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Poems by Reason A. Poteet

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Below are poems written by United States poet Reason A. Poteet. If you like the poems, please comment on the work of this poet. Remember, Poetrysoup is an environment of encouragement and growth so only provide specific positive comments that indicate what you appreciate about the poems of Reason A. Poteet.

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Date PostedPoemTitle# ViewsForm  
07/25/2024 Sharing Good News 60 Rhyme
07/19/2024 Horticultural Incest 39 Quatrain
07/13/2024 A Matter of When 60 Elegy
07/13/2024 A Plethora of Poetry 54 Quatrain
07/10/2024 Tactical Foot 175 Limerick
06/22/2024 We Lift Up Our Lord 80 Free verse
06/22/2024 I Am Called Ruth 92 Quatrain
06/22/2024 The Ides of March 70 Rhyme
06/22/2024 Eternal Life Starts Down Here 88 Carpe Diem
05/14/2024 If You Only Knew 281 Rhyme
05/14/2024 Persevere 119 Alliteration
05/11/2024 Moments Which Inspire Silence 126 Free verse
05/04/2024 God 80 Other
04/30/2024 Yield to the Light 120 Other
04/30/2024 Life - acrostic 100 Acrostic
04/15/2024 Saved - Redeemed 169 Rhyme
04/15/2024 Squaring Things Away 162 Quatrain
02/29/2024 My New Foster Mom 176 Tanka
02/29/2024 Corpus Christi 1 169 Rispetto
02/29/2024 The Tree of Life 114 Rhyme
02/24/2024 Figment of Fabrication 140 Verse
01/29/2024 Love and Grace 'Twill Show the Way 182 Kyrielle
01/27/2024 Pearl of the Orient 232 Free verse
01/09/2024 The Light Shines in Jars of Clay 281 Quatrain
01/06/2024 Voice of Restraint 157 Monchielle Stanza
01/05/2024 Joy at Last 203 Monorhyme
01/02/2024 Freedom's Fate 2023 163 Sijo
12/25/2023 On Giving Gifts 183 Limerick
12/14/2023 We Don't Know 99 Rhyme
11/22/2023 Arise and Shine - Salvation 232 Verse
11/13/2023 I Believe in God 142 Couplet
11/09/2023 Refill My Cup 187 Tetractys
11/09/2023 Honesty Take Three 133 Rhyme
11/09/2023 On Appreciation 172 Limerick
11/03/2023 The Last Organ Grinder 219 Rhyme
10/30/2023 Robes of Righteousness 251 Kyrielle
10/24/2023 You Shall Know 262 Rhyme
10/24/2023 Recital 106 Free verse
10/18/2023 Abc Reflections 197 Free verse
09/26/2023 S -Stewards 116 Verse
09/21/2023 Light Rises On Her Passage 162 Free verse
09/11/2023 I Thirst For God's Word 106 Monorhyme
09/11/2023 Family, My Safe Place 200 Tristich
08/01/2023 The Extra-Mile Defined 250 Verse
07/31/2023 Anchors Without Rancour 145 Roundel
07/14/2023 Kids 186 Roundel
07/11/2023 Summer Comparisons 227 Sonnet
06/08/2023 Moments Before the Storm 169 Free verse
05/31/2023 Self-Existent Light 225 Verse
05/25/2023 Poem For Today 243 Acrostic
05/16/2023 Losing Touch 587 Free verse
05/15/2023 New Song, Christ Is Worthy 442 Cinquain
05/13/2023 Zillions of Prayers 413 Rhyme
05/08/2023 Continental Shift 331 Sonnet
05/06/2023 Wrinkle, Wrinkle 565 Rhyme
05/04/2023 Yellow 511 Haiku
05/03/2023 Strangely Satisfied 549 Free verse
05/02/2023 Table Talks 513 Verse
05/01/2023 Mark and Luke On Love 389 Rhyme
04/28/2023 On This Grayish, Black and White Day 335 Rictameter
04/27/2023 St Kilda, Scotland 387 Tetractys
04/24/2023 Creation's Colours - Colab 403 Rhyme
04/17/2023 Tall Straight Pines 564 Quatrain
04/12/2023 Norwegian Beaches 615 Acrostic
04/12/2023 My Tumor and I 428 Tanka
04/12/2023 Look For Dad 341 Verse
04/06/2023 Pond 448 Verse
04/06/2023 Refuge - Natures Heartland 503 Cinquain
03/25/2023 Ominous 357 Monorhyme
03/23/2023 Reunion Fun 550 Rhyme
03/22/2023 Aerobics Class 460 Verse
03/22/2023 Nothing 501 Free verse
03/21/2023 The Way Narrows 364 Quintain (English)
03/16/2023 Lullaby 451 Free verse
03/11/2023 Nature's Kaleidoscope 328 Free verse
03/08/2023 Edelweiss 731 Acrostic
03/08/2023 Mercy's Crystals 350 Crystalline
02/23/2023 Goodbye 636 Quatrain
02/18/2023 Eulogistics 435 Rhyme
02/18/2023 It's Time To Meet the Neighbors 364 Rhyme
02/17/2023 Funeral 525 Quatrain
02/10/2023 Molding Young Minds 420 Rhyme
02/04/2023 Chaotic 413 Cinquain
01/28/2023 Triune God 409 Other
01/24/2023 True Valentines Celebrate 197 Rhyme
01/22/2023 All Hands On Deck 400 Sonnet
01/19/2023 Eagle Quote 157 Free verse
01/19/2023 Ego-Eimi 371 Free verse
01/14/2023 Harmageddon 194 Senryu
01/12/2023 Christmas Begets Easter 277 Sedoka
01/12/2023 Writer and Reader, Out of Sync 335 Diamante
01/12/2023 Puppy's Prayer 201 Quatrain
01/03/2023 In Honor of Milt 301 Light Verse
12/30/2022 The Best Gift 357 Monoku
12/27/2022 Zealots Speak 283 Rhyme
12/13/2022 December's Yalto of Praise 459 Verse
12/12/2022 Christmas Parade Floats 361 Acrostic
12/09/2022 A December Memento 531 Quintilla
12/07/2022 Experiment, Excitement, Excuse 276 Rhyme
12/07/2022 What Whimsy Webs We Weave 383 Quintilla


Quote Left So you have your enemies, your enemies have you. Make it worth their while. Quote Right
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Quote Left Hail fellow, speak what you believe and watch your deeds, lest you deceive by conduct, values you profess. Caprice, says spider, spins in stress a whimsy-web, not worth the weave. from my poem WHAT WHIMSY WEBS WE WEAVE, posted at Poetry Soup Reason A. Poteet Quote Right
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Quote Left May the residue of my living be as fallen leaves from a tree, rich compost. Reason A. Poteet Quote Right
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Quote Left Special gift. the gift of yourself, modeled by our Lord Jesus. Reason A. Poteet Quote Right
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Quote Left Following acts of terror rapt within their spell, volunteers move in concert kindness starts to swell. Midst deeds so heartless passersby watch stars appear, cursing the darkness. Reason A. Poteet Quote Right
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Quote Left Christmas comes and goes. But the Christ? He lasts all year long, every year. Reason A. Poteet Quote Right
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Quote Left Winded by narcissism, your diatribe might rank an E-2. Weakened by arrogance, its force does no damage on its path askew. Reason A. Poteet Quote Right
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Quote Left Breakneck words that berate can echo back again and again. Reason A. Poteet Quote Right
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Quote Left Christian poets are like the winds of God's spirit that waft through these airways whispering wisdom. Reason A. Poteet Quote Right
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Quote Left Many dreamers and doers in DC paralyze themselves in politics as paid patrons of power. Reason A. Poteet Quote Right
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Quote Left The eyrie is miles away; egg shells lie in my yard. Eagles? not your ordinary birdbrain. Reason A. Poteet Quote Right
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Quote Left My sun shone brighter tomorrows when the thought that meek is weak was proven wrong. Reason A. Poteet Quote Right
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Quote Left Calm down. Count to 10. Now tell me what happened. Reason A. Poteet Quote Right
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Quote Left Illusion breeds confusion and puts perception into question. Reason A. Poteet Quote Right
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Book: Reflection on the Important Things