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Poems by Valsa George

Valsa George - LIFETIME Premium Member Valsa George - Premium MemberPremium Member Send Soup Mail  Block poet from commenting on your poetry

Below are poems written by India poet Valsa George. If you like the poems, please comment on the work of this poet. Remember, Poetrysoup is an environment of encouragement and growth so only provide specific positive comments that indicate what you appreciate about the poems of Valsa George.

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Date PostedPoemTitle# ViewsForm  
02/13/2025 My Bloody Valentine 255 Free verse
02/13/2025 Win Life 46 Rhyme
02/09/2025 Beach Footles 110 Rhyme
02/09/2025 Transition-8x8x8x8 79 Rhyme
02/08/2025 Dusty Box of Memories 159 Free verse
02/08/2025 Hold on to this Anchor Please 83 Couplet
02/06/2025 hey valentine 169 Senryu
02/06/2025 Embodying the Light 92 Rhyme
02/03/2025 Lovesome 73 Cinquain
02/02/2025 God Walks Warmly Alongside Death 88 Rhyme
02/02/2025 When my Muse Came Knocking 154 Free verse
01/26/2025 Dear Friends 122 Prose
01/25/2025 Oh, Rose Flower 161 Personification
01/22/2025 Ivory Flakes 195 Personification
01/21/2025 Martyred for Freedom 132 Free verse
01/20/2025 In My Deepest Fantasies 152 Free verse
01/19/2025 When You are Old 151 Rhyme
01/19/2025 Sunset 180 Haiku
01/19/2025 God's Blessings 129 ABC
01/13/2025 Our Natural State 187 Free verse
01/12/2025 With Love- POTD 374 Ottava rima
01/10/2025 Wild is the Night 475 Free verse
01/05/2025 A Letter to Emily Dickinson 130 Rhyme
01/03/2025 A Robin and her Nest 276 Quintain (English)
12/31/2024 Recognition 454 Rhyme
12/31/2024 Greet 2025 255 Rhyme
12/30/2024 Santa Got Stranded in Florida 259 Rhyme
12/30/2024 OWLS 243 Pleiades
12/28/2024 My Single Resolution for the New Year 463 Rhyme
12/24/2024 In Nature's Comforting Lap 559 Free verse
12/22/2024 Walk the Tightrope 311 Prose Poetry
12/16/2024 A Wish In Vain 555 Free verse
12/14/2024 Light that Lights all Lights 395 Rhyme
12/13/2024 DOUGHNUT 429 Pleiades
12/12/2024 An Accident on a Hot Summer Day 419 Diminished Hexaverse
12/10/2024 Heaven or Hell 204 Haibun
12/09/2024 We Live in a Fantasy World 198 Rhyme
12/08/2024 My First Poem 567 Tanka
12/08/2024 Be in Nature's Embrace 208 Couplet
12/06/2024 Struck by Cupid's Arrow 217 Free verse
12/05/2024 Crying Mercy 401 Rhyme
12/04/2024 The Night Before 376 Rhyme
12/02/2024 winter snooze 201 Haiku
12/01/2024 I am Thankful for 208 Rhyme
11/30/2024 Descent and Ascent 222 Free verse
11/29/2024 Psychedelic 345 Free verse
11/26/2024 In the Cycle of Existence 278 Rhyme
11/25/2024 Who Am I 337 Verse
11/24/2024 Power in the Tongue 262 Rhyme
11/22/2024 Never Rush to Perish 204 Rhyme
11/20/2024 Time Traveler 256 Narrative
11/19/2024 Spring Arrives 294 Verse
11/18/2024 Hindsight 20-20 264 Free verse
11/17/2024 I Breathe Poetry 286 Rhyme
11/16/2024 A Morning Alouette 286 Rhyme
11/14/2024 Addiction 372 Free verse
11/10/2024 In Marked Territory 368 Free verse
11/08/2024 Jolted by Twilight 312 Free verse
11/06/2024 Still Holding My Own 410 Limerick
11/05/2024 Addressing the World with Gifts Divine 419 Sonnet
11/03/2024 Shikata ga nai- POTD 1169 Free verse
11/01/2024 Gift of Recovery 506 Rhyme
10/31/2024 Holiday Limericks 490 Limerick
10/30/2024 Jill and Jane 393 Rhyme
10/29/2024 Animating Innate Vibrance 367 Free verse
10/23/2024 I Almost Tossed it Out 490 Rhyme
10/22/2024 Colors of Love 353 Free verse
10/19/2024 Desultory Existence 225 Triolet
10/18/2024 Maple 261 Pleiades
10/17/2024 My Truths 196 Verse
10/16/2024 Haunted House 200 Rhyme
10/14/2024 To Whom does This Come 290 Free verse
10/13/2024 A Minichu on Fulfillment 262 Rhyme
10/12/2024 My Darling Dachshund 392 Alliteration
10/12/2024 Until Then 253 Free verse
10/02/2024 Hi Friends 257 Prose
09/23/2024 As the Rain Came 411 Free verse
09/22/2024 autumn 176 Haiku
09/19/2024 White Beauties of My Garden 348 Imagism
09/17/2024 My Favorite Teacher 269 Haibun
09/13/2024 SEPTEMBER FALLS 208 Acrostic
09/09/2024 Fading Photographs 402 Free verse
09/08/2024 My Future Self 254 Free verse
09/06/2024 Little Talia and her Toys 254 Rhyme
09/05/2024 Soupers, to you I am Indebted 403 Rhyme
09/03/2024 Autumn has Arrived 150 Rhyme
09/02/2024 Unconscious Bias 200 Free verse
09/01/2024 Limerick- Jan Allison 392 Limerick
09/01/2024 The Wail of a Love Letter 467 Personification
08/30/2024 Put on a Smile 251 Hybronnet
08/20/2024 Symphony of the Sunrise 348 Free verse
08/18/2024 My Special Poet 428 Rhyme
08/18/2024 I am Happiness 569 Quintain (Sicilian)
08/17/2024 Summer Drizzle 209 Rhyme
08/15/2024 I Shudder 442 Grook
08/14/2024 Make Life a Celebration 225 Rhyme
08/10/2024 hoodwinked shoal of fish 315 Senryu
08/10/2024 Seijaku 304 Free verse
08/08/2024 Sobering 283 Free verse
08/05/2024 The Violin Weeps- POTD 833 Free verse


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