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Poems by Lisa Ricci

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Below are poems written by United States poet Lisa Ricci. If you like the poems, please comment on the work of this poet. Remember, Poetrysoup is an environment of encouragement and growth so only provide specific positive comments that indicate what you appreciate about the poems of Lisa Ricci.

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Date PostedPoemTitle# ViewsForm  
06/14/2024 always to be whole Darren White 230 Free verse
05/02/2024 such reactions 244 Free verse
04/30/2024 what we see plus 251 Free verse
04/30/2024 the beauty of life plus 176 Light Verse
04/30/2024 within immagination plus 162 Light Verse
04/12/2024 the dream 270 Free verse
04/12/2024 together we stand 146 Free verse
04/12/2024 thank you note 274 Free verse
02/13/2024 forever meaning much plus 229 Free verse
02/13/2024 one word only plus 167 Free verse
02/13/2024 to the sea plus 162 Free verse
02/13/2024 surrounding grace plus 143 Free verse
01/26/2024 under a star 334 Rhyme
01/21/2024 goddess of all waters 357 Free verse
01/21/2024 when 166 Free verse
01/20/2024 inside fantasies 182 Free verse
01/14/2024 the promise 161 Free verse
01/12/2024 a valentine flight 173 Rhyme
01/08/2024 three separate entries 304 Free verse
12/07/2023 only a thought away 564 Free verse
12/05/2023 in the midst of magic 298 Free verse
12/05/2023 time stands still 181 Free verse
12/04/2023 our song 279 Free verse
12/03/2023 loving moments 341 Light Verse
11/29/2023 still a game of clue 254 Light Verse
11/21/2023 not a poem but concern for anil deo 250 Free verse
11/21/2023 as seasons circle 278 Free verse
11/15/2023 of souls by souls for souls 256 Light Verse
11/14/2023 these things at night 226 Light Verse
11/09/2023 above the clouds 189 Light Verse
11/01/2023 Dancing With Butterflies 198 Free verse
11/01/2023 Love Letters 203 Light Verse
10/28/2023 Far and Wide We See 170 Free verse
10/28/2023 Feathered Dreams 165 Light Verse
10/23/2023 If We Play Our Cards Right 217 Light Verse
10/21/2023 Unkissed Rose 218 Light Verse
10/21/2023 Temptations 272 Acrostic
10/20/2023 Landscapes 229 Quatrain
10/14/2023 Are We 212 Free verse
10/13/2023 Essence of Moons 182 Light Verse
10/06/2023 There Are Times 215 Free verse
10/05/2023 Unexplainable 331 Light Verse
10/05/2023 A Cabaret Life 198 Light Verse
10/03/2023 A Thank You Note Not a Poem 336 Free verse
09/10/2023 Dreams of Visions 180 Light Verse
09/10/2023 Unfading Music 356 Free verse
09/09/2023 Longing For Autumn 177 Light Verse
09/09/2023 Bless the Beast 154 Free verse
09/06/2023 Standing With You 257 Free verse
09/06/2023 A Silly Notion 153 Free verse
09/04/2023 Gracefully Gliding 182 Light Verse
08/31/2023 Properly Dressed 157 Light Verse
08/30/2023 Says the Butterfly 240 Light Verse
08/24/2023 Everything 196 Free verse
08/23/2023 Please Don'T 166 Free verse
08/23/2023 Gone With the Wind 178 Free verse
08/11/2023 A New Theme Song 183 Free verse
08/10/2023 Heavenly Hugs 187 Light Verse
08/08/2023 Report From Heaven 198 Light Verse
08/03/2023 The Wolf Cry 157 Light Verse
07/31/2023 Soaring Through Rainbows 281 Abecedarian
07/30/2023 Through Rising Suns 139 Free verse
07/29/2023 If Not For Sky 163 Light Verse
07/28/2023 For Every Emotion 207 Light Verse
07/27/2023 Wherever You Are For Victor 182 Light Verse
07/27/2023 In a World Far Away 188 Free verse
07/25/2023 Sing Me a Song 157 Light Verse
07/24/2023 Our Strange Duet 214 Acrostic
07/20/2023 As Sands Fall 214 Light Verse
07/19/2023 Because We Can 196 Rhyme
07/08/2023 Great Beauty 182 Light Verse
07/06/2023 Unexplainable Hold of Us 294 Free verse
07/03/2023 Reason Is 354 Free verse
07/01/2023 If I Had a Choice 555 Light Verse
06/30/2023 Moments of Your Time 296 Light Verse
06/29/2023 Smile 226 Light Verse
06/27/2023 A Beautiful Moment 316 Rhyme
06/24/2023 Greatly High 245 Light Verse
06/22/2023 The Legend of Golden Roses 354 Free verse
06/22/2023 Music Moves 220 Free verse
06/17/2023 Cats and Hats 296 Limerick
06/15/2023 Reflective Risings 245 Light Verse
06/13/2023 Her Song 181 Rhyme
06/10/2023 Let It Rain 224 Light Verse
06/09/2023 This Wondrous World 161 Light Verse
06/08/2023 Such Is the Blessing 155 Light Verse
06/06/2023 The Impossible Dream 364 Free verse
06/06/2023 And You Know It 235 Free verse
05/17/2023 Beauty Surrounds 621 Light Verse
05/16/2023 Coffee At Three 651 Light Verse
05/12/2023 Show and Tell of Love 623 Free verse
05/10/2023 I'Ll Whisper In a Note 679 Light Verse
05/10/2023 I Hold a Rose You Gave Me 504 Acrostic
05/09/2023 Graces of Life 400 Light Verse
05/02/2023 Sparkling Wine 372 Light Verse
05/01/2023 Invisibly 285 Free verse
04/17/2023 Our One and Only Soul 515 Light Verse
04/17/2023 Keepers of Secrets 401 Light Verse
04/13/2023 I'M Tired 412 Free verse
04/11/2023 Summertime Splashes 413 Acrostic

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry