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Poems by Joe Dimino

Joe Dimino - LIFETIME Premium Member Joe Dimino - Premium MemberPremium Member Send Soup Mail  Block poet from commenting on your poetry

Below are poems written by United States poet Joe Dimino. If you like the poems, please comment on the work of this poet. Remember, Poetrysoup is an environment of encouragement and growth so only provide specific positive comments that indicate what you appreciate about the poems of Joe Dimino.

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Date PostedPoemTitle# ViewsForm  
07/26/2024 Wordy 25 Free verse
07/20/2024 Poet And Priest 84 Free verse
07/20/2024 Pent In A Penthouse 70 Free verse
07/19/2024 Help 55 Free verse
07/18/2024 The Siren's call 59 Free verse
07/17/2024 Poetry Explored 56 Prose Poetry
07/16/2024 Best Recall The Happy 66 Free verse
07/15/2024 Complete Love 324 Free verse
07/13/2024 In God We Trust 168 Free verse
07/12/2024 Faith 74 Free verse
07/11/2024 If 35 Free verse
07/10/2024 Poet On The Loose 60 Free verse
07/09/2024 The Poet 152 Free verse
07/08/2024 Careful With All Words 79 Free verse
07/04/2024 July 4th, 2024 97 Free verse
07/03/2024 Spiritual Rings 37 Free verse
07/03/2024 Rain 66 Free verse
06/27/2024 Freedom 92 Free verse
06/26/2024 Wishing 63 Free verse
06/24/2024 God Is No Separatist 102 Free verse
06/21/2024 Fragments 74 Free verse
06/13/2024 My Cat, Lover 150 Free verse
06/11/2024 Why The Wild Flowers Grow 160 Free verse
06/10/2024 Poetry And The Poet 133 Free verse
06/09/2024 The Poet 82 Free verse
06/03/2024 Lost 85 Free verse
05/29/2024 Nobody 127 Free verse
05/28/2024 Definition of A Poet 91 Free verse
05/28/2024 Vs Vs Vs 118 Free verse
05/23/2024 The Nature of Its Bloom 167 Free verse
05/22/2024 Those Who Love 124 Free verse
05/20/2024 Differences 143 Free verse
05/19/2024 Short And Sweet 101 Free verse
05/18/2024 Freedom 95 Free verse
05/10/2024 Doppler Vision, A Compounded Riddle 171 Free verse
05/07/2024 Laces And Soulful Paces 160 Free verse
05/01/2024 Are We Are 126 Free verse
04/29/2024 My Little Eden 138 Free verse
04/26/2024 Tomorrow Never Comes 133 Free verse
04/19/2024 Balance 141 Free verse
04/17/2024 Today 138 Free verse
04/16/2024 Double Minded 111 Free verse
04/13/2024 Mrs Poet 139 Free verse
04/10/2024 Let The Heart Speak 150 Free verse
04/07/2024 The Desert 146 Free verse
04/07/2024 Birdbath 113 Free verse
04/07/2024 Eclipse 2024 190 Free verse
04/02/2024 Imperishable Love 102 Free verse
04/01/2024 Love First 221 Free verse
03/26/2024 Yet Brokenhearted 301 Free verse
03/24/2024 Thunder 108 Free verse
03/24/2024 One Can 135 Free verse
03/23/2024 Captain Of Your Own Ship 485 Free verse
03/19/2024 Man I Am exhausted 187 Free verse
03/16/2024 The Velum of Clouds 151 Free verse
03/16/2024 St Patrick's Day 122 Free verse
03/16/2024 The Writer 106 Free verse
03/15/2024 At The Cemetery 128 Free verse
03/14/2024 Dimension 131 Free verse
03/11/2024 Motion Direction 104 Free verse
03/09/2024 When feeling empty 175 Free verse
03/08/2024 Let The Muse Snooze 166 Free verse
03/06/2024 Love 114 Free verse
03/06/2024 One Wild Flower 165 Free verse
03/04/2024 The Dawn 123 Free verse
03/02/2024 A Fallen Leaf 162 Free verse
02/27/2024 A Measure Of Time 165 Free verse
02/24/2024 Tomatoes 118 Prose Poetry
02/24/2024 A Riddle 116 Prose Poetry
02/22/2024 Mower Power 260 Free verse
02/22/2024 Early Spring 183 Free verse
02/17/2024 Bible Thoughts 214 Prose
02/05/2024 Creation 158 Free verse
01/14/2024 An Intimate Conversation 222 Free verse
01/05/2024 Early Riser 175 Free verse
01/03/2024 For Rodolfo, Mimi, Marcello and Musetta 173 Free verse
01/01/2024 2024 231 Free verse
12/29/2023 Poetry 189 Free verse
12/29/2023 Nature 158 Free verse
12/27/2023 Happy New Year 160 Free verse
12/25/2023 An Easter Prayer 184 Free verse
12/20/2023 Mistletoe 150 Free verse
12/17/2023 From My Experience 220 Free verse
12/16/2023 The Wheel of Time 281 Free verse
12/13/2023 Perpetual Motion 183 Free verse
12/11/2023 Mystery Of love 261 Free verse
12/02/2023 Love Need Never Hurry 165 Free verse
11/30/2023 Christmas 202 Free verse
11/22/2023 Thanksgiving 140 Free verse
11/19/2023 Tender Silence 150 Free verse
11/18/2023 Recycling 168 Free verse
11/18/2023 Dawn 169 Free verse
11/17/2023 Double Edge of the Sword 216 Free verse
11/16/2023 Poetry 103 Free verse
11/11/2023 Tragic Awakening 134 Free verse
11/10/2023 The leaf 142 Free verse
11/10/2023 Kings and Queens 112 Free verse
11/10/2023 Circles 139 Free verse
11/07/2023 Once Broken 178 Free verse
11/06/2023 A Fallacy of Notion 159 Free verse



Quote Left Each of us has our own faith when it comes to writing~ love is our High Priest shared. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Joe Dimino

Quote Left God only creates perfection -- figuring screwing things up man can manage all by himself. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Joe Dimino

Quote Left Indeed, take your foot off the accelerator every once in awhile, and reintroduce yourself to all the love you are missing. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Joe Dimino

Quote Left You can tell who writes from the heart -- there is a living quality to those works transcending mere Intellectualism. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Joe Dimino

Quote Left Spinning our wheels, deeper into dirt, seems to be man's soul threads. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Joe Dimino

Quote Left We battle ourselves, the warrior, man against his own fears. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Joe Dimino

Quote Left All have success and doubt. The poet verses his out. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Joe Dimino

Quote Left Poetry is our never-ending love story. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Joe Dimino

Quote Left The lighthouse is a beacon symbol in the dark of humanity. Inspired by Victor. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Joe Dimino

Quote Left All nations, even those under severe rule, within those repressed spaces are many everyday people who have wonderful, spiritually correct, loving natures to offer humanity, but they are kept from doing so by tyrants and despots that hold high positions of power. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Joe Dimino

Quote Left Be not a rabble-rouser nor wall-flower. But speak truth to power. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Joe Dimino

Quote Left Loving by nature, most people with time will forgive the wrong doing of others...while continuing to eat one's own heart. Guilt can be a self consuming virus. Make amends when possible...and move on. The only eternal hell for man, is the one he keeps fueling for himself. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Joe Dimino

Quote Left Pure Socialism, its essence absent the heavy hands of self-serving Totalitarian enforcement, is not so far from a pure Capitalistic Society, absent the overt Greed of pontificating freedom loving phonies. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Joe Dimino

Quote Left For one who truly loves, truly never forgets -- he/she may move on, but lingers though a memory cloud long passed~ the misty yet rises~ heart's residue seeps deep. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Joe Dimino

Quote Left I'm not an authority on writing...just an author. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Joe Dimino

Quote Left Poetry is intimate, in that sense, we are all cheaters. Every write, every read an affair. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Joe Dimino

Quote Left No right nor wrong when it comes to poetry. Some plot and plan...I see a spark~ and wildly chase it.... Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Joe Dimino

Quote Left I have learned very little worthwhile about life from books, other than perhaps the Bible. And nothing of value from Social Media. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Joe Dimino

Quote Left Kick me, take my money, steal my wife...but insult my poetry~ now we got a problem. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Joe Dimino

Quote Left I've fought many battles in life...ultimately, they were all self. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Joe Dimino

Quote Left Animals say it with simpler needs defer from God. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Joe Dimino

Quote Left Mental illness is a hell without an exit. A dank funnel without light. Yet God sees and hears our cries~ can love us back. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Joe Dimino

Quote Left Often the poet declaring too much. We are tempters, sweets and wine -- allow the reader to go deeper, passing the rein to his core of our rhyme. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Joe Dimino

Quote Left Poetry is what the poet says. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Joe Dimino

Quote Left Freedom, given humanity by God, just like His Christ, has been abused. People will not know the gift they have lost, until, of it, little semblance in society remains. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Joe Dimino

Quote Left We can not always go back and reach those we have hurt, to try and make amends...but we can always reach the heart of God. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Joe Dimino

Quote Left When done right, poetry is an intimate conversation with the universe. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Joe Dimino

Quote Left Freewill is not a free-pass to do harm. We must take care though, no matter how deeply felt our sense of values -- neither politicians nor priests should be dictators. No easy fix. By example, to live Christ...the only way. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Joe Dimino

Quote Left The Devil is horns and flames if you want him to present that way...but, more often, he is the subtle evils we do one another. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Joe Dimino

Quote Left The transitory is our physical. Constantly changing. The eternal is spirit. Behind all physical manifestation are spiritual archetypes. Spirit is the unchangeable, immortal~ basic substance. God's body is creation. One can willfully leave God, sinfully, imagine separation -- but not really. Don't be Devil deceived. God is also a body of law. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Joe Dimino


Short Stories

A Halloween Diary ghost, horror, macabre, scary, thriller,
Black Hole, The Perfect Doomsday Machine mystery, romantic, scary, science fiction, thriller,
What Are UFO's fantasy, inspirational, mystery, science fiction, travel,
Land of Beginnings fantasy, horror, macabre, scary, thriller,
Architects (a Libretto) (Warning, some adult subjects) inspirational, love, romantic, thriller,
Briar Haven (The Devil's Alma Mater)--warning: some adult language and subject matter crime, horror, macabre, scary, thriller,
The Angel Who Lost Her Tree christmas, fantasy, for kids, inspirational, love,
A Deadly Propositon crime, horror, macabre, mystery, thriller,
The Old Gateman fantasy, ghost, horror, macabre, thriller,
The Death of Nessie fantasy, horror, macabre, mystery, thriller,
Death by Proxy fantasy, horror, macabre, scary, thriller,
Prerequisite For Degree-story of Life horror, macabre, scary,


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