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Best Poems Written by Valsa George

Below are the all-time best Valsa George poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Wave and Shore

I am a wave. From far I come to you Swimming with desire. In wild curls I come, Riding with music, Travelling on sunbeams. Within my hidden folds, I carry the thoughts of love, Wishing to rest on the shore. Lashing playfully, I come, Looping into a sensational hug! But how sad, I can only embrace you Just for a brief moment! Over our heads, seagulls wing. Around us, soapy foams giggle. In wild ecstasy, I roar, Crashing my head on your breast. But I am made to drift away, Leaving nothing behind, But a stretch of dampened sand, Reminding that we have once met. Can I ever hold you again? Wish I could once more, Rush into your arms. Sometimes I feel, I am on an eternal journey. With desires unappeased, I continue traveling miles. Let us be a pair of seagulls, Flying in tandem, you forever, Staying close to me, With your wind under my wings!

Copyright © Valsa George | Year Posted 2023

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To the Singing Lark

Oh! How like you, I long to be a singing lark Who in the blue firmament like a tiny speck Remains invisible, drowning the air in music sweet Rising higher and darting up with movements slick In our ears, your song falls like peals of chiming bells In clear crystalline notes on this radiant day so bright Why do you stay unseen in the far fringes of heaven? Oh! Come out from the heights that blur you from our sight! Are you warbling of love in inextricable lays Or chanting hymns to the God of greater heights Diving up and down like a mysterious sprite Are you trilling of the charms of enchanting sights Soaring and swaying like a flitting dot of light You ascend higher and higher to dizzier heights I guess your wings brush against the sailing clouds As you reel round and round in ecstatic flights Have you bidden farewell to the verdant groves beneath? Have you flown for good from your woody nest? Why do you dwell in the heights, solitary and alone? Are you cruising into the wide blue yonder to seek a haven for rest? Hovering over unseen, you pour out melodies sweet That fills our gloomy hearts with euphoric delight Sweeping away from weary minds all sullen thoughts And flaming our souls as blazing beacons of light! June.14. 2022 Placed Second Poetry Marathon Mile.1.Poetry Contest Sponsor- Mark Tony

Copyright © Valsa George | Year Posted 2022

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A Beautiful Day In Spring

Out of the dark, a lambent, lovely day has dawned
In silvery brilliance the early morning is drowned
In the sapphire sky, the sun has appeared on his diurnal shift 
Over the firmament the vagrant clouds aimlessly drift
Pigeons nestle with their fledglings in the eaves 
Bright sunshine seeps down through the leaves
Flocks of birds take on wings for their morning flight
Like diminutive dots they eventually disappear out of sight

All around is seen spring’s mesmerizing presence
The dormant bulbs have sprung back with a vengeance
They bear blossoms of pink, purple, yellow and white
Flashing before every watchful eye a spectacular sight

Like a bride, the Earth is clad in her silky emerald dress 
Around honey laden florets, the bees restlessly buzz
Every heart overflows in cheer with no tension’s trace
On every face, smile shuttles from lips to eyes

In the wind I hear the lilts of a forgotten melody
From a woodland nearby, a lone bird sounds its parody
It seems Heaven has flung all its treasures down
And the Earth appears regally decked in floral crown

Within me, all of a sudden, I sense a divine elation
Erasing from my sullen soul, all traces of vexation
Through every fiber of my being, the waves of joy rise
And my spirit leaps out in ecstasy to the skies!

Copyright © Valsa George | Year Posted 2022

Details | Valsa George Poem

A Simple Whim- POTD

How I wish to scuttle alone, over a gentle river, from bank to bank, in a small boat, rowed with a bamboo pole. The call of the wild is an irresistible call, to venture into the silken waters, to feel the wind and look at the blue sky with nimbus clouds drawing strange patterns, when seagulls’ fly, shrieking over my head, and sense the misty spray of water when weary hours shall sink to blend with the soothing sibilance of the river, winding its way through woods and plains!
October. 23.2022 ~Placed Eighth~ POEM OF THE DAY A Brian Strand Premiere Choice Poetry Contest

Copyright © Valsa George | Year Posted 2022

Details | Valsa George Poem

Rinse Clear POTD

Mind – a pool, deep and arcane,
Needs to be cleared n' cleansed from time to time
In the sinuous course of life,
Pause awhile to peer into the depths.
Over the still waters, lies a layer of scum.
At the bottom is settled,
Toxic sediments of hate,
The residue of burnt dreams
Of unsavory passions

If unattended, in this slushy mass of filth
Maggots may breed,
Eating into the flesh
Poisoning the vital serum
Pumped through the veins

Purge the dross
Flush out the dirt
Rinse it clean
And feast on the sparkle,
Of clear waters
Springing from the well heads of love!


The Clearing Poetry Contest
Sponsor- craig cornish

Copyright © Valsa George | Year Posted 2023

Details | Valsa George Poem

To My Anonymous Lover

Somewhere in a strange land An unknown heart throbs for me Etching an amorous graffiti On the blank walls of my mind Where ever I am, I feel a pair of eyes Fondly surveying and scanning me, Speaking to me in silence And keeps me awake in the night I feel it all, I hear it all Filling me with a sweet ache! When night birds croon in the woods And their mates answer the serenade, When the moon begins her somnambulistic walk And light beams percolate through pine needles, When glow worms float in darkness Like cruise ships over the sea, When the opening Jasmine secretly exults In her own exotic scent, Sitting in my dimly lighted room I draft this message of love Pouring all my warmth into it Thus emptying my love laden heart That blazes with the fire of love And encode it in cryptic script To be mailed to you, my love! Oh, it might take much time Better it be a whispered endearment Sent through this perfumed night breeze That shall carry it from this end to that end So kindly leave your window open! ~Placed First~ A Strand (1074) Poetry Contest Nov.28.2022 ~PLACED FOURTH~ Re-submitted for 2022 Poetry Marathon. Mile.21. Poetry Contest (with modifications)

Copyright © Valsa George | Year Posted 2022

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Winged Words

Like a creature hibernating in its burrow Waiting to come out with the first verdure of spring, The seed of a poem lay dormant in my heart Through the long winter awaiting another spring After staying torpid inside for long, At a time I expected it the least Timidly came out the first word, As shaky as a calf getting up for the first time. Then another came and word after word in a row Like pellets of rain on the window pane I boiled them in the crucibles of my imagination And finally dipping them in the ocean of my emotions But rhyme came to set constraints For the right alignment I struggled I had to decide on its texture and format Pondered if it should be a sonnet or an ode I might have kept the door open for long Alas! All my words and fancies flew away, Like birds taking on wings into the sky From a cage where they were imprisoned for long I stood so helpless with my mouth shut, Staring blankly out into the airy nothing Like one lost in the doorway of his own threshold Unable to call back those winged words lost in the void
~Placed Fifth~ Submitted for Marathon no.10. Poetry Contest Sponsor - Mark Toney
~Placed First~ 31. March .2022 A Brian Strand Standard Poetry Contest

Copyright © Valsa George | Year Posted 2022

Details | Valsa George Poem

Because I Live- Mr- POTD

“Who will not open a gift given with love? Life is a gift, own it and treasure it.”
                                                                                         _ By Poet

God has breathed life into me, and I live.
To make this life as fruitful as I can, I shall strive.

Life is a blessing, a treasure to cherish
I should make it a celebration with every moment to relish

Though life is one of ups and downs with sorrows rife,
With perseverance, I shall try to overcome every strife.

Life is a precious gift we can never forsake.
It is a journey uphill, we must all undertake.

Though life is a roller coaster ride with twists and turns
There is so much in life, each one ardently yearns

Even amid struggles, one can enjoy the beauty of living
It lies in the art of forgiving and in the joy of giving

Also in learning new things, in aiming at new heights
In relishing new scenes and in savoring new delights 

Every day I take a new step, a new chance,
To improve the quality of my life, its worth enhance. 

With a beacon of warmth and a touch of grace,
We can light up lives and bring a smile on many a face.

I wish I could fulfill my purpose, to light up the dark
To make a difference in some lives and to leave a mark. 

As long as I live, I should see the power within,
To love, to learn, to grow, to strive and to win.


Because I Live Poetry Contest
Sponsor- Mystic Rose Rose

Copyright © Valsa George | Year Posted 2023

Details | Valsa George Poem

A Night Bird Sings

When sleep deserted me I crawled out of my bed unseen To delve into the crevices of the dark With the curiosity of an explorer And the near comatose of a somnambulist I walked up and down the steep slopes of the night Like a night watchman Without a lantern in hand. When my legs grew weary I sat on a rock Covered with moss and lichen Staring into the dark night sky With no constellation of fireflies Flashing their torches anywhere Sitting there, in that bewitching night, I listened to the song of night birds, The rustle of leaves, The howl of wolves, And the night wind’s rave. Looking into the dark pockets of the night, I thought of human mind, a deep gorge With many an uninhabitable corner Where serpent desires lie coiled, Scorpions crawl with toxic pincers And predators roam to prey upon helpless victims. The mystery of the night absorbed me, Her muffled sounds, her dark beauty And her elusive charm, like thick night fog, Percolated deep into my consciousness, And I floundered in a fathomless sea, Swirling in her eddies and currents. It whisked me away to lands far…far! But on being washed ashore, I was in a creative delirium. I am now in No Man’s Land, Where everything is in a coma of stillness, Where no light glimmers, No door ajar And no one in sight! Here the poet in me breaks open, The somnambulistic comatose, And down way flow my thoughts in indelible ink Which only I can read. Like a night bird, Roosting among the branches of a tree, I sing of my heart aches, Of my yearnings and longings. In the barely audible whispers of the night, My song reverberates in the eyeless abyss down, And in the dark desolate valleys below. People say, ghosts walk the earth at night. Oh! I am not scared! I am not eager for the dawn to break, Nor want to put my pen down!

Copyright © Valsa George | Year Posted 2023

Details | Valsa George Poem

Pervasive Grandeur

In grandeur, a leaf of grass is no less high Than all the glittering stars in the sky There is beauty alike in weed and reed When each fulfills Nature’s need The low and the high thus in equal glory stay When their respective roles they fairly play When perception turns to levels transcendental Everything will appear exponentially beautiful! Poetry Marathon Mile.3.Poetry Contest Sponsor- Mark Tony (Placed First in A Strand(1048) Poetry Contest)

Copyright © Valsa George | Year Posted 2021


Book: Reflection on the Important Things