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Poems by Crystol Woods

Crystol Woods - LIFETIME Premium Member Crystol Woods - Premium MemberPremium Member Send Soup Mail Go to Poets Blog Block poet from commenting on your poetry

Below are poems written by United States poet Crystol Woods. If you like the poems, please comment on the work of this poet. Remember, Poetrysoup is an environment of encouragement and growth so only provide specific positive comments that indicate what you appreciate about the poems of Crystol Woods.

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Date PostedPoemTitle# ViewsForm  
02/11/2025 Sleep sweet boy 22 Rhyme
02/09/2025 Lay Your Head 45 Rhyme
02/08/2025 Undergrowth with Two Figures-Van Gogh 63 Ekphrasis
02/07/2025 Sky of Fireflies 60 Alliteration
01/31/2025 Walking Man 70 Couplet
01/28/2025 Bone In Her Back 215 Free verse
01/25/2025 DELIVER ME 73 Kyrielle
01/23/2025 Recalling Your Kiss 80 Free verse
01/18/2025 I Must Awa 227 Rhyme
01/18/2025 What Are Photo Albums? 173 Free verse
01/17/2025 Growing Up 192 Crystalline
01/17/2025 The Sun You Forsook 136 Rhyme
01/15/2025 Vogan Monorhyme 117 Monorhyme
01/09/2025 The Ramblings of a House Wife 218 Free verse
01/09/2025 Amorous Attentions 146 Free verse
01/05/2025 Holiday Fun 123 Limerick
01/05/2025 Rudolph's Broken Leg 87 Monorhyme
01/05/2025 Plucking Petals 151 Ottava rima
01/02/2025 Wherever We Go, Whatever We Do 267 Sonnet
12/31/2024 Anticipating This Deluge 298 Tanka
12/29/2024 The First Prophecy 273 Sonnet
12/29/2024 Born From This 248 Free verse
12/26/2024 The Rose and The Briar 368 Sonnet
12/17/2024 Just a Rumor 428 Rhyme
12/15/2024 Astray 419 Rhyme
12/15/2024 Chance Encounter 355 Rhyme
12/09/2024 Doing My Best 210 Free verse
12/07/2024 Fantasy 198 Rhyme
12/07/2024 When Will I Grow Up 221 Couplet
12/06/2024 Take My Hand 343 Lyric
12/05/2024 Home 220 Other
12/03/2024 On The Sea of Love 220 Rhyme
12/03/2024 Christmas Parodies examples 403 Lyric
12/02/2024 Lyrical Bubbles 217 Tanka
12/02/2024 Flesh is Weak 164 Rhyme
11/25/2024 I Am Thankful For 362 Rhyme
11/24/2024 Woman 301 Haiku
11/24/2024 White As Snow 273 Free verse
11/23/2024 Snowflake 302 Haiku
11/23/2024 A Season of Lovers 151 Free verse
11/22/2024 Twas the Night Before Christmas in PoetrySoup 557 Rhyme
11/21/2024 Evil Intentions 128 Senryu
11/20/2024 God's Canvas 282 Rhyme
11/18/2024 Clean Up in Aisle Two 382 Limerick
11/17/2024 Awe Family 352 Limerick
11/15/2024 Escape 221 Lyric
11/12/2024 Ruach 357 Free verse
11/12/2024 Pride 346 Rhyme
11/12/2024 Three Sides to Every Story 357 Other
11/11/2024 Kingdom Come 297 Lyric
11/11/2024 My Secret Places 394 Rhyme
11/10/2024 Gush or Hush 292 Tanka
11/10/2024 Altruism 316 Tanka
11/07/2024 Holiday Limericks 374 Limerick
11/07/2024 Untitled 196 Free verse
11/04/2024 Wolves at the Door 257 Rhyme
11/03/2024 Hindsight 20 20 241 Free verse
10/30/2024 Psalm 23 The Lord is my Shepherd 405 Lyric
10/28/2024 Jealous Jill 469 Rhyme
10/27/2024 Alabaster Box 458 Rhyme
10/26/2024 My Truths 442 Verse
10/25/2024 The Space Between Stars 365 Rhyme
10/25/2024 Divine Design 356 Triolet
10/24/2024 My Giant 490 Rhyme
10/24/2024 Menacing Garden 369 Free verse
10/24/2024 I Almost Tossed It Out 407 Free verse
10/24/2024 Drowning 296 Imagism
10/21/2024 Deliver Me 376 Lyric
10/21/2024 Earth's Loss Heaven's Gain 371 Monorhyme
10/17/2024 To Whom Does This Come 290 Rhyme
10/14/2024 Will You Still Love Me 253 Rhyme
10/11/2024 Until Then 227 Lyric
10/11/2024 Honkers pic prompt sb Margarita Lillico 272 Limerick
10/10/2024 Haunted 201 Dramatic Verse
10/08/2024 The Little Death 556 Rhyme
10/06/2024 The Haunting of the Moon 354 Dramatic Verse
10/06/2024 When Life Gives You Lemons 237 Free verse
10/04/2024 Come, Holy Spirit 449 Lyric
09/30/2024 Grandchildren 170 Rhyme
09/28/2024 One Flame 255 Jueju
09/20/2024 I Loved You Till I Died 554 Lyric
09/20/2024 Time 134 Rhyme
09/17/2024 Before The Sun 221 Lyric
09/16/2024 TRI Break Up Advice 299 Rhyme
09/16/2024 Foggy Bottom 231 Imagism
09/14/2024 Freedom 186 Rhyme
09/13/2024 Seeking Wisdom 194 Free verse
09/12/2024 The Final Thirty- Nine 286 Rhyme
09/11/2024 Changes 185 Free verse
09/10/2024 Self Control 214 Rhyme
09/09/2024 Unsent Letters 124 Rhyme
09/09/2024 Hunger 3 minute write 185 Free verse
09/09/2024 September Falls 214 Acrostic
09/06/2024 No Sweeter Sound 199 Hybronnet
09/05/2024 The Poetry Souper Heros Association 599 Rhyme
09/04/2024 My Future Self 145 Other
09/04/2024 Two Than-Bauks: 163 Than-Bauk
08/30/2024 Color Speaks 259 Other
08/28/2024 Poetrysoup Poets Limerick Collection 323 Limerick
08/28/2024 Beauty Inside 158 Rhyme


Quote Left Poetry expresses feelings that are common in humanity, allowing us to unite in understanding, empathy, and solidarity. Good poetry also challenges us to be our best selves; a resurrection of the spirit, a refinement of the soul. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Crystol Woods

Quote Left "When life hands you lemons... make a delicious pie and smack em in the face with it!" "When life hands you lemons.... say, thank you, I love lemons!" "When life hands you lemons... make lemonade, set up a stand, and give it to anyone who is thirsty." Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Crystol Woods

Quote Left " Being different means you have something to offer that no one else can." Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Crystol Woods

Quote Left Only time can tell... and it has no tongue. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Crystol Woods

Quote Left "We all begin as winners in the race to fertilize. So we've all been the recipients of the most coveted prize... life. " -Crystol Woods :) Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Crystol Woods

Short Stories

The Rainbow Bridge Church fantasy, for kids, inspirational, moral,
My Little Blue Sled christmas, for kids, for teens, middle school, young adult,


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The words I write are simple I'm as simple as they come. I'll never be the best poet But I'm an okay one! I write simple rhymes, Expressed with words understood, But I'll continue learning As every person should. So don't look to me for perfection Here it won't be found But if you enjoy simplicity You can stop looking now! :)

I am married, going on 18 years to a sweet heart of a man, Harvey. We have 2 children. Our daughter, Rosalie,is 17 years old and a blessing everyday. Our son Hunter Harvey lives with God until we meet again. He passed away at 2 months old from SIDS.

We are a happy little family living in the mountains of West Virginia. I'm a teacher by profession, an ordained non denominational Christian minister , and I love to write, play ukulele, sing, sew, craft, cook, read/ listen to audiobooks and study my Bible.

I'm originally from New Hampshire but moved here in 2002. We have one little dog, a chihuahua jack Russell mix named Sassy, a gold fish named Sushi, a female calico cat named Sookie, and 2 male cats. The oldest named Salem(he's all black), and a tiny male kitten named PorkChop or Chopper...a long haired orange and white stripe.

(I know we dropped the"S" name for the last kitten... but we are only fostering until our friend can keep him.. Otherwise we'd have named him, Sunny!;)

The LORD bless thee, and keep thee: The Lord make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee: The LORD lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace.( Numbers 6:24-26 KJV)

<3<3 xoxo Love, Crystol

Book: Reflection on the Important Things