God’s spirit puts my thought on pause;
Wishing does no justice to His cause;
but obedience wins His applause. quote from my longer piece LOOKING AHEAD AGAIN, reworded slightly

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"What worthy upshot holds in store
is integrity which counts for more."

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What good will a body be if I lose my mind?
Reason A. Poteet from my poem, LOSING TOUCH

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God Almighty - El Shaddai! All of our needs God will supply, but where He leads, I must comply; When it is Christ that I profess, His Spirit moves my soul to bless. Reason A. Poteet

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"God's evergreening grace is no facade. My hope is anchored in my Savior's tree; His resurrection weakened Satan's limbs."
from one of my Italian Sonnets - THE EVERGREENING OF DECIDUOUS FAITH

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So, you have your enemies; your enemies have you. Make it worth their while. Reason A. Poteet

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Hail fellow, speak what you believe
and watch your deeds, lest you deceive
by conduct, values you profess.
Caprice, says spider, spins in stress
a whimsy-web, not worth the weave.
from my poem WHAT WHIMSY WEBS WE WEAVE, posted at Poetry Soup
Reason A. Poteet

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May the residue of my living be
as fallen leaves from a tree,
rich compost. Reason A. Poteet

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Following acts of terror
rapt within their spell,
volunteers move in concert
kindness starts to swell.
Midst deeds so heartless
passersby watch stars appear, cursing the darkness. Reason A. Poteet

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Christmas comes and goes. But the Christ? He lasts all year long, every year. Reason A. Poteet

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Winded by narcissism, your diatribe might rank an E-0. Weakened by arrogance, its force does no damage on its path askew. Reason A. Poteet

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Breakneck words that berate can echo back again and again. Reason A. Poteet

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Christian poets are like the winds of God's spirit that waft through these airways whispering wisdom. Reason A. Poteet

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Many dreamers and doers in DC paralyze themselves in politics as paid patrons of power. Reason A. Poteet

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The eyrie is miles away; egg shells lie in my yard. Eagles? not your ordinary birdbrain. Reason A. Poteet

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My sun shone brighter tomorrows when the thought that meek is weak was proven wrong. Reason A. Poteet

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Calm down. Count to 10. Now tell me what happened. Reason A. Poteet

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Illusion breeds confusion and puts perception into question. Reason A. Poteet

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