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Poems by Cyndi Macmillan

Cyndi  Macmillan - LIFETIME Premium Member Cyndi  Macmillan - Premium MemberPremium Member Send Soup Mail Go to Poets Blog Block poet from commenting on your poetry

Below are poems written by Canada poet Cyndi Macmillan. If you like the poems, please comment on the work of this poet. Remember, Poetrysoup is an environment of encouragement and growth so only provide specific positive comments that indicate what you appreciate about the poems of Cyndi Macmillan.

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Date PostedPoemTitle# ViewsForm  
07/25/2023 The Library's Book 288 Sonnet
09/20/2018 The Yield 871 Free verse
10/20/2017 Dinner Guest: Me 2677 Free verse
09/20/2017 Toothsome 777 Free verse
09/05/2017 The San Antonio Night Crossing 1132 Free verse
08/23/2017 Turning the Other Cheek 944 Free verse
08/16/2017 Whatever Happened To the Real Poets 1269 Free verse
06/18/2017 Fetal Position In the Er 1752 Sestina
06/07/2017 Well Understood 1053 Free verse
06/04/2017 I'D Rather Write About 2144 Free verse
05/19/2017 The Palm-Chats of Jalousie, Haiti 1162 Free verse
05/04/2017 Water, Water 1754 Free verse
11/18/2016 We, Nasty Women 3901 Ekphrasis
05/22/2016 The Chronicles of a Phonophobic 1985 Free verse
05/06/2015 Tail Spin, Revised 2932 Free verse
11/10/2014 Chan 2828 Free verse
01/31/2014 Journey Companions: the Friend Sonnets Part Ii 2952 Sonnet
01/29/2014 Divine Steeples 2720 Sonnet
01/26/2014 Muse 2650 Sonnet


Quote Left As a fiction writer, I allow jerks to think they have the last word. Eventually, aspects of their vapid personalities are sprinkled into my work... my villains sound more true to life, thanks to them. I have deep gratitude to the petty, mean and ugly people I've met. They have allowed me to develop petty, mean and ugly antagonists. I get the last word in every story I write and have published. Success always speaks louder than angry babble. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Cyndi Macmillan

Quote Left Sentiment is NOT a synonym for poetry; though a short piece of writing may tug at the heart, poetry requires figurative language, ambiguity, wordplay or a unique perspective of the very familiar. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Cyndi Macmillan

Quote Left The difference between a poet and a published poet is just one revision. A single word can change an entire verse. Never discourage any poet who says, 'I want to do better.' Telling a poet to stay status quo is to tell them to stop growing. It is sabotage. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Cyndi Macmillan

Quote Left Careful, there. If you cheese off a fiction writer, she just may immortalize you. And then you'd be a jerk for all time. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Cyndi Macmillan


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Cyndi MacMillan lives in a small town in Ontario that is home to North America’s largest working waterwheel. Her writing has appeared in notable Canadian literary journals and local newspapers. 

A Cruel Light is her debut gothic mystery (4/4/2023). She has been a Jill-of-all-trades, but for as long as she can remember, she has dreamt of being a novelist.  Hard work and the wonderful team at Crooked Lane Books have made that dream a reality.  Please note that her husband and daughter kindly keep her coffee mug filled when she is wrestling with a suspenseful chapter.   During a pandemic lockdown, the family adopted a rescue cat who chirps. 

When not writing, Cyndi enjoys reading Gothics, scrapbooking, and losing horribly at board games.  Works-in-progress include the second (and third) Annora Garde Mystery, a Canadian noir series, and a standalone horror mystery, so more often than not, Cyndi is writing.  She is a member of Crime Writers of Canada.


Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry