
Then would suddenly all disappear.


syllables per line


This is what I hear. 

A was an AF ghan a MEER who PLAYED the ac COR di on BY ear. WHEN am BASS a dors CALLED they first WERE ap PALLED then would SUD den ly ALL DIS ap PEAR.

*Now it is NOT perfect ANAPEST meter but PREDOMINANTLY - he has given himself permission/flexibility at the beginning & end of the lines- because he is playing with ODD numbered syllabic lines

**For a beginner it is easyier to start with SINGLE & DOUBLE syllable words & even numbered lines. LONG/LONG/short/short/LONG

ANAPEST METER - 3 syllables = 1 ANAPEST foot

A metrical foot consisting of two unaccented syllables followed by an accented syllable. The words “underfoot” and “overcome” are anapestic. Lord Byron’s “The Destruction of Sennacherib” is written in anapestic meter.

 The Assyrian came down like the wolf on the fold,
And his cohorts were gleaming in purple and gold;
And the sheen of their spears was like stars on the sea,
When the blue wave rolls nightly on deep Galilee.



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Date: 2/22/2015 6:02:00 PM
can we just post our own favorite, like Jan just did? If you tell me yes, I will look for one late! I think i am postponing too long doing my contest judging. Gotta get to that!! i enjoyed the one you showed us.
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Allison Avatar
Jan Allison
Date: 2/23/2015 12:45:00 AM
I'm infamous Andrea lol:-) hugs Jan xx
Guzzi Avatar
Debbie Guzzi
Date: 2/22/2015 7:44:00 PM
post a limerick which has been published by a famous author ;)
Date: 2/22/2015 3:58:00 PM
You guys are so GOOD! Who wrote the ones you put up Craig & Roy?
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Jerden Avatar
Roy Jerden
Date: 2/22/2015 11:35:00 PM
Several sources say mine is anonymous. I did find one poet who posted it as his own, but I think it is just plagiarism, as the poet only had 3 poems.
Date: 2/22/2015 11:34:00 AM
The limerick packs laughs anatomical/Into space that is quite economical./But the good ones I've seen/So seldom are clean/And the clean ones so seldom are comical.
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Dietrich Avatar
Andrea Dietrich
Date: 2/22/2015 6:04:00 PM
oh I see from what Debs said!! Dulac.
Dietrich Avatar
Andrea Dietrich
Date: 2/22/2015 6:03:00 PM
a very good one! Whose was it?
Guzzi Avatar
Debbie Guzzi
Date: 2/22/2015 12:01:00 PM
you go Roy! ALL the limericks in Dulac's book are clean-witty is a valid criteria too yes?

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Shout out to my Students!
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Become Part of an Anthology!
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2/5/2018 In Flagrante Delicto Free verselove,
1/2/2018 Less Than Perfect Haibunintrospection,
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7/27/2017 Mein Kampf My Struggle Haibunanxiety,racism,,atheist,
7/24/2017 Displaced In Kathmandu Haibunanxiety,fear,war,,western
6/8/2017 Haiku 1a Haikulife,
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5/13/2016 Golden Disks and Whale Clicks Free verseearth,eulogy,
5/1/2016 Cathedrale St Sauveur Aix En Provence, France Verseart,faith,
4/12/2016 Neap Tide Blank verseage,beauty,love,
4/2/2016 Red Sky Over Cairo Free verseanxiety,fear,travel,
3/31/2016 Monet's Garden Villanelleart,travel,vacation,
1/31/2016 A Hail Mary Pass To the Twenty-First Century Free verseanger,angst,bullying,fear
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1/29/2016 The Guardian At the Gate Ekphrasismyth,
1/16/2016 You Gotta Have Heart Ekphrasisart,
1/6/2016 Spectors of Doom Shapeangst,war,
1/5/2016 Blood Masks the Lea Rondeaudeath,war,
1/4/2016 A Swallows Tears Sonnetaddiction,suicide,
12/14/2015 A Blooded, Virgin, Night Free versepain,
12/5/2015 Madelaine's Chalice Versedevotion,love,
11/29/2015 Blessed Be Versenature,
11/29/2015 Ho-Ho-Ho Haibunholiday,
11/17/2015 Golden Disks and Whale Clicks Free versespace,
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10/29/2015 Cymbals of Winter Free verseurban,wind,winter,
10/28/2015 Death Undignified, Fort Laramie 1860 Sestinamemory,
10/27/2015 A Kneaded Life Haibunage,dream,love,
10/23/2015 The Sowing Free verseirony,violence,women,
10/21/2015 When Madness Rides On Moonlight Sestinaanxiety,art,depression,su
10/19/2015 St Brigids Well Sonnetchildren,spiritual,women,
10/12/2015 Gobsmacked Gams Terzanelleallegory,art,childhood,
10/12/2015 To Dumb To Lay Down Free verseallegory,
9/20/2015 Verbous and Obscure Blitzallusion,
9/11/2015 Put the Past Aside - the Dark Side of the Moon Versedepression,
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8/8/2015 Howl Beyond Reason Blitzanalogy,crazy,word play,
8/7/2015 Under and Over Blitzfear,universe,
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8/3/2015 Underground Art Montmartre Free verseart,
7/23/2015 Maudlin Mary Ekphrasisallusion,symbolism,woman,
7/20/2015 Fire-Crackers Acrosticdeath,war,
7/20/2015 Mary's Shrift Free versedevotion,discrimination,
7/20/2015 Stoned Free verseanger,,literature,
7/20/2015 Top Dressing Free versespring,daffodils,
7/13/2015 Just Desserts and Appetizers Haibunboat,fun,summer,
7/7/2015 Brooding Rooted Free versebeauty,blessing,
6/26/2015 Summer Stews Sijofun,
6/19/2015 False Love Quintain (English)lost love,
6/14/2015 Risen From the Foam Ottava rimaallegory,beauty,love,
6/4/2015 Cling Sijoadventure,
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4/28/2015 Spider Robinson's Plug In Sijoaddiction,
4/27/2015 The Sandy Shoal Free versedeath,
4/26/2015 A Stream of Laughter Free versechildren,nature,
4/25/2015 Boxed In Free verseabsence,beauty,love,
4/21/2015 Pick Your Poison Acrosticabuse,death,
4/20/2015 The Tall Ships Burn Villanelleart,
4/19/2015 I, Icon Acrosticself,
4/17/2015 The Song of Deborah Bioallegory,
4/15/2015 Barred Camp Sonnetfunny,
4/15/2015 Cross Pollination Versefaith,nature,
4/13/2015 The Wayward Child Pantoumfairy,
4/12/2015 Straw Men Free verseallusion,planet,
4/5/2015 Elemental Answers To Being Verselife,
4/3/2015 Mother's Days Acrosticmother,
4/2/2015 Sun and Life Painting By Frida Kahlo 1947 Free verseart,
3/31/2015 Afi 9th Art Wave Tankaart,
3/31/2015 Afi Tag Art Tankaart,
3/28/2015 Van Gogh Sans Une Oreille Free verseart,
3/27/2015 School's Out Haibunkiss,snow,
3/21/2015 The Teetotaler Terzanellememory,
3/20/2015 The Sin and God Within Verseallusion,faith,forgivenes
3/20/2015 A Penny For My Thoughts Sonnetcreation,
3/18/2015 What Dreams Are Made Of Versefear,night,
3/15/2015 Steamers Free versesummer,
3/10/2015 A Mother Drawn Free versebeauty,birth,earth,faith,
3/9/2015 The Precipice Free verseart,
3/5/2015 The Score Free verseloneliness,night,
3/3/2015 Moonlight Serenade Haibunsensual,
3/1/2015 Trumpets of the Dawn Sonnetflower,
3/1/2015 Femme Fatales Balladbirth,mythology,woman,
2/28/2015 The Doldrums of March Free verseloneliness,daffodils,
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2/24/2015 Forgotten Valentine Haibunsad,
2/21/2015 Ice Castings Pantoumbeauty,

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God Free verselife,mystery,
Hard Times Cowboy Poetrycowboy-western,family,fun
For Things Once Counted Rhymeintrospection,loss,uplift
Petal Verselove,
Defender of the Wastes Free verseart,life,parody,world,
Birth Imagismchildhood,life
This Is Why I Woo Words Verseart,inspirational,philoso
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Belongings Rhymeloss,love,me,mother,
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Echo Quatrainlost lovewords,love,
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Easter Ivy Narrativefriendshipeaster,cousin,
End of Days Rhymeinspirational,lifeme,war,
Past-Life Nightmare Narrativeautumn,mystery,
I Dream of You (To Jew) Free verseimagination,lovenight,swe
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Loneliness Rhymeintrospection,life
Remission (In Memory of William Watt). Elegybrother,death,nostalgiawo
The Day That Died Forever Free verseadventure,angst,art,confu
Heritage Quatrainadventure,cowboy-western,
Summer Matinee Narrativebrother,me,
The Moon and I I do not know?hope,life,love,nature,pea
Seeking, Searching Free verseimaginationlove,universe,
Before Spring Came Narrativeadventure,animals,childho
Pledge Sonnetdevotion
Wild Cherries Free versedevotion,nature,nostalgia
Words From the Oracle Layallegory,philosophy
Science Free verse 
Mona Lisa Resembles Chokaart
And With Merriest Spirit Quintain (English)faith,father,holiday,insp
Cotton-Pickin' Paradise Versechildhood,life,nostalgia,
Where the Sycamore Grew Narrativeautumn,family,house,life,
Larks Free versedeath,devotion,imaginatio
Big Bang Limerickfunny,science,
Winter (Do Not Forget Among the Loss of Flowers) Me Free verse 
Let I do not know?loveme,me,
He Was Smoking Hot I do not know?funny
Alabaster Night Free versenature,planet,sea,
Haunted Orb Haikufantasy,nature
This Night Sonnet 
Tombstones & Teacups Rhymeallegory,childhood,death,
Today Not Tomorrow Free versededication,depression,gir
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The Joy That Sweetly Stays Free verse 
Cinder Girl Rhyme 
Biography (Thesis Statement) Versehistory,life,philosophyli
Figure Fusion Verseart,sports
Dancing Bird - With Video Link Free verseanimals,introspection,nat
Poem For a Sensuous Poet Free versefantasy,on writing and wo
The Road Walked Down Through the Years Rhymelife,on writing and words
The Iceman Cometh! Rhymenostalgia
He Says/ She Says Narrativelife
I'Ve Seen So Many Sonnetintrospectionnight,night,
Searching For Michelangelo Free verseart,hope,life,people,imag
Indifference Free verse 
Realisation of Self (War Child) Free verseme,me,
Reporting Live On the Soup (Colorado) Rhymefunnyme,me,,western,
Late At Night Lyricimaginationme,fear,me,
Reverencing Nature Balladfaith,naturenature,heart,
Dreams Coupletimagination
I Exist Pantoumintrospectionlife,me,
Madrid: Circa 1974 Blank versenostalgia,travel,
Magnolia Song Free verselove,romance,
Yellow Bus Roars Through Haikuallegory,nature,places
Ethel's Remedies Rhymefunny,people
A Dream In the Mist Narrativefantasy,imagination,natur
Volga 1 - 3 Prose Poetryfantasy
Mama's Cleaning Quatrainintrospection,life,mother
Waking Heart's Veins Free verseangst,hope,
Revelation Free verseimagination,lifesong,long
Sports Limerick Limerickfunny
The Snowflake Italian Sonnetromance,
Jack Lyricintrospectionlife,
The Ghost That Travels Far Personificationnature,
Kite Flying - Test Free verseallegory,art,imagination,
Dining With Crow Rhymeanimals
Beauty, Yes Sijohope,imagination,philosop
Smart and Final Prose Prose Poetrypeoplepeople,red,city,peo
Tiger In the Sea Rispettoadventure,animals,seame,t
A Song of Michael's Rose Narrativeme,
Where My True Love Lives - a Ballade Balladedeath,love,ocean,
Into Morning Free verselife
Play Me a Teardrop Rhymelost loveme,me,
Tickle Trout Narrativeadventure,food,
The Sweetest Song Sonnet 

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