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Poems by Robin L. Gass

Robin  L. Gass - LIFETIME Premium Member Robin  L. Gass - Premium MemberPremium Member Send Soup Mail Go to Poets Blog Block poet from commenting on your poetry

Below are poems written by United States poet Robin L. Gass. If you like the poems, please comment on the work of this poet. Remember, Poetrysoup is an environment of encouragement and growth so only provide specific positive comments that indicate what you appreciate about the poems of Robin L. Gass.

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Best Robin L. Gass Poems

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Date PostedPoemTitle# ViewsForm  
12/18/2009 My Dear Ps Family 3255 I do not know?
10/31/2009 Footle - Midnight At the Monsters Ball 2640 Light Verse
10/29/2009 Upon the Wind 2317 Narrative
10/19/2009 Simple Celebrations 2003 Quatern
10/18/2009 The Sad Little Pumpkin 3138 Couplet
10/16/2009 Sequence - Footle - All Hallows' Eve 2330 Light Verse
10/12/2009 Liquid Lullaby 2893 Haiku
10/11/2009 Haiga - Enigmatic Moment 3087 Ekphrasis
10/10/2009 The Madness In My Mind 2566 Quatrain
10/08/2009 Choices 1974 Diamante
10/06/2009 Heaven and Hell 2295 Lyric
10/03/2009 Defining Lines 2129 Tetractys
09/26/2009 Lust and Shame 2427 Pantoum
09/15/2009 Morning Joy 2256 Rhyme
09/14/2009 Questions Unanswered 2481 Quatrain
09/13/2009 Thank You For This Bounty, God 11972 Lyric
09/11/2009 The Day Time Stood Still 3869 Quatrain
09/10/2009 Rainy Day Dance 1909 Lyric
09/09/2009 Coming Home 2132 Rhyme
04/12/2009 An Easter Footle - the Resurrection 3632 Light Verse
04/12/2009 Believe! (Repost) 1759 Couplet
04/09/2009 A Fair Warning 2199 Rictameter
04/07/2009 My Ps Friends 2007 I do not know?
04/01/2009 Is It Spring Yet? 3895 Senryu
03/30/2009 A Moment of Joy 2354 Rhyme
03/26/2009 One More Day 2389 Free verse
03/24/2009 Morning Sunshine Song 2620 Lyric
03/20/2009 The Flame 2395 Ekphrasis
03/16/2009 From Ashes Grown 1966 Lanterne
03/14/2009 Darkness Comes 1993 Free verse
03/12/2009 Bed of Roses 3585 Rictameter
03/10/2009 Footle - Verbiage Lost 2283 Light Verse
03/10/2009 Footle - Journey To the Center of the Earth 3725 Light Verse
03/08/2009 Springtime 2536 Quatrain
03/08/2009 Undying Love 1973 Couplet
03/06/2009 The Poem That Never Was 2408 Free verse
03/01/2009 I Am But a Dreamer 4685 Light Verse
02/28/2009 Acts Unkind 2275 Couplet
02/27/2009 Ice Blue Heart 1970 Sonnet
02/24/2009 A Plea For Spring 2507 Rhyme
02/22/2009 Dizzy With Love 2195 Quatrain
02/21/2009 A Losing Battle 2546 Rhyme
02/21/2009 Prime - the Sweetest Kiss 1711 I do not know?
02/19/2009 A Good Factor 2532 Rictameter
02/18/2009 One Dark Moment 2279 Rictameter
02/17/2009 Happy Hysterics 1865 Light Verse
02/16/2009 Prime - Pure Delight 1937 Free verse
02/16/2009 Help! 2098 Light Verse
02/15/2009 Mama Warned Me 2296 Lyric
02/14/2009 Footle - Sunday Morning Service 2764 Light Verse
02/14/2009 Dream of Rapture 1684 Couplet
02/14/2009 Your Love Is Like a Gentle Breeze 5806 Rhyme
02/13/2009 Believe! 2900 Couplet
02/12/2009 Come Let Me Rock You Gently 1627 Personification
02/12/2009 Footle - the Hounds Lament 1838 Light Verse
02/12/2009 Footle - a Dog Catchers Vow 6786 Light Verse
02/11/2009 Oh Gentle Rain 1497 Quatrain
02/10/2009 Footle - the State of Quietude 1796 Light Verse
02/09/2009 Ode To Nancy 1622 Sonnet
02/09/2009 Footle - the Key To Composure 1581 Light Verse
02/08/2009 Sunny Day 1606 Sonnet
02/07/2009 Land of Make Believe 1439 Lyric
02/05/2009 Forever In My Heart (Aarons Song) 1427 Lyric
02/03/2009 Footle - the Footle (Pt 6) 1729 Light Verse
02/03/2009 Footle - the Footle (Pt 5) 1291 Light Verse
02/03/2009 When We Are Alone 1326 Free verse
02/02/2009 Footle - the Footle (Pt4) 5482 Light Verse
02/02/2009 Footle - the Footle (Pt3) 1191 Light Verse
02/02/2009 "who Am I?" 1452 Free verse
02/02/2009 Dream of Gray 1473 Quatrain
02/01/2009 Footle - the Footle (Pt 2) 1366 Light Verse
02/01/2009 Footle - the Footle - (Pt1) 1238 Light Verse
02/01/2009 My Heart For Yours 1346 Rhyme
01/31/2009 Footle - My Best Friend 1405 Light Verse
01/31/2009 Footle- Sincere Gratitude 1477 Light Verse
01/31/2009 Footle- You'Re Invited To a Potluck! 2551 Light Verse
01/30/2009 Dangerous Thoughts 1636 Free verse
01/29/2009 By Blessing Graced 1537 Sonnet
01/28/2009 Tender Moments 2442 Quatrain
01/28/2009 B.Ovine S.Peculations 1623 Quatrain
01/27/2009 Paradise Found 1512 Free verse
01/27/2009 The Weary Winter Snow 2474 Rhyme
01/26/2009 Honeyed Kisses 1524 Free verse
01/25/2009 All That I Know 1538 Quatrain
01/25/2009 Shipwrecked! 1510 Senryu
01/24/2009 Rain Song 1604 Rhyme
01/23/2009 The Color of Hate 1452 Free verse
01/23/2009 A Word For the Wise 1293 Etheree
01/21/2009 A Deep Reflection 1395 Etheree
01/20/2009 Apparition 1815 Haiku
01/20/2009 Old Mama Gass 1521 Quatrain
01/19/2009 True Blue 1483 Quatrain
01/19/2009 For Sandy, With Love 1507 Quatrain
01/18/2009 Loving Nights 1312 Sonnet
01/16/2009 In Flight 1744 Quatrain
01/15/2009 Brainstorm 1359 Free verse
01/14/2009 Born To Rhyme 1696 Rhyme
01/13/2009 Raul Moreno 1499 Senryu
01/12/2009 Moon Song 1535 Quatrain
01/09/2009 Another Day, Another Fight 1678 I do not know?


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