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Poems by Barry Stebbings

Barry Stebbings - LIFETIME Premium Member Barry Stebbings - Premium MemberPremium Member Send Soup Mail Go to Poets Blog Block poet from commenting on your poetry

Below are poems written by United Kingdom poet Barry Stebbings. If you like the poems, please comment on the work of this poet. Remember, Poetrysoup is an environment of encouragement and growth so only provide specific positive comments that indicate what you appreciate about the poems of Barry Stebbings.

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Best Barry Stebbings Poems

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Date PostedPoemTitle# ViewsForm  
11/05/2024 Mirror 203 Triolet
10/31/2024 That Distant Space 705 Rhyme
10/04/2024 Counting Days 285 Quatrain
03/23/2024 The Farmhouse 178 Rhyme
03/05/2024 Time 191 Verse
09/04/2023 Stranded 228 Rhyme
07/26/2023 Refuge 300 Rubaiyat
02/21/2023 Unshaded Glades 803 Sonnet
12/22/2022 The Ballad of Sandcastle Jane 671 Ballad
12/03/2022 Jingle Bells 583 Light Verse
10/31/2022 At Halloween 879 Villanelle
09/29/2022 Murmeration of Starlings 538 Terzanelle
09/14/2022 Dawn Chorus 524 Ottava rima
09/01/2022 Boat Ride II 720 Terza Rima
07/20/2022 Zephyrs 814 Quatrain
06/25/2022 Dragonfly 604 Rhyme
03/08/2022 Spring Tanka 519 Tanka
02/08/2022 February 570 Haiku
01/25/2022 Egret 416 Senryu
01/08/2022 A Song of Spring 904 Sonnet
06/13/2021 Grandfather Clock - Variation On a Triolet 483 Rhyme
05/17/2021 Grandfather's Clock 575 Triolet
04/30/2021 Enchanted Wood 637 Villanelle
02/25/2021 Joys of Spring 578 Haiku
12/11/2020 The Gatherer 527 Rhyme
10/23/2020 Parting Ways 461 Rhyme
10/19/2020 Childhood Friends 454 Couplet
10/05/2020 The River 472 Rhyme
02/02/2020 You Came To Me 743 Sonnet
01/25/2020 A Cat Sat On a Chair 556 Monorhyme
01/19/2020 Obsession 1236 Sonnet
12/31/2019 Rain 566 Quintain (English)
12/27/2019 Thief of Thoughts 568 Monoku
12/23/2019 New Beginnings 385 Rispetto
12/22/2019 Kissing Lips 432 Tanka
12/10/2019 The Storm - a Pantoum 506 Pantoum
12/04/2019 Song Bird 575 Quatrain
08/19/2019 Tree Haiku 573 Haiku
08/06/2019 These Happy Hours 438 Free verse
06/10/2019 Early Morning Cat 554 Rhyme
05/06/2019 Six Little Buzzy Bees 458 Rhyme
05/03/2019 Celebrate May With a Triolet 458 Triolet
03/04/2019 My Pet Shark 870 Quatrain
02/19/2019 Spring Dances O'Er the Fields 526 Rhyme
01/20/2019 The Greenwood - Villanelle 1318 Villanelle
01/06/2019 The Haunting At Darkwood Hall 895 Villanelle
12/16/2018 The Moon and the Snowman 920 Rhyme
12/14/2018 My Cat and Zen 495 Monorhyme
12/02/2018 Winter Buds 515 Monoku
11/26/2018 Stone Circles At Castlerigg 673 Sonnet
10/29/2018 Phantom Lovers 1040 Sonnet
10/16/2018 The Wise Cheese 562 Rhyme
09/13/2018 The Nightmare of Marcus Dean 770 Rhyme
08/28/2018 Autumn Quintain 731 Quintain (English)
08/22/2018 Wind Chimes 673 Haiku
08/21/2018 Going To the Fair 1086 Narrative
08/14/2018 My Reflection 1174 Couplet
08/09/2018 Love Regained 1120 Sonnet
07/21/2018 Love Lost 1573 Sonnet
07/16/2018 Nothing Happened To Me - In 1953 682 Couplet
07/07/2018 Ambivalence 549 Acrostic
07/03/2018 Fidgety Cats and Feline Pets 1242 Rhyme
06/26/2018 I Have a Cat 579 Rhyme
06/23/2018 As the Eagle, Came the Wind 901 Rhyme
06/17/2018 The Echo 415 Triolet
05/30/2018 Ice Cream 870 Tanka
05/15/2018 Lady of the Spring 671 Rispetto
04/08/2018 Hibernating Badger 1003 Limerick
04/01/2018 Days Such As These 549 Free verse
02/02/2018 I Am a Waiter 787 Light Verse
01/30/2018 The Microbe 911 Couplet
01/28/2018 Thought For Saint Valentine's Day 715 Light Verse
01/16/2018 The Sardine 712 Rhyme
01/06/2018 Winter Blues 949 Free verse
01/02/2018 Empty Room On a Summer's Day 979 Rispetto
12/29/2017 Fire 569 Monoku
12/10/2017 Sneezes 583 Monorhyme
12/05/2017 Changing Seasons 746 Free verse
11/28/2017 Rudolph's Stuck In Traffic 692 Lyric
11/22/2017 Apparition 784 Footle
11/19/2017 Santa's Silent Sled 885 Alliteration
11/18/2017 Constanza - a Dangerous Game 916 Rhyme
11/14/2017 Not So Merry Christmas 758 Quatrain
11/05/2017 Swan Ii 589 Tanka
10/19/2017 You Can Never Dance a Tango With a Mango 1563 Rhyme
10/16/2017 The Spectre 503 Rhyme
10/08/2017 Starship Coffee Shop 829 Quatrain
10/02/2017 My Slumbering Muse 698 Sonnet
09/23/2017 Caterpillar 742 Jueju
09/13/2017 I Am the Colour Red 727 Rhyme
09/04/2017 The Lighthouse 626 Sonnet
08/25/2017 The Footpath 840 Sonnet
08/22/2017 My Pet Tiger 3630 Rhyme
08/21/2017 T Rex of the Late Cretacious 667 Limerick
07/29/2017 Writing Poetry In a Coffee Shop 707 Quintain (English)
07/16/2017 To Sleep 732 Quintain (English)
07/08/2017 Summer Rain 901 Rispetto
06/27/2017 Parting 624 Ottava rima
06/11/2017 A Leafy Land 841 Free verse
06/09/2017 A Poet Named Clair 1042 Limerick


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