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Dog Poems | Examples of Dog Poetry

Dog Poems - Examples of all types of dog poetry to share and read. This list of dog poems is composed of the works of modern poets on PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples of dog poetry. This list of works about dog is an excellent resource for examples on how to write dog poems.
Premium Member Like a Dog
(Jake Jake, 2022) Like a Dog Like a happy dog Don’t be afraid to show joy At simply living (7/25/24) ...Read the rest...
Categories: dog, joy, life,
Form: Haiku

Premium Member dog Jack meets my cousin Mack
the green dog had the bluest eyes and the ears of orange said Mack. He had a blue nose, and red scales down his hairy humped over back. the second he walked in the door, he said...Read the rest...
Categories: dog, 1st grade, 2nd grade,
Form: Monorhyme
Premium Member Get The Popcorn Ready
Oh, the 2024 U.S. Presidential election race, as I ponder on it with my head's empty space. Our nation is so out of joint, our political differences at a breaking point, with name calling rife in online blogs, I would...Read the rest...
Categories: dog, 7th grade, 8th grade,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Conosur
Each day is a sampling of liquids at play. Nye sniffs the water bowl, Not to her taste. She will agree, "It's not for me!" ...Read the rest...
Categories: dog, 4th grade, 5th grade,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Flo The Greyhound
She passes the place where I sit some mornings, her slow, sure gait pads a gentle elegance across the grass carrying just a hint of indifference. Retired from racing, she has been adopted out. She seems contained within herself, ignoring the yappy terrier...Read the rest...
Categories: dog, morning, solitude,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Fartina
Could there be anything sweeter, than our little dog named Fartina, I wanted to see less of wretched in-laws, they no longer come over because, the gaseous funky green cloud, emitting from Fartina makes me so proud. I dare say we...Read the rest...
Categories: dog, 5th grade, 6th grade,
Form: Rhyme
My Dog, Pig
My Dog, Pig, was a British Bull A heavy but steady scary looking fool She would stand like a statue Perfectly hilarious And balance on things we thought precarious She faced every day with vigour, This rumbling tumbling Hog If there be...Read the rest...
Categories: angst, death, dog, friendship,
Form: Rhyme
ONE MORE LAST WALK If I can only have one walk with you today Each day you always had your way when It was time to play You were the best buddy I could ever ask for Now you are...Read the rest...
Categories: animal, dog, feelings, grief,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Abandoned and Alone
On a bitterly cold Winter’s Eve, on my way to a birthday party, I passed a group of people singing in aid of charity, Their music was great, and the fire invitingly warm, so I...Read the rest...
Categories: dog, winter,
Form: Free verse
I didn't expect my black Cocker Spaniel to die. He died 30 years ago today on the 14th of July. He was born in 1981 and Poochie was his name. He was killed by a car and it...Read the rest...
Categories: anniversary, death, dog,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member on a roll
green a beckoning for pause four paws in the air~ dog days of summer ...Read the rest...
Categories: dog, joy, summer,
Form: Haiku
Premium Member Pampered
painted finger nails red ribbons in curly hair dog grooming with flare...Read the rest...
Categories: art, care, dog, poetry,
Form: Haiku
My Baby Doll - Part VIII
It was a day that every pet owner has to face. You died four years ago and it was a disgrace. Since you died, I've lost more dogs than you. My heart was broken last year when I...Read the rest...
Categories: anniversary, death, dog,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member if we paint him red
the puppy was bigger than I expected. Maybe twice as big. My husband said “are you sure he is not two years old?” The sellers said he would be five months old in a couple of weeks. I was...Read the rest...
Categories: dog,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member our dogs
three dogs live in this family they are snoring away in the hallway After they got me up at two a.m. because the baby dog needed to go potty This is his third week here He refuses to use the dog...Read the rest...
Categories: dog,
Form: Free verse

Specific Types of Dog Poems

Read wonderful dog poetry on the following sub-topics: cute, death, funny, grief, happy, heaven, kids, love, loss, memorial, old, rhyme, sad, sympathy and more.

Definition | What is Dog in Poetry?

Book: Reflection on the Important Things