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Read Poems by Charlotte Puddifoot

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Below are poems written by poet Charlotte Puddifoot. Click the Next or Previous links below the poem to navigate between poems. Remember, Poetrysoup is an environment of encouragement and growth. Thank you.

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Sea glass

a sliver held to jugular or wrist,
twists of crushed crystals, lives fractured and shattered,

splinters of mirror-light cutting up sun
rays in a temporary turmoil of self-harm.

See the boy slumped on the pebble-rattly ridge,
the plastic bag's caul encasing his face, bagging the aerosol's toxic mist,

alone and deaf to the restless breath of incoming sea.
Hear the anchoring umbilical of a voice on the end of a helpline

and see the paramedic peeling and lifting the caul
like lifting a newborn gently from the bloody bed of birth.

See the slit vein gushing, the incoming sea rushing,
the thrashing and hushing, the lifting beyond worldly harm,

the cuddle of calm, transmuting prisons of pain
to prisms of beauty, like shrilling shards shushed

and smoothed to jewels by alchemizing aqua of sea.
See glass, split refractions of self, reflecting what we'd rather not see.

See the sunlight of hope struggling through, juggling oceanic gems
in metamorphosing air. Breathe the transforming sun-sparks of recovery.

Copyright © Charlotte Puddifoot | Year Posted 2024


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Date: 7/24/2024 11:17:00 AM

Oh, My Dear Charlotte, what a wonderful read and so powerful. The beauty of sea glass with the harsh reality of self-harm and suicide attempts is heart wrenching. I loved how you showed that like sea glass, human suffering can be transformed into something valuable and beautiful through the process of healing and recovery. Excellent! - Blessings, My Dear Friend Daniel
Date: 7/23/2024 11:00:00 PM

Beautiful wordplay and so much depth in what youv conveyed here in a very creative manner dear charlotte, good to read you after a long time, something that makes me think and feel so much. I love also “ transmuting prisons of pain to prisms of beauty” ah sometimes i feel all that, find healing through ocean and whats beneath the surface of blues: “alchemizing aqua of sea” the opening with self harm and so much more is also soul stirring! And how youv ended is Brilliant. Congratulations
Date: 7/23/2024 3:11:00 PM

Congrats. You deffo write the way Craig likes. Eclectic tastes make the world more interesting. Fosho
Date: 7/20/2024 5:17:00 PM

Boy after reading Susan's entry now this. Two top notchers with entirely different approaches to the same theme. Yours is so dark but with rays of hope. He's a huffer, she tried to end it by a shard of sea glass and survived, hopefully to a rebirth of sorts. At least I think I got it right
Date: 7/20/2024 2:38:00 PM

Your tone is always so powerful, real life begging to be read. This left me in awe...a fav


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