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R Poems - Poems about R

R Poems - Examples of all types of poems about r to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for r.
Premium Member J K L M N O P Q R S T
jumble of juicy jaguars justified kicking kangaroo king’s left side looking lovely ladies in waiting lied. making merry mischief, feeling mystified nervous nymphets getting a gentle glide onset of ordinary outstanding ocelot who can barely abide perfectly persnickety penguins parading patriot...Read the rest...
Categories: 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: ABC
Medieval Poetry Translations VIII by Michael R Burch
These are English translations of Medieval poems written in Old English. The Battle of Maldon anonymous Old English/Anglo-Saxon poem, circa 991 AD or later translation by Michael R. Burch …would be broken. Then he bade each warrior unbridle his...Read the rest...
Categories: conflict, confusion, courage, death,
Form: Free verse

Medieval Poetry Translations VII by Michael R Burch
These are English translations/modernizations of Medieval poems written in Old English and/or Middle English. The Maiden’s Song aka The Bridal Morn anonymous Medieval lyric translation by Michael R. Burch The maidens came to my mother’s bower. I had all I...Read the rest...
Categories: girl, mother, mother daughter,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Medieval Poetry Translations VI by Michael R Burch
These are English translations/modernizations of Medieval poems written in Old English and Middle English. Exeter Book Gnomic Verses or Maxims loose translation/interpretation by Michael R. Burch The dragon dwells under the dolmen, wizened-wise, hoarding his treasure; the fishes bring forth...Read the rest...
Categories: r, fish, husband, love, ocean,
Form: Free verse
Voltaire Translations 2 by Michael R Burch
These are translations of Voltaire, one of the world's most prolific, best and most influential writers. Voltaire, born François-Marie Arouet (1694-1778), was an amazingly prolific writer who produced works in nearly every literary genre, including...Read the rest...
Categories: french, love, poems, poetry,
Form: Free verse

Ukrainian Poetry Translations 2 by Michael R Burch
Love in Kyiv by Natalka Bilotserkivets translation by Michael R. Burch Love is more terrible in Kyiv than spectacular Venetian passions, than butterflies morphing into bright tapers– winged caterpillars bursting aflame! Here spring has lit the chestnuts, like candles, and we have cheap...Read the rest...
Categories: funeral, love, sad, sorrow,
Form: Free verse
Ukrainian Poetry translations by Michael R Burch
Dear God! by Taras Shevchenko translation by Michael R. Burch Dear God, disaster again! Life was once calm, serene... But as soon as we began to break the chains Of bondage that enslaved us, The whip cracked! The serfs' blood flew! Now, like...Read the rest...
Categories: earth, friend, god, grave,
Form: Free verse
Motivating Ongoing deliverance Understanding Radiant rejuvenation No more mourning…it turns to JOY...Read the rest...
Categories: r, angst, anxiety,
Form: Acrostic
Premium Member M N O P Q R S T U V W
Mini mangy monster Marvin moo Nearly never noticed anything new Outrageously outgoing onset overdue Plunking his plush posterior on a pew Quizzically questioning Curly-Q Respecting ruffians Brew, Grue and Rue. Shimmying and shaking shivering Sue and Stew Teaching talented Tommy Treachery too Uniting...Read the rest...
Categories: 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: ABC
Water, source of life overflows through all the pores blood, sweat, tears...our saps...Read the rest...
Categories: allusion, extended metaphor, water,
Form: Haiku
Premium Member For Taunya L P-R
For your Himalayan Singing Bowl retreat stood neat. For you gifted five eager souls, sheer enjoyable flight - For your expense paid treat gave me first time visit, And I, on friendly shores of my mother's birth, rejoiced. Our...Read the rest...
Categories: adventure, appreciation, blessing, dedication,
Form: Narrative
King Henry VIII translation by Michael R Burch
Love ever green attributed to King Henry VIII translation by Michael R. Burch If Henry VIII wrote the poem, he didn’t quite live up to it! – MRB Green groweth the holly, so doth the ivy. Though winter’s blasts blow never...Read the rest...
Categories: bird, heart, love, pain,
Form: Rhyme
Beowulf translation by Michael R Burch
Beowulf Excerpts anonymous Old English/Anglo-Saxon poem, circa 8th-10th century AD loose translation/interpretation by Michael R. Burch LO, praise the prowess of the Spear-Danes whose clan-thanes ruled in days bygone, possessed of dauntless courage and valor. All have heard the honors the...Read the rest...
Categories: courage, dream, heart, heaven,
Form: Free verse
John Audelay translations by Michael R Burch
John Audelay translations by Michael R. Burch. John Audelay was a medieval English poet who died circa 1426. Dread of Death (excerpts) by John Audelay translation by Michael R. Burch Lady, help! Jesu, mercy! Timor mortis conturbat me. [The fear...Read the rest...
Categories: brother, death, fate, heart,
Form: Rhyme
The Corpus Christi Carol translation by Michael R Burch
The Corpus Christi Carol anonymous Middle English poem translation by Michael R. Burch He bore him up, he bore him down, He bore him into an orchard brown. Lully, lullay, lully, lullay! The falcon has borne my mate away. In that orchard...Read the rest...
Categories: bird, girl, heart, hurt,
Form: Rhyme

Related Poems

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry