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Poems by Diane Locksley

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Below are poems written by United States poet Diane Locksley. If you like the poems, please comment on the work of this poet. Remember, Poetrysoup is an environment of encouragement and growth so only provide specific positive comments that indicate what you appreciate about the poems of Diane Locksley.

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Date PostedPoemTitle# ViewsForm  
02/01/2019 My Retreat 247 Rispetto
01/12/2019 Charles and Di 674 Clerihew
12/23/2018 Creative Thinking 528 Limerick
06/14/2018 My Aunt, My Friend 774 Free verse
01/31/2017 His Baggage Had a Name 1205 Free verse
10/21/2016 Heaven's Gem In My Hand 680 Verse
11/17/2014 Colorado Rocky Mountain High 879 Limerick
10/19/2014 The Snowman Contest 1017 Monorhyme
10/12/2014 Sandalwood Soul 649 Ode
07/19/2014 Psychotic Vacation 1044 Limerick
05/22/2014 On Our Journey 678 Monoku
05/19/2012 My Favorite Devonshire 927 Rhyme
03/23/2012 At Peace In God's Love 731 Rhyme
11/30/2011 Longing For a Miracle 788 Choka
10/29/2011 Bad Hair Day 1614 Limerick
09/10/2011 The Great Eagle Wept 982 Tanka
08/18/2011 Ac In Arizona 919 Couplet
08/18/2011 A Twain Tyburn 1009 Tyburn
08/18/2011 Who Are They Trying To Impress 1125 Rhyme
08/18/2011 Defiled Tribes 834 Rhyme
08/15/2011 The She-Demon 897 Limerick
08/08/2011 The Eagle Has Landed 1003 Tanka
08/07/2011 A Reader's Angst 1013 Limerick
06/17/2011 My Sister's Apparition 1033 Quatrain
06/14/2011 A Pot of Gold 1237 Tetractys
05/27/2011 Folsom Prison Blues 1918 Limerick
05/26/2011 Critter Power 1020 Limerick
05/24/2011 Running For My Life 1147 Tanka
05/22/2011 Final Moments' Thoughts 1159 Monorhyme
05/20/2011 Mega Grouper 1090 Limerick
05/18/2011 Horror Movies Footle 1442 Rhyme
05/12/2011 The Price of Love 1136 Rhyme
05/09/2011 This Is No Picnic 1614 Rhyme
04/27/2011 Kayak Fishing Surprise 3361 Limerick
04/27/2011 Egos On Display 3011 Rhyme
04/27/2011 Sailing With the Stream 1075 Free verse
04/25/2011 Doctor Ram's Golden Legacy 1254 Free verse
04/25/2011 Above the Fray 1508 Rubaiyat
04/08/2011 Legend of Lemuria 1568 Couplet
03/21/2011 Justice For Jonbenet 1630 Rhyme
03/21/2011 Outside Influences 1212 Kimo
03/21/2011 A Kiss Stolen 1154 Nonet
03/18/2011 Hopeful Target 1007 Dodoitsu
03/16/2011 Farley Versus Swayze 1253 Limerick
03/12/2011 Give and Take 941 Crystalline
03/11/2011 Thanking Mother Nature 1221 Monorhyme
03/06/2011 World of the Ocd 1304 Rhyme
03/05/2011 Leaping Frogs In Calaveras County 2602 Limerick
03/04/2011 Madness 1399 Monorhyme
02/28/2011 The Blend That Produces Love 928 Couplet
02/26/2011 Searching For Prince Charming - Ballade 2044 Ballade
02/17/2011 Dreams of a Superwoman 1819 Tanka
02/08/2011 Poormewhininglosersyndrome 1409 Couplet
02/06/2011 Super Sunday 1258 Limerick
02/06/2011 Ducks Long For Spring Thaw 972 Haiku
02/04/2011 Old Blue Eyes and the Mafia 1386 Clerihew
02/01/2011 Marie Antoinette 1612 Dodoitsu
01/29/2011 Taxed To the Hilt 1659 Limerick
01/27/2011 Snowbirds 1495 Haiku
01/20/2011 From Brown Eyes To Blue 941 Rhyme
01/20/2011 Platypus Takes Shelter 2457 Limerick
01/18/2011 Silent Giggles 1371 Haiku
01/17/2011 A No Win Situation 1530 Limerick
01/15/2011 Bread Lines and Good Times 2876 Limerick
01/14/2011 The Green Mile 1694 Lanterne
01/12/2011 We the Stooges 1256 Dodoitsu
01/11/2011 Dinosaur Thriving 1357 Haiku
01/10/2011 The Uss Indianapolis 4414 Narrative
12/24/2010 A Hearfelt Apology 908 Couplet
12/20/2010 String Bikini Goal 1729 Limerick
12/18/2010 Bill of Rights For Husbands 1765 Couplet
12/09/2010 Lily Pad Bliss 2052 Limerick
12/04/2010 Sandcastle Symbol 2080 Haiku
12/04/2010 Who Is the Indian Giver 1226 Limerick
12/02/2010 In the Spirit of Christmas 1008 Limerick
11/24/2010 Divorce and Remorse 1723 Limerick
11/14/2010 Plastic Holiday 1619 Limerick
10/29/2010 He Says, She Says 1563 Rhyme
10/18/2010 Welcome, Pilgrim! 1959 Epulaeryu
10/15/2010 Comments: Quality Or Generic 1437 Rhyme
10/15/2010 Tree Stump Love 1682 Rhyme
10/14/2010 Call Me Cousin 1466 Limerick
10/14/2010 Bedeviled By Bees 1111 Limerick
10/10/2010 Proud They Stand 930 Haiku
10/09/2010 An Advocate's Advice 1316 Sonnet
10/06/2010 Wrangler Favre 1354 Limerick
09/29/2010 Grumpy Grizzly 1317 Haiku
09/28/2010 R and R 1228 Couplet
09/26/2010 On a Roll With the Dole 1846 Rhyme
09/25/2010 To Pass Or Run 1128 Free verse
09/23/2010 Lather, Rinse, Repeat 1966 Free verse
09/20/2010 Carnage Caused By Vanity 1201 Rhyme
09/15/2010 Who Are You? 2036 Senryu
09/10/2010 A "special" Harvest 1749 Haiku
09/10/2010 Ancient Astronauts From Mars? 1479 Quatrain
09/10/2010 Pet Sit Panics 1011 Quatrain
09/09/2010 Ready and Willing To Work 2742 Quatrain
09/09/2010 Hmmm 1127 Monorhyme
09/09/2010 Mama Said 1752 Rhyme

Book: Reflection on the Important Things