Meenakshi Raina is a Canadian author and a Kashmiri Pandit. Her debut historical fiction 'The Divine And The Destiny' is based on the mass exodus of Kashmiri Pandits in 1990. She is also a contributing author for the recently published non-fiction 'A Long Dream of Home'.
Meenakshi was born in Jammu but lived her childhood years in Kashmir Valley. After the turmoil in the Valley in 1990, she migrated to Jammu and did her graduation in science from Camp College, Jammu and her post-graduation, Master of Management Studies (M.M.S) from University of Mumbai. She qualified the UGC, NET (National Educational Test) for Lectureship and also worked as a lecturer in India. She migrated to Canada in the year 2001, and lives with her husband in Toronto, Canada. Since her childhood, writing poems has been her passion in both Hindi and English languages. ‘Far In The Meadows’ is her debut poetry collection.
‘Far In The Meadows and other poems’ – available on AMAZON is a collection of selected ninety poems that revolve around three segments - Love, Life and Longing. My hybrid identity as an Indo-Canadian creates a unique fusion of imagery from far East and West lands. These poems are an attempt to bring the trials and tribulations, nature and beauty, love and loss in one spectrum. Readers will experience a rollercoaster ride full of emotions and lessons from life. There are poems that bring hope and delight along with the poems that confront pain and endless longing. Conventional rhyme, free verse and numerous other styles of poetry are woven together to create a variety for readers. Different facets that life has to offer can be seen on a literary landscape and I am sure it would appeal to all the readers in general and poetry lovers in particular.